
作者&投稿:调莘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


clap clap hands clap, step step feet step. hands up, and now down, hands open, and turn around. little head, shake and shake, these are hands, flip and flap. these are feet, step and steck. this is wrist, turn and twist. come to gym, come to me, healthy babe, hey, hey, hey!


喜羊羊,美羊羊,Lamb Joy,Lamb Beauty,
懒羊羊,沸羊羊,Lamb Lazy,Lamb Cheer,
慢羊羊,软绵绵,Lamb Slow,Lamb Soft,
红太狼,灰太狼。Wolf Red,Wolf Grey.

别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a Lamb,

The green grass can be more fragrant ,the sky is darker blue,and the white clouds become softer,all beczause of me.

别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a lamb,
羊儿的聪明难以想像 You can't imagine how smart i am.
天再高心情一样奔放 My mood is as high as the sky.
每天都追赶太阳... Run after the sun every day...
有什么难题去牵绊我都不会去心伤 Difficulty can't make me sad.
有什么危险在我面前也不会去慌乱 Danger can't make me worried.
就算有狼群把我追捕也当做游戏一场 Wolves' hunting is only a game for me.
在什么时间都爱开心 I am happy at any time.
笑容都会飞翔 Smiles always fly.
就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Standing up after falling,never be depressed.
Any kind of weather have the strength of making me laugh.
虽然我只是羊… … Although I am only a lamb...

喜羊羊,Happy sheep,
美羊羊,Beauty sheep,
懒羊羊,Lazy sheep,
沸羊羊,Cheerful sheep,
慢羊羊,Slow sheep,
软绵绵,Soft sheep,
红太狼,Red wolf,
灰太狼。Grey wolf.
别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a sheep,
绿草因为我变得更香,天空因为我变得更蓝,白云因为我变得柔软。because of me,green grass can be more fragrant ,the sky can be more blue,white cloud can be more soft.
别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a sheep,
羊儿的聪明难以想像 you will see how clever I am.
天再高心情一样奔放 The high sky ,the happy life.
每天都追赶太阳... run after the sun every day...
有什么难题去牵绊我都不会去心伤 I won't be sad even meet difficult things.
有什么危险在我面前也不会去慌乱 I won't be panic even meet dangerous things.
就算有狼群把我追捕也当做游戏一场 Treat it as a game when the wolfs are hunting me.
在什么时间都爱开心 I'll be happy no matter when,
笑容都会飞翔 and smile can fly.
就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Won't be sad when I am falling.
have the strength which can make every one laugh happily no matter when.
虽然我只是羊… … Although I am only a sheep...

喜羊羊,美羊羊,Lamb Joy,Lamb Beauty,
懒羊羊,沸羊羊,Lamb Lazy,Lamb Cheer,
慢羊羊,软绵绵,Lamb Slow,Lamb Soft,
红太狼,灰太狼。Wolf Red,Wolf Grey.

别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a Lamb,

The green grass can be more fragrant ,the sky is darker blue,and the white clouds become softer,all beczause of me.

别看我只是一只羊,Although I'm only a lamb,
羊儿的聪明难以想像 You can't imagine how smart i am.
天再高心情一样奔放 My mood is as high as the sky.
每天都追赶太阳... Run after the sun every day...
有什么难题去牵绊我都不会去心伤 Difficulty can't make me sad.
有什么危险在我面前也不会去慌乱 Danger can't make me worried.
就算有狼群把我追捕也当做游戏一场 Wolves' hunting is only a game for me.
在什么时间都爱开心 I am happy at any time.
笑容都会飞翔 Smiles always fly.
就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Standing up after falling,never be depressed.
Any kind of weather have the strength of making me laugh.
虽然我只是羊… … Although I am only a lamb...

Xi Yang Yang, Mei Yang Yang,
Lazy Yang Yang, boiling Yang Yang, Yang Yang slow, soft, Red Wolf, Gray Wolf. Do not look I'm just a sheep, do not look I'm just a sheep, the clever Yanger hard to imagine you will see how clever I am.
Days and feel like a high unrestrained The high sky, the happy life.
Every day to catch up with the sun ... run after the sun every day ...
What is difficult to tie him down I will not go to heart-breaking what are the risks in front of me not to panic, even with wolves hunt me also as to what time the game a love happy when,
Even if it will fly a smile would fall down, get up and will never be depressed
In all weather, the power of laughter has Jiaoren

Although I just sheep ... ...

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Therefore, the management of commercial banks to strengthen the development of Personal Financial Services learning and research, understanding, and actively create the conditions for setting client manager, to enhance their training and management: a clear mandate from the outset. Client ...


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滴道区18942994869: 请英语高手写一篇初一英语短文,喜羊羊和灰太狼的可以写喜羊羊和灰太狼的人物介绍,也可以写他们的故事.记住, -
湛娥优普:[答案] Hi羊羊very smart,he repeatedly used his ingenuity to save a friend,so let too gray wolf and go up to a meeting,therefore,evil wins,however are just

滴道区18942994869: 喜羊羊与灰太狼 用英语怎么说 -
湛娥优普:[答案] 有两种 第一种:官方 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 第二种,你也许在一些其他书或者媒体上看到 Happy Goat and Big Big Wolf 但第二种其实是一种直译,所以见的不多.

滴道区18942994869: “喜羊羊与灰太狼” 用英文怎么说 -
湛娥优普:[答案] happy lamb and gray wolf 或者直接说 xiyangyang and huitailang

滴道区18942994869: 急!!!!请英语高手写一篇初一英语短文,喜羊羊和灰太狼的 -
湛娥优普: Hi羊羊very smart, he repeatedly used his ingenuity to save a friend, so let too gray wolf and go up to a meeting, therefore, evil wins, however are just

滴道区18942994869: 请各位英语高手帮忙将喜洋洋与灰太狼的主题曲翻译成英文版的,要押韵,流畅.急需,谢了! -
湛娥优普: 别看我只是一只羊.Wolf Red. 在什么时间都爱开心 I am happy at any time,Lamb Joy,Lamb Beauty.. 就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Standing up after falling, 懒羊羊. Run after the sun every day,never be depressed,沸羊羊. 每天都追赶太阳,...

滴道区18942994869: 喜羊羊与灰太狼用英语怎么翻译这个题目, -
湛娥优普: “喜羊羊与灰太狼”英文翻译为:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf,羊用goat.但要注意的是,每只羊的名字用sheep,如:喜羊羊Pleasant sheep 美羊羊Pretty sheep 懒羊羊Lazy sheep 沸羊羊Force sheep 暖羊羊Warm goat(用goat是因为暖羊羊是盘羊) 慢羊羊Slow sheep

滴道区18942994869: 喜洋洋与灰太狼的英语单词是什么准确 -
湛娥优普:[答案] Pleasant Sheep Big Bad Wolf 里查喜羊羊和灰太狼 所有羊的英文名都有的

滴道区18942994869: 喜洋洋与灰太狼的英文怎么写?
湛娥优普: Pleasant Sheep and Big Bad Wolf

滴道区18942994869: 喜羊羊与灰太狼的英文翻译.急 -
湛娥优普: 喜羊羊与灰太狼: Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf或Pleasant goat&Big big wolf;希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

滴道区18942994869: 谁知道“喜羊羊与灰太狼”翻译成英文是什么啊 -
湛娥优普: 喜羊羊与灰太狼 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

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