
作者&投稿:主昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. the trip to Europe must include Paris
2. the factory is abandoned after being burnt down
3. The Pearl Tower overlooks the Huangpu River
4. The new park in our neighbour is taking its shape
5. It took ten years to finish this construction
6. The Jewel Show has small admission everyday
7. Do you know how many people can this stadium hold?
8. We should help to preserve the old buildings in Shanghai
9. The Great Pyrimids is not great until you can see it

Another week has gone. Maybe it is the National holidays that make me tired. We finally finished the training of the new broadcast exercise routine, which I'm really happy about since I don't need to practice them any more. We got a new teacher for our Chinese language lecture, who is a beautiful lady. We got a lot in common. I like her very much. I also really admire our mathematics teacher. He's such a conscientious teacher that he comes to our class every noon to give us a lecture. It'll be the campus sports meeting next week. I'm looking forward to it. I feel that I have such a wonderful life.

1) It was only after her visit when she realised how little she knew about China.
2) English songs are very popular with the students, especially the female ones.
3) This factory fail(ed) to produce any high quality goods due to the lack of good equipment.
4) It is every citizen's responsibility to protect our environment.
5) Please make a decision as soon as possible/soon or you'd miss this great opportunity.
6) You will not succeed in your studies unless you work and strive hard.

PS: 其实第5题, 要是没有 'or' 的话, 句子可翻译为 "You should make a decision soon lest you miss this great opportunity" 或 "You should make a decision soon otherwise you'll miss this great opportunity". 我觉得会更顺. 还有第6题, 要是没有 'not... unless' 的话, 句子可翻译为 "There are no shortcuts when it comes to studying. You'd have to work hard in order to succeed".

勿抄袭! 谢谢! (:
我是受英文教育的, 应该OK. 祝好运! ^^

1. Only when she came to China, could she realized that she knew very little about China.
2. English songs are very popular with students, especially with girls.
3. Because of the shortage of good equipment, the factory fail in producing high quality products.
4. It is the duty of every citizen to protect the environment.
5. Please make the decission as soon as possible or you will miss the good opportunity.
6. There is no short cut in the study. You won't succeed unless you work hard.

Only have she came to China,she had recognized that how shallow she is
English songs are very popular among students,especially girls students.
Because of haven't good quality ,the factory can't product high lever goods
It is a duty for every citizen that protect our environment
Please you to make the decision as early as you can ,or you will dismiss the choice
No short cut you can go on studing ,you can't get success unless you work harding for sutdy.

中翻英100分在线等 机器翻译免进
谢谢你的更新。Thanks for your update.关于M的设计,其实我的观点和你一致,而且我也很明白最后的这个版本(S)对方只是在敷衍我们,毕竟前一个版本的画图设计对方用了差不多一星期,而这次只用了3小时,在不确定因素太多的情况下,供应商不愿意投入很多资源进行初期的配合这也是很正常的事;关于模具及...

he was that he throw the toys on the ground which became pieces 8 He stood there for half an hour, staring at the stars in the sky 9 The young man began to walk slowly after the old man 10 He went to London, wishing to became a famous painter.纯手工翻译,望采纳 8 ...

求中翻英(拜托勿用百度和其他机器翻译) 谢谢!!!
He used to have a bias against Ireland - the country he came from, and his compatriots. He focussed on European countries' cultural achievement.他以前对自己的国家爱尔兰有偏见,看不起爱尔兰人,他重视欧洲国家进步的文化。The snow has presented him a feeling beyond his origin, and ...

After P arrived in Shanghai,L arranges your life quite well.She arranges you live in hotel instead of her house,because she plans to tell all things to her son after you fixed relation.Moreover,comfortable and inexpensive hotel must be registed in L's ID card,and it is not ...

5) Please make a decision as soon as possible\/soon or you'd miss this great opportunity.6) You will not succeed in your studies unless you work and strive hard.PS: 其实第5题, 要是没有 'or' 的话, 句子可翻译为 "You should make a decision soon lest you miss this great ...

1. Your suggestion deserves to be considered further.2. Because his father is an important person he thinks he is superior to us.3. Young people should be encouraged to pursue careers according to their own abilities.4. Without excellent education there would be no advanced science ...

1, I wonder whether you can lend me your computer to use or not.2,He never make a decesion without consideration.3,He is sitting the desk to ask his empolyee to what they should to do.4,It was just a rose he gave the present to her.5,It make us what we have ...

请帮我人工翻译一下越南语,图片中有机器翻 译的,但是我感觉不准,特别是...

他钢琴弹得怎样? 汉译英 要自己翻的哦 不要机器翻译 谢谢哦~
how well does he play the piano?how well 表示有多好? O(∩_∩)O


越城区15652642986: 急!中翻英,机器翻译别来...1.你一旦作出承诺,就必须信守诺言.(promise;keep one's word)2.一切都准备就绪,他们迫不及待的要启动这个项目.(be ... -
邰京弘正:[答案] 1.Once you make a promise,you should keep your word. 2.Everything is ready.They are dying to start this project. 3.To be honest,I donot agree the proposal you offered at the meeting yesterday. 4.Despite meeting some difficultiesm,they ultimately ...

越城区15652642986: 急!中翻英机器翻译别来! -
邰京弘正: 译文如下:1. As a historical and cultural city, Shanghai for its unique charm attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad. (one)2. Only continuously research unknown things, can we have a new discoveries and inventions. (has)3. If the child get...

越城区15652642986: 急,中翻英,机器翻译别来! -
邰京弘正: 1.He ignored our advice. 2. Only a few people take the existence of theatre phantom seriously. 3.As hundreds of trees are cutting down, the ecological balance is heavily disturbed. 4.It occured to me that I forget to take my credit card when I was ...

越城区15652642986: 急!中翻英机器翻译别来!
邰京弘正: 1.Boys attempted to go camping but stopped by their parents. 2.The scientist was honoured for his first discovering the new element when he was 70 years old. 3. He's a doctor of high reputation. 4.Whatever you want, I believe you! 5.They offered to help to teach in the remote mountain area after their graduation.

越城区15652642986: 急!中翻英!机器翻译别来 -
邰京弘正: 1、This megazine will be published in new design from next month.2\ Although he is brave, he hesitated when faced with such a big challenge.3、He escaped from prison and disappeared in that remote village.4\The original plan is better than the ...

越城区15652642986: 急!中翻英,机器翻译和废话的别来 -
邰京弘正: 1. People who eat a variety of diets can stay healthy. 2. There is a big difference between Western and Asian food. 3. Their first meeting proved to be the beginning of their cooperation. 4. Dad decided to make the best use of May holidays and take ...

越城区15652642986: 中翻英(小剧本),机译的别来.翻的好的追加J,难道你真的忘了今天的约会么,我好伤心啊.还记得我们第一次见面时的情景么,当时也是在这个地方,我带... -
邰京弘正:[答案] J,did you really forget our date today?I'm heartbroken. Do you remember the first time we meet?We were here.I came to this park with my little sister,only to find my wallet was stolen when we got to the gate,leaving even no money to go home.It was also a ...

越城区15652642986: 急求,英文简历中翻英.别软件翻译啊~~ -
邰京弘正: I have received a formal art education, and has good art strength and artistic accomplishment, very suitable for art design and photography. Ideologically motivated actively seek, unite classmates, respect teachers, helpful, can bear hardships and ...

越城区15652642986: 急急急!求英语高手翻译!千万别有语法错误,所以机器什么的就别来了,翻得稍微灵活一点,别太死板.谢谢! -
邰京弘正: Had you lent a twentieth of your perseverance to me, as I always expected, my life would have been different. But to tell you the truth, my life has already been changing because of you.

越城区15652642986: 【急】求高手英文翻译,无语法错误,所以机器什么的就不要来了,句子不要翻的太死板,谢谢!
邰京弘正:您好,可翻译为:Alway thinking that if I could have one twentieth of tenacity from yours,then my life would be a little different.But as a matter of fact,my life has been different for you.满意速速速采纳并给好评,谢谢! 其他翻译是错误的,没用虚拟语...

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