翻译句子。 她上周末很难过。(5个空) 我爸爸昨天晚上很忙。(6个空) 你昨天踢球了吗?没有(8个空)

作者&投稿:蒸沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My father is busy ,he hasn't been home for a week .

I had a toothache yesterday.
Last weekend I went to the park with my parents.
Did you clean the room last night?

学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)

她上周末很难过。(5个空) She was sad last weekend.
我爸爸昨天晚上很忙。(6个空) My father was busy yesterday evening.
你昨天踢球了吗?没有(8个空)Did you play soccer yesterday? No, I didn't.

我上周末没有去看望外祖父母。(7个空)I didn't visit my grandparents last week.
我经常帮妈妈打扫房间。(8个空)I often help my mother clean the room.
他刚才没有听音乐。(7个空)He didn't listen to music just now.
你上周六去哪里?我去远足。(9个空)Where did you go last Saturday? I went hiking.
我叔叔昨天下午在书房看报纸。(9个空) My uncle was reading the newspaper in the study.

She was sad last weekend.
My father was busy yesterday evening.
Did you play football yesterday?No,I didn't.
I didn't go to see grandparents last weekend.
I often help my mother clean the room
He did not listen to the music.
Where did you go last weekend?I went hiking.
My uncle read newspapers in the study yesterday afternoon.

I didn't see my grandparents last weekend
I always help my mother cleaning the room
He didn't listen to music just now
Where did you go last satarday, I went hiking
My uncle read newpaper in reading room yesterday afternoon

My uncle is reading the newspaper in the library yesterday afternoon.Your last Saturday to go where? I go hikingHe did not listen to music.I often help my mother clean the roomLast weekend I did not go to visit my
grandparentsYou played football yesterday? No.My father is very busy last night.Her last
weekend was very sad

I didn't visit my grandparents last weekend.
I usually help my mother clean the room.
He didn't listen to music+刚才(好像还没学过诶,sorroy)
Where did you go last Saturday?---I go hiking
My uncle is reading the newspaper in the library yesterday afternoon(我糊涂了?)

未央区13240049444: 伤感英文短句 并注中文 不要百度翻译或者其他什么翻译的软件翻译的 -
壹翟青霉: 英语伤感短句 1、I give you my heart, please don't also came back. 我把我的心给你了,请你不要再还回来了. 2、Or a person continue to lonely down,don't need anyone Li frets. 还是一个人继续孤单下去,不需要任何人怜唳. 3、I loved you. I ...

未央区13240049444: 有些句子不会,请大家帮忙翻译
壹翟青霉: In 1 of these photos must not belong to her 2 this blue bike may be her 3.Tom didn't pass the exam, he must be very sad 4 if I were a teacher, I must be strict with the students 5 he would rather wait is not willing to handle their problems in 6 he does ...

未央区13240049444: 请各位好心大侠帮我翻译下英语句子
壹翟青霉: FYI! 1:他累了 He is tired. 2:好主意 Good idea. 3:太糟糕了 It's too bad, 4:我认为如此 I think so. 5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably. 6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter. 7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴...

未央区13240049444: 写5个周末都干什么的英语句子 -
壹翟青霉: i went to the beach the week before last week.i made sandcasle with my niece.it was very joyful.i enjoyed the fabulous scenery. And i just fall in love with there

未央区13240049444: 介绍一次自己难忘的周末吧(至少五句话)用英语怎么写? -
壹翟青霉: Last weekend I was very busy. I helped my mother do the housework. Because I thought it was very hard for her to clean the whole house by herself. After that, I played table tennis with my friends. l thought it was good for our health. At last,I went to the ...

未央区13240049444: 能帮忙在翻译几个句子吗 1她不想看电视 2他想踢足球 3我认为京剧不是无聊的 4每逢周末 -
壹翟青霉: 1、 她不想看电视. 翻译为:He/she doesn'want to watch TV. 2、他想踢足球. 翻译为:He/she wants to play soccer .(football)3、我认为京剧不是无聊的. 翻译为:I don't think Beijing Opera is boring.4每逢周末 翻译为:every weekend.

未央区13240049444: 将下列句子译成英语,必须用上所给提示词 她感到很伤心.因为她数学考试不及格.(feel ,sad ,.将下列句子译成英语,必须用上所给提示词1.她感到很伤心.因... -
壹翟青霉:[答案] She felt sad because her maths exam failed. He studies as hard as me. My mother thought it was not important to learn History as English. He was not used to get early. Just now the teacher seemed to be very angry.

未央区13240049444: 伤感的句子,英文带翻译的,谢谢 -
壹翟青霉: 你伤透了我的心 You broke my heart

未央区13240049444: 今天你很忙,周五怎么样英语翻译上周六晚我去看电影了他在第五中学学习那位老太太看起来很悲伤他们在找什么我想享受这个周末 以上这些都翻译,帮帮忙... -
壹翟青霉:[答案] 1. You're so busy today, how about Friday?2. I went to the movies last Saturday.3. He studies in the No.5 Middle School.4. That old lady looks so sad. 5. What are they searching for?6. I really want t...

未央区13240049444: 翻译英语句子.急急急!!!
壹翟青霉: 1. I heard that you I am very poor health. 2. Learn English is very important. 3. Our teachers sore throat, and perhaps she was a fever. 4. I have a lot of pressure because my spoken language is not self-improvement. 5. She needs to relax, but she has ...

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