
作者&投稿:闫侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

110 大学入学考试
111 作为一名工程师
112 照顾好自己
113 独子
114 不像中国家庭
115 照顾好他们的父母
116 已结婚的子女
117 一同生活的四代人
118 洗脸;洗餐具
119 不再
120 不能控制
121 与某人相处很好
122 看起来怎样
123 在某种领域的王
124 家乡
125 一直在想
126 与什么非常不同
127 在农田里干农活
128 就像你知道的
129 收获的季节
130 现在
131 在我的梦里
132 跑过
133 深深地被打动
134 曾经
135 享受生活
136 在太阳下
137 进入竞争
138 金杯
139 接近
140 在去什么的路上
141 远离
143 没有更多的麻烦
145 曾经做什么
146 挂起来
147 在什么上画

1:布莱克一家 The Blakes or The Black family
2:在中午 At noon
3:患感冒 catch a cold,have a cold,get a cold
4: 玩得愉快 enjoy yourself,have a good time, have fun,have a nice day
5: 按时 on time (注意 in time 及时)
6:生病住院 In hospital(注意 in the hospital 在医院工作)

76.how do you find your life你觉得在~的生活怎么样?
77.Chinese dumpling 中国饺子
78.make yuanxiao做元宵
79.help yourself to随便吃点,请自便
80.make yourself at home别拘束
81.eat as much as you like想吃就吃
82.go back home回家
83.in the future将来
84.see Charlie off跟Charlie告别
85.grow up长大
86.get married结婚
87.show sb around带某人转转,领某人参观
88.interesting places有趣的地方
89.the Great Bell Temple大钟寺
90.the Great Wall长城
91.the Palace Museum故宫
92.fetch the breakfast吃早饭
93.keep early hours早睡早起
94.a bottle of vinegar一瓶醋
95.a little quicker快一点
96.take your time抓紧时间
97.receive him接受他
98.a childlike father小孩般的父亲
99.haven’t got school没上学
100.forget about it忘了吧
101.follow her husband around 到处跟着她丈夫
102.come back from home从家里回来
103.do the housework做家务
104.lend a hand 帮忙
105.wash up the dishes 刷盘子洗完
106.a Chinese couple中国夫妇
107.share the same interests with him和他拥有共同爱好
108.called on拜访
109.stay up late 熬夜

76.how do you find your life你觉得你的生活怎么样?
81.eat as much as you like想吃多少吃多少
96.take your time不急慢慢来
99.haven’t got school还没到学校
105.wash up the dishes 洗盘子
106.a Chinese couple一对中国夫妇


汉译英 一段话 2最好别是机器翻的
楼上的 从来都是用机器翻译 垃圾。。The protagonist(hero) of "Invisible Man" is a young black man who makes every effort to obtain other people's commitments.He wants to be "visible".He used to be an " honest black guy", trying to find a place in American Industry and ...

1, I wonder whether you can lend me your computer to use or not.2,He never make a decesion without consideration.3,He is sitting the desk to ask his empolyee to what they should to do.4,It was just a rose he gave the present to her.5,It make us what we have ...

1.my reults of entrance examination for middle school is not good enough,thus i can not enter a goog high school.There are excellent students and a well condition.2.There are many outstanding universities in abroad ,If i choose to go abroad ,i will have more choice and more ...

先翻一段供你参考 【天下狂人】日复一日,他们送走我的友人,进入那阴冷灰暗的楼庭,幽居在那遥远小镇,街上的行人骨瘦嶙峋,呆在地下的是理智的灵魂。日复一日,他们告诉我可以远行,他们告诉我可以乘风,达到那僻远的小镇,它不必那样高耸,因为长路漫漫无垠。

1) It was only after her visit when she realised how little she knew about China.2) English songs are very popular with the students, especially the female ones.3) This factory fail(ed) to produce any high quality goods due to the lack of good equipment.4) It is every ...

2.数码相机中的“胶卷”其实是闪速存储器。3.正是变焦镜头提高了图像质量。4.MP3里的微处理器是如何运作的 5.汽车内的电控单元是如何运作的 6.智能卡是如何起作用的 7.现在为手机加入蓝牙芯片只需花费2美元左右 8.SIM卡使手机能够正常通讯 9.什么能够使机器人智能而不是成为另一种自动机器。10....

梦で逢いたい抱かれたい 欲在梦中与你相遇被你拥抱 あなたの爱の阳だまりに 你的爱充满阳光 花よ花花散らないで 花啊花啊花啊请不要凋谢 この世に生きる不条理に 这世上妨碍生存的阻力 おし流されてしまいそう 似乎都会被强行带走 泣いちゃいけないよわ虫と 不停抽...

汉译英 一段话 最好别是机器翻的 好的有追加
When people grow old become worthless " south beautiful woman " Blanche · Du Baoer Si, because " is not suitable " the behavior has been relieved the teachership. She only obtains New Orleans younger sister family to live. Younger sister lives in a dirty apartment. The two ...

除了要保留原有的意思外,一个好的翻译,对于目标语言的使用者来说,应该要能像是以母语使用者说或写得那般流畅,并要符合译入语的习惯(除非是在特殊情况下,演说者并不打算像一个本语言使用者那样说话,例如在戏剧中)。 翻译有口译、笔译、机器翻译、同声传译、影视译配、网站汉化、图书翻译等形式.随着IT技术、...


鄯善县17373159922: 只支持纯人工——中译英——在线等5个句子人工翻译 下列5个句子,(机器翻译的就不要回答了)1.Huguangyan National Scenic Spot 位于广东省湛江市西... -
曲罗卡泊:[答案] 1.Huguangyan National Scenic Spot 位于广东省湛江市西南18公里.Huguangyan National Scenic Spot is located 18 km away from Zhanjiang City,Guangdong Province2.那里历史悠久,风景宜人;最主要的是那里有一个典...

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曲罗卡泊: It would be better not to placel this order until we go to public.直译为在我们上市之前最好不要下订单,这种说法更符合英语中的商业语言习惯,不显得僵硬.

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曲罗卡泊: 1.in the competition of high jumping.2.The school sports meeting ends with great success and perfection.

鄯善县17373159922: 英语翻译纯人工翻译下列3句话,机器、软件的就免了,1.根据调查,目前中小学生中常出现身体多病、近视、晕倒等现象2、随着社会的发展,中小学生面临... -
曲罗卡泊:[答案] 【您好,纯人工翻译,请指正:】1.Accroding to the survey,primary and middle school students appear some phenomenons like ill-health,eye-sighted and fall in a faint at present.2.With the development of so...

鄯善县17373159922: 英汉互译 翻译词组翻译下面的词组1.为...检查现场2.一份有趣而且收益不菲的工作3.有罪的4.被指控5.闯入6.气喘吁吁7.在案发时8.提供5万元的奖励9.导致不要... -
曲罗卡泊:[答案] 1 as...Inspect site 2.An interesting and earns well work 3 guilty. 4Accused of 6 break Into 6Buttfly.you 7At the time of the crime 8.To provide 5 million yuan of award 9Leads to

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曲罗卡泊:[答案] 1.According to investigation, at present primary and middle school students often appears ill-health, myopia, fainting wait for a phenomenon 2.With the development of society, the elementary and middle school students facing more and more pressure, ...

鄯善县17373159922: 翻译高手进、机器翻译不要 -
曲罗卡泊: Hello, I have many friends only I know in most times I'm still the one I uesd to be No one really knows how I'm afraid of being old. I am , indeed I'm...

鄯善县17373159922: 请根据词组翻译句子.不要用翻译机器. -
曲罗卡泊: Creating a brand needs time, money and market savv. Some Chinese brands on the back of competitive prices have squashed into the international market, but also use other strategies at the same time. For example ,"Haier"-China's famous ...

鄯善县17373159922: 英文翻译成中文,不要机器翻译的 -
曲罗卡泊: 1. For Type A and D. For these lines only want to have tooling made so can make 1 part and not other part. For instance if only have order for 2" A type do not want...

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