
作者&投稿:朝堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

---Even since I fell in love with you, I have been changed.

Ever since 跟since 的分别在于前一个强调从喜欢上你的那一刻开始, since 也是可以的
I have been changed 用被动式是因为我是因你而改变的, 语法上I have changed 也是对的

Fall in love (with you )at the first sight .Fall用过去式,表示那一刻。全部意思同“一见钟情”。

I have fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you

The first time I saw you, I love you.

I fall in love with you the first time I met you.

When I first saw you, I fell in love with you.

I fell in love with you at first sight.

有几个汉译日的句子,哪位大侠能帮忙翻译下啊 1.今天一整天显出瞌睡的样...

我有一个最好的朋友,她的名字叫小倩,【나에게 가장 친한 친구가 있는데 이름은 소천(샤오 첸)이라고 &#...

She was too sad to say anything.她太伤心了,什么也不想说。 He hurried to the train station to catch the last train.他急急忙忙去火车站赶最后一趟火车。

翻译句子 急 在线等
1. 据说他有一个美国笔友。(It)It is said that he has an American pen pal.2. 我们正忙于为下月举行的歌咏比赛做准备。(be busy)We will be busy preparing for the Singing Competition next month.3. 为了你的家庭幸福,务必遵守交通法规。(Do)For the happiness of your family, you...

1.警察正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格(fill out)The police are busy in filling out various forms about this accident.2.我想在还车之前把邮箱加满。(fill up)I want to fill up fuel tank before I return the car.3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure)If you ...

说五周年纪念的意思就是第五个周年纪念日要说 It is our 5th anniversary today!给你一个网上的例句 这周的新闻我们将进行唐山大地震20周年纪念活动。This week in the news we are commemorating the (20th anniversary )of the Great Tangshan Earthquake.希望可以帮助你,O(∩_∩)O~...

Susan很忙,所以她一个月去看望她的父母一两次的英文翻译是Susan is very busy, so she visits her parents once or twice a month.重点词汇:visits 词语分析:音标:英 [ˈvɪzɪts] 美 [ˈvɪzɪts]v. 参观;拜访;视察(visit的第三人称单数)n. 访问...

翻译句子。 她上周末很难过。(5个空) 我爸爸昨天晚上很忙。(6个空...
她上周末很难过。(5个空) She was sad last weekend.我爸爸昨天晚上很忙。(6个空) My father was busy yesterday evening.你昨天踢球了吗?没有(8个空)Did you play soccer yesterday? No, I didn't.我上周末没有去看望外祖父母。(7个空)I didn't visit my grandparents last week...

我仅有的一点儿时间都和家人在一起度过了。The money could be better spent on more urgent cases.这笔钱用于较紧迫的事情也许会好些。I spent most time on the first question.我在第一个问题上花的时间最多。She spent most of her working life as a teacher.她一生中大部分工作时间都当...

抽屉里还有(那个东西)吗 你能给我们拍个照片吗 这餐厅叫什么名字 (然后这句你应该抄错了,应是knives )有几把刀 这的海是什么颜色 你擅长体育运动吗

文县14799404024: 帮忙翻译一个句子,第一次看到你我就爱上你了.
云知山麦: I have fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you

文县14799404024: 求大神帮我用日语翻译段话!(不要在线翻译)我第一次见到你的时候,就觉得你是个很有气质的女孩,而且后来发现你的成绩也不错,对待学习也很认真,我常常想,我要是有你这两个优点当中的一个也好啊~还有两个月我们
云知山麦: 初めて贵方を见るとき、君は気质を持つ御嬢さんと思う、それどころか君は成绩もいいし、习う态度もいい.私、常にこうして思いた、もし君の二つ长所の一つを持つならば、それも満足する.あど2カ月、私たちは... 没了=3=别怪我不翻给你.求采纳

文县14799404024: 这个句子能帮我翻译成英语吗
云知山麦:i knew you are my destiny when the fist time i saw you. would you please give me and yourself a chance to pursue the happiness? i believe i am able to give you the happiness. 我没有直接的从你的字面翻译,感觉那样说出来绝对的会chinglish的.翻译的不好请见谅啊,毕竟不是专业人士

文县14799404024: 帮忙翻译几个句子(不要翻译器翻译的哦) -
云知山麦: 1.you are the ``` in my heart.2.i take great pity in witnessing the story end, so does every one else as i believe.3.when i am confronted with drawbacks, having y...

文县14799404024: 帮忙翻译一句英语!很简单! -
云知山麦: For the dream I had last night, I decided to get away.这是第一句....

文县14799404024: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子1.小王子,你是我的希望.2.一切都是因为你的肯定,天空才如此美丽.3.我会一直爱这你,实现你的希望,疲倦的时候想着你,就擦亮... -
云知山麦:[答案] 1.The Little Prince,you are my hope.2.All because you are certain that the sky was so beautiful.3.I will always love you this,you hope to achieve,tired when you think,polished my dream.4.Please do not...

文县14799404024: 帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢 -
云知山麦: Everyday I'm counting how many days I have left to spend with you, and I am worried that time is really passing by too quickly. I feel uneasy even if I am not with you for a day, even if it is for a day.

文县14799404024: 帮忙正确翻译一句英文句子!
云知山麦: 当我找到你,我将会(为你)编写再一次的幸福

文县14799404024: 帮忙用英语翻译一个句子
云知山麦: 我也很抱歉没有时间陪你聊天 I'm also sorry for I don't have time to chat with you

文县14799404024: 帮忙翻译一个句子
云知山麦: 但你的句子是有语法错误的.它在中文是: 我将记住喜欢你教我怎么做.标准英语是:I would like to remember how you taught me.

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