中译英,人工,准确,不要网上直接翻译过来的!!!! 你好,我是你的中国球迷。我认识你是在巴西世界杯

作者&投稿:种萍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


fashion sensation

Hello, I'm your fans in China. I know you are in the world cup in Brazil, although the time is not long,but I was so fond of you. Because of you, I also like football. As a girl, will stay up late to watch the game, especially your game. I think you are really good, good to see you like awesome game,running on the pitch, your confidence, the way you laugh, you are so handsome, so perfect! I really love you! My biggest wish is to be able to live to see one of your game, so I will be crazy!
En...... You are so young that we have great success, I believe, do not need a few years you willbecome the first in the world. En...... Also, you have to take care of yourself, protect yourself in the field, don't hurt! For others say that you are not good do not care, be yourself, you are the best! Iwill always support you, love you, refueling!
Finally, I want to say is, I am 18 years old this year, if possible, I hope to get your blessing, so I will be very happy! Haha!
Wish you everything goes well! Happy every day!

1.我们停下来在一家 乡村小酒馆吃午饭。We stopped and had lunch at a village inn.2.(你)车开得这么快是危险的。It’s very dangerous for you to drive so fast.3.他解出这道数学题是不可能的。It’s impossible for him to solve the math problem.4.我发现他解出这道数学题是不...

so I desire to realize my dream through my hard work . And this is me.PS:“臭豆腐”这个词找不到合适的翻译,抱歉。另外 给出些建议:高三的学习虽然紧张但是要劳逸结合。英语方面循序渐进,单词是灵魂,平时可以找一些高考真题来做,遇到的单词短语还有好句子就背下来。对于数学,虽然成绩不大...

in my opinion, getting a good husband is better than getting a good job.注:fulfilled - 即“幸福的”。央视的采访“你幸福吗?”在美国被翻译为 "Are you fulfilled?"您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

Lushan as early as 6,000 years ago when human activities. Chuan-Yu made for the "Yu Gong" and later "Shan Hai Jing", both on Lushan Mountain in ancient times known records. BC 126, the Sima Qian, "Nam Theun Lushan Mountain" and "Lushan" enshrined Chi Chuan-China's first...

盯着别人的眼睛看,在一些国家是表示对对方感兴趣,但在另一些国家,是被认为无理的,对别人不尊重.In some countries, staring at sb means he could interest you.But in some other nations, staring is impolite and means not respect to others.2.美国做OK的手势,在美国表同意,在日本人年,这个...

其次是准儿翻译机Pro,这是四款产品中,唯一一款可以在精确度上同讯飞翻译机3.0媲美的翻译机,基于清华大学语音和语言技术研究中心的技术沉淀,官方发布数据显示,准儿翻译机Pro的中译英准确率已达到97%。此外是网易有道翻译王2.0 Pro,中英翻译能力也比较不错,内置有道自由的网络翻译,中英翻译中可实现对...

Environmental behavior(环保行为规范)Save water(节约用水)In the flush tank into one or two jar full of water, each flushing can save a lot of water resources. Vegetable washing or washing water can be used to flush the toilet. Most people do not environmental protection because of...

1.约翰是这两个男孩子中较聪明的那一个。John is the smarter one out of these two boys.2.路西是双胞胎中较高的那一个。Lucy is the taller twin.3.妈妈是父母中较忙的那一个。Mom is the busier one in comparison to dad.4.我几乎不能想起他的名字,是吗?I've almost forgotten his...

1.似乎他在聚会上玩得不开心。It seems that he enjoyed the party is not happy 2、天似乎要下雨了。it looks as if it is going to rain.3、她似乎相当着急。she seemed (to be) rather worried.4.、这些中那一个你最想拥有?which of these do you most like to own?5.你最喜欢哪种...

1.他想找经理接电话,可是经理不在,他只得留言(speak on the phone)He wanted to ask the manager to answer the phone, but he had to speak on the phone because the manager was out, .2.除非你很诚实,否则没有人愿意关心你(take care of)No one would like to care about you ...

大名县19159783858: 在线等翻译(中译英),要人工翻译,不要软件翻译 -
韶岚雷立: Boss:As your request,I bought 10 pcs for NO A.The price is RMB25/Piece.No B and NO C's price are all RMB 15/Piece,I bought 6 pcs for each item.but I only can get them tomorrow morning.I will send to you once I get them.Do you need them ...

大名县19159783858: 帮我中译英一下,要准确的 不要网上翻译的 -
韶岚雷立: I have very broad interests and hobbies, I like music, like playing basketball, likes to dance.

大名县19159783858: 求翻译,中文翻译成英文.一定要准,不要那种网上的在线翻译之类的. -
韶岚雷立: Eternal pri, here is a.Don't entertain wild hope can meet, beg you all well.Are you gave me warm and dream, this heart beat, only to you.You're my sunshine. I love you. We love each other!

大名县19159783858: 翻译 中译英 英译中 准确点 不要用在线翻译的
韶岚雷立: 1. 因为写的匆忙,所以这篇文章都是错误.2. 如果天气允许,我们就去世纪公园. 3. 最后那点钱用于房租后,他们就没钱买食物了. 4. 我的不连贯的英语没法让人听明白. 5. 你看到在街上踢足球的孩子们了吗? 6. Seeing from the top of the ...

大名县19159783858: 翻译.中翻英.不要用在线翻译器. -
韶岚雷立: whose coat is this?It's his.Is this her blouse?No,hers is red What's color is your shoes?My shoes are white and black This is your cap Whose bikes are those?Theirs.~~~OvO~~~~ 谢谢~!如果还有不理解的尽管追问我好了,我会乐意回答的!!祝楼主中秋快乐!>o

大名县19159783858: 中译英 不要网上的在线翻译
韶岚雷立: 1. Graduation eve, our class decided to give a present to Master Lee. 2. In the video clip, can have the photo and greetings from every classmate. 3. The video clip is easy to keep than a tape.

大名县19159783858: 求高人帮忙翻译成英文!!不要网上软件翻译复制过来,那都不通顺准确,谢谢了 -
韶岚雷立: 1.Tom上上周在哪里?他上上周在海边.Where was tom last week? He went to the beach last week.2.Jack和Linda半个小时前在电影院吗,不,他们半个小时前不在电影院.Were Jack and Linda in the cinema half of an hour ago? No, They were ...

大名县19159783858: 不用在线翻译的中英翻译软件哪个好些!!! -
韶岚雷立: 用金山或者有道都行啊

大名县19159783858: 中译英.求翻译,不要网站上翻译出来的,也不要参考译文,只要看起来像学生翻译的...
韶岚雷立: Recently, there is a lot of controversy about business cars and invitation cards in the news. I remember when I was in Paris, I noticed that their cards are by far difference from ours.In Paris, parties and restaurants are the venus for meeting friends, ...

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