
作者&投稿:虫翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译几个初中英语句子 ,在线等的~

The USA team is truly very formidable, but we still could win

You have the necessity in to start before the walk to train for several months

Do not despise he, he is their grade most outstanding student, why is he despised by the people?
HOW DO You think the body? How do you maintain the health?
They live nearness that famous middle school?

1、世界正在变得越来越小。The world is getting smaller and smaller,
2、你能开得更快点么? Can you driver faster?
3、学英语时,听和说一样重要。When learning English, listening and speaking are both important.
4、工作越努力,得到的结果越好。The harder you work, the better result you will get.
5、没有人比我更了解你。 No one knows you better than me.
6、在所有课程中,数学好像是最难的。In the all courses, it seems that math is the most difficult one.
7、 Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the last decades.
8、她是三姐妹中最小的,但是也是最聪明的一个。 She is the yougest one among three sisters, but the smartest one too.
9、世界各地的人都很喜欢这部新影片。 People around the world all llike this new movie.
10、那天他像往常一样很早来到了学校。He went to school early as usual.

11、如果不努力,你就会落后。 Work hard, or you will fall behind.
12、我为我们所做出的工作感到自豪。I feel proud of what we have done .
13、明天谁值日?Who is on duty today?
14、你最好不要一个人去,那里很危险。You'd better not go alone, because it's dangerous.
15、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班火车。(两种说法)In order to catch the early train, he gets up early. He gets up early to catch the first train,
16、他在回家的路上遇见了两个陌生人。He met two strangers on his way home.
17、遇见不熟悉的单词你应该查字典。 When you meet the unfamiliar words, You'd better look up in the dictionary.

Edwars Smith has lots of sports things.
Please bring these things to your brother.
Do you learn Engilsh everyday?
She takes exercises everyday.
It's boring.
Are they in bed?
My television(TV) is on the desk.
But he never plays sports things.
He only watch sports on TV.
That is Ann,and that's Paul.
Who's your sister?
It is under the table.


第五题,boring修饰物,bored 修饰人,比如“I'm very bored now."

第六、七题,在桌上(on the desk),在黑板上(on the blackboard),在没有扶手的椅子里(如on the chair)用on,在床上,有扶手的椅子里(in the sofa(沙发))用in

第十题,"那位”that “这位”this 例如This is Jack.(这位是杰克。)





Edward Smith has lots of sports things.
Please take these things to your elder brother.(take从说话者身边带到远处去)
Do you learn Engilsh everyday?
She plays sports every day.
It's boring.
Are they in bed?
My TV is on the desk.
But he never plays sports .But he doesn`t play sports.
He only watches sports on TV.
That is Ann,and that's Paul.
Who's your sister?
It is under the table.

1.Ed - Smith, there are a lot of sports.
2. Please put these things showed your brother.
3. You have a day to learn English?
4. Her physical activity every day.
5. It is brong.
6. They do in bed?
7. My TV on the desk.
8. But he never played a variety of sporting goods.
9. He just watch sports on television.
10. Who is Anna, who is Paul.
11. Who is your sister?
12. It is on the table underground.

Edward Smith has many sporting goods.
Please give these things to your elder brother.
Do you learn English everyday?
She does sports everday.
It is so boring.
Do they on the bed?
My TV is on the desk.
But he never play any kind of sports.
He only watches sports on TV.
This is Anna and this is Polo.
Who is your sister?
It is under the bed.

1. Ed - Smith, there are a lot of sports.
2. Please put these things showed your brother.
3. You have a day to learn English?
4. Her physical activity every day.
5. It is silly.
6. They do in bed?
7. My TV on the desk.
8. But he never played a variety of sporting goods.
9. He just watch sports on television.
10. Who is Anna, who is Paul.
11. Who is your sister?
12. It is on the table underground.

初中英语句子翻译及答案 1. 汤姆说他要到邮局寄一个包裹。(drop off)Tom said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.2. 我仍然对有机会买那辆车但却没有买感到懊恼。(kick oneself)I’m still kicking myself for not buying that car when I had the chance to buy it.3...

解释句子:1.My coat and his brother's are not the same.2.What does that sign on the wall stand for?3.He often helps me with my English.4.There are twenty-four girls and sixteen boys in our class.5.Let's clen up the room together now.6.You should play football on th...

初中英语优美句子摘抄带翻译如下:1、Time is money 时间就是金钱。2、A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真交。3、Great hopes make great man 远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。4、After a storm comes a calm 雨过天晴。5、All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马。6、an hour in th...

1、 He always tells me not to play football in the street.2、He helps me with my homework and listens to my questions.3、Because of working in front of the computer for a long time in the evening, she has a poor eyesight.4、He is so humorous that he can make us la...

1 考试前 我非常紧张 I am very nervous before the examination.2 露丝今晚不应该参加聚会 Lucy shouldn't attend the gathering tonight.3 孩子们应该早点睡觉 Children should go to bed early.4 我妹妹正在她的房间里听音乐 My sister is listerning music in her room.5 对我们来说 学会自学...

5、没有人比我更了解你。 No one knows you better than me.6、在所有课程中,数学好像是最难的。In the all courses, it seems that math is the most difficult one.7、 Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the last decades.8、她是三姐妹中最小的,但是也是最聪明的一个。

1.The story itself was very good,but you didn't tell it well.故事本身非常好,但是你没法把它讲得很好.2.We thought to ourselves.我们在自己反省自己 3.Look,is this room beautiful?I painted it myself.看!那间房间漂亮吗?我是自己涂画的....


初中英语 直译或者意译句子.不要翻译器的.
把每件事情都计划得很好.She is a wonderful girl that she plans everything carefully and do it very well.2.她在公共汽车上给老人让座.When she is on the bus, she is happy to let the elder to take her seat.3.她还探访老年公寓.She often goes to visit the elderly apartment....

1, the doctor gave him some pain medicine .2, with the aim of identifying students that exist in health problems and accidents 3, Mr. Smith spoke about the importance of learning English .4, if the water is not a grain must do, we will not stop camping 5 a small number ...

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夏浅百优:[答案] 1.whether he will come 2.your name/what your name is 3.that she couldn't 4.who made 5.what goes

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夏浅百优: 1.Stay at home 2.In the holiday (on vacation) 3.visit the Great Wall 4.visit her grandfather(call on her grandfather) 5.on July second 6.all day 7.too crowded 8.go shopping(do some shopping) 9.in the water 10. have a good time (have great fun )(enjoy ...

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夏浅百优: 1 we are in the final game of basketball match,come and cheer for us2 with the supporting of the teacher, they won the football game3 Daniel is one of the most careless student in our class4 Don't forget getting on the bus at the gate of the restaurant5 the musem is free to the team of 30 students or over

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夏浅百优:[答案] 1.used to live is used to living 2.to use it(它们应该用于手机上 to be used) 3.learn easily 4.mainly types 5.had a happy /great weekend

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夏浅百优:[答案] 1.to get along with others 2.why my cellphone often has something wrong

徐汇区19757826241: 很简单,初中英语句子翻译: 1.Lucy看起来很精神. 2.这在中国很常见. 3. -
夏浅百优:[答案] 1Lucy looks very energetic. 2 It's common in China. 祝你快乐:)

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夏浅百优:[答案] 1.I can finish this work on my own. 2.Playing football is as interesting as playing basketball. 3.Luckily,Simon did not hurt himself. 4.The model of the Sydney Opera House is not as grandiose as the real one. 5.Those climbers tried to pull themselves onto ...

徐汇区19757826241: 初中英语翻译句子: 1.我爸爸不再吸烟了. My father ( ) smoke ( ) ( ) 2.别忘了给我打电话. Do not forget ( ) ( ) me. 还有作文题目,写的作文必须符合初一的写作... -
夏浅百优:[答案] didn't ……any longer to phone

徐汇区19757826241: 翻译几个初中英语句子 -
夏浅百优: Don't be late for school. Keep quiet and clean in classroom, which is good to study. Don't listen to music or play games in class, which will affect other classmates. Don't pick flowers or climb trees!

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