
作者&投稿:第饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The United States is the world's largest economy, has a very high standard of living of the national per capita gross national product of more than 40,000 U.S. dollars, the highest in the world, the world's most affluent, the most economically developed and the living standards of the highest in the world. Economies of both capitalism and the characteristics of the mixed economy.

In all regions of the country, different center of gravity of economic activity. For example: New York City is a financial, shipping, publishing, broadcasting and advertising industries at the center of the world's leading economic center; is a Los Angeles recording, film and television production center and North America in the West Bank and the Asia-Pacific economic center; San Francisco Bay Area and the Pacific Northwest coast is a technology development center, Silicon Valley is the world's high-tech and scientific research centers; the Midwest is the center of heavy industry, is well-known Detroit Motor City, Chicago is the region's financial and commercial center; to the south-east Medical research, tourism and the construction industry as the main industry and because of its salary costs lower than other regions, the manufacturing sector continued to attract investment.

U.S. service sector, especially in the financial sector, shipping, insurance and business services sector accounted for the largest proportion of GDP accounted for, three-quarters of the country's labor in the service industry [36], but also the world leader in New York City is not only a national The first and largest economic center, is one of the world's leading financial, shipping and service center. American education is the most important one of Economy, Trade and Industry, attracted many students from all over the world come here especially for education, but also absorb a lot of talent. The United States has abundant mineral resources, including gold, oil and uranium, but many of the energy supply are dependent on foreign imports. The United States is the world's largest agricultural exporting countries, mainly agricultural products, including corn, wheat, sugar and tobacco, the Great Plains in the central and western areas of agricultural production so that it astonishing as the "granary of the world" [37]. U.S. industrial products include the automotive, aircraft and electronic products. The United States also have well-developed tourism industry, ranking third in the world [38]. U.S. aircraft also, iron and steel, electronic equipment and arms of the major exporting countries.

The nation's largest trading partner is adjacent to Canada (19%), China (12%), Mexico (11%) and Japan (8%), followed by a day, up to about 1,100,000,000 U.S. dollars worth of products flow through the United States and Canada The national boundaries. The U.S. economy is considered to be the world's largest and most important economies. U.S. economy is highly developed, the world's countries with currencies pegged to the dollar, while the U.S. stock market is considered a barometer of the world economy.


The feelings of human beings is as various as their expressions.Different expressions can make different effects,Therefore,it,s an important life skill to master emotion expression in a right way.Today,let,s discuss something about that.

there are three ways of emotion expressing.

1.facial expression.

Facial expression is an important communical way with no languages.As well,it may cause a kind of natural mood as well as a way to make everyone understand easily.
Artists always show character feelings by describing their personal expression.

One ear; the only ear 都行


One of ear...

an ear

耳朵 英文怎么读
2、vi.抽穗;(美俚)听见 When the rain stopped, the seedlings shot up and began to ear.雨停之后,秧苗很快地长了起来,开始抽穗。三、词源解说:直接源自古英语的eare,意为耳朵。四、经典引文:He listened to their difficulties with an impatient ear.他不耐烦地倾听他们的困难。出自:fig....

西方谚语英文 上帝给我们两只耳朵,却只给了一张嘴巴,其用意是要我们少...
God gave us two ears and only gave a mouth, it is our intention to speak less and listen more


耳朵的英语:ear 读音:英 [ɪə] 美 [ɪr]n. 耳朵;穗;听觉;倾听 vi. (美俚)听见;抽穗 n. (Ear)人名;(柬)伊 相关短语:outer ear 动耳肌 ; 外耳 ear ring 耳环 ; 耳钉 ; 耳饰 ; 银耳环 Misplaced ear 移位耳 双语例句:The soap has got into my ear.肥皂...

为吏无所有 只落得百姓几点眼泪耳翻译

以铜为镜——Using copper as a mirror。可以正衣冠——Clothes can be straightened。以史为镜——Take History as a Mirror。可以知兴替——We can know the ups and downs。以人为镜——Take person as mirror。可以明得失——The gains and losses are evident。全文:With copper as a mirror...


1.桌子下有些土豆。There are some potatoes under the table 2.这两个篮子里有一些鸡肉。There is some chicken inside this two baskets 3.这棵树上有一头大象,大象的耳朵里有四只老鼠,老鼠的嘴里有八只苍蝇。There is an elephant on the tree,there are four mice in the elephant's ...

I just want to wisper beside your ear: to be all right.


天等县15220494873: 英文耳朵怎么读 -
宁命复方: ear 英 [ɪə] 美 [ɪr] n. 耳朵;穗;听觉;倾听 vi. (美俚)听见;抽穗 n. (Ear)人名;(柬)伊 短语 outer ear 动耳肌 ; 外耳 ; 翻译 ear ring 耳环 ; 耳钉 ; 耳饰 ; 泰银银耳环 GOLDEN EAR 金耳朵 ; 无损音乐播放器 ; 黄金耳 ; 提供关于 ...

天等县15220494873: 多么可爱的一只鹿耳翻译为英语 -
宁命复方: What a lovely deer 多么可爱的一只鹿耳

天等县15220494873: 电影左耳用英文怎么翻译 -
宁命复方: 你好!左耳The left ear希望对你有所帮助!

天等县15220494873: 新字一只眼一只耳打一成语 -
宁命复方: 耳目一新 【读音】ěr mù yī xīn 【解释】听到的、看到的跟以前完全不同,令人感觉到变化很大.【英文】find everything new and fresh 【日语】耳目(じもく)を一新(いっしん)する 【出处】北齐·魏收《魏书·河南王传》:“齐人爱咏,咸日耳目更新.” 【用法】主谓式;作宾语、定语;含褒义.【示例】清 文康《儿女英雄传》第二十二回:如今一上船,便觉得另是一番风味,~.现代秦牧《长街灯语·太阳光下一滴滴水珠》:“好的文艺作品,总是能够开拓人们的视野,使人~.”

天等县15220494873: 我永远只爱你一个人 用英文翻译 -
宁命复方: 我永远只爱你一个人的英文:I only love you forever 一、only 读法 英 ['əʊnlɪ] 美 [onlɪ]adv. 只,仅仅;不料 adj. 唯一的,仅有的;最合适的 conj. 但是;不过;可是 短语: only then 直到那时(后面的句子要倒装) if only 只要;要是…多好 ...

天等县15220494873: 英语翻译“它有长鼻子和大耳朵” -
宁命复方: 它有长鼻子和大耳朵 翻译成英文是:It has a long nose and big ears. 因为耳朵是一对,所以要用复数形式. ears n. 耳朵; 穗; 耳( ear的名词复数 ); 听力; [例句]His ears wiggled if you scratched his chin 如果你挠他的下巴,他的耳朵就会摆动. [其他] 原型: ear

天等县15220494873: 神童庄有恭全文翻译? -
宁命复方: 【原文】: 粤中庄有恭,幼有神童之誉.家邻镇粤将军署,时为放风筝之戏,适落于将军署之内宅,庄直入索取.诸役以其幼而忽之,未及阻其前进.将军方与客对弈,见其神格非凡,遽诘之曰:“童...

天等县15220494873: 英文歌推荐 -
宁命复方:1 经典英文歌曲100首1. don't cry--guns n' roses我所认真听完的第一首摇滚,这首歌曾唱哭了千万人.总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一...

天等县15220494873: “耳濡目染”英文怎么翻译? -
宁命复方: 1.be influenced by what one constantly sees and hears 例句也有不同翻译的Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言传.收藏指正

天等县15220494873: 狡兔有三窟,仅得兔其死耳用英语翻译一下 -
宁命复方:[答案] Crafty rabbit has three caves ,and gets rabbit it's dead ear only

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