
作者&投稿:任司 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
初中英语 翻译句子~

They stopped to drink juice at a store/shop.


1、 He always tells me not to play football in the street.
2、He helps me with my homework and listens to my questions.
3、Because of working in front of the computer for a long time in the evening, she has a poor eyesight.
4、He is so humorous that he can make us laugh happily.
5. Now I know how to cook healthy and delicious food.
6. He grows into a healthy panda ,weighting 35 kilograms.
7.We can take measures as follows to protect panda.
8. It is one of the most important wetlands in the world.
9. The earthquake begun, and people run to different directions.

she usually asks me not to play football in the street.
she helps my homework and heards my questions.
her eyesight was sick because of working on the computer too much time in the evening.
his great sense of humor makes us laugh.
Now I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals
He grows into a healthy young Panda and weighs 35 kilograms
we can take the following steps to protect pandas
She is one of the most important wetland in the world
Started trembling of the Earth, people ran in all directions.

1. Often call I don't play football in the street. 2. He she help me homework problems and listen to my question. 3. Because night working on the computer too much time, her eyesight 4. He has a good sense of humor can make us laugh. 5. Now I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 6. He grew into a healthy young giant panda, heavy 35 kg 7. We can take the following measures to protect the giant panda 8. She is the world's most important one of the wetlands of 9. The earth began to tremors, people ran in all directions.

1.Often ask me not to play football in the street

门后有一只猫。There be句型造句?
翻译解析:there be~~这是一个通用的句型。英语中的 there be 句型表示“某地有某物”。翻译句子时,先翻译有某物,再翻译在某地。 此外,be 一般现在时常用的动词包括are、is,are 修饰的是名词复数,is 修饰的是名词单数。根据题目的意思是“一只猫”,属于单数,所以用 is。

Clouds and mist are curling up and pines and cypresses stand in great numbers on top of a mountain,tourists get a feeling which they have strayed into the fairyland.

Have you ever said I love you to anybody? what's your mood whenyou are saying? Have you thought that what is love?so every time when she looks back, you always see I am covering my face Love is a tender love letters.No matter whether I give it to others, or others ...


短句介绍自己用英语 介绍自己的句子英语带翻译
I can adapt to any situation and adjust to the changes in the environment. I thrive in a fluctuating environment.我可以适应任何环境,并随着环境的改变做出调整,可以在变化不定的环境中茁壮成长。I am innovative.I pay attention to detail and find opportunities where other people see none...

24. 如果我们不努力的话,就学不好英语。(中译英)___(1)__
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把英文歌曲《proud of you》用中文翻译一下
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- 中文句子:"我喜欢绿茶。"- 直接的形合翻译:"I like green tea."意合指的是在翻译的过程中,不只是将词语或句子逐字翻译,而是尝试表达相同的意思,以使得目标语言读者更好地理解翻译的内容。例如:- 中文句子:"他是一个有经验的老师。"- 意合翻译:"He is an experienced teacher."以下是其他...

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