初中英语 直译或者意译句子.不要翻译器的.

作者&投稿:仝瑾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My family are very excited about the trip to Shanghai
If it is difficult for you to make complete sentences , You can ask the teacher for advice。
I still dare not to speak English in class/l'm stil afraid to speak English in class
He decided to talk with friends happily(过去时啊,虽然不明显)


She is a wonderful girl that she plans everything carefully and do it very well.
When she is on the bus, she is happy to let the elder to take her seat.
She often goes to visit the elderly apartment.

1.She is so considerate that everything is arranged in perfect order.
2.She gives up her seat to senior people on the bus.
3,She visits the Elderly Apartment as well.

1. She thinks things thoroughly, and plans everything well.
2. She aways offers her seat to the old people on the bus.
3. She also visits the olds' apartment.

1. She is so thoughtful that she can arrange everything well.
2. She gives her seat to old people.
3. She also visits the home for the elderly.

1. She consider things seriously, everything plan well.
2. In her bus seat to the old man.
3. She also visit old apartment.

铁岭县15786447630: 不能直接翻译的英语句子 -
召飘奥天: 很多英语谚语都不能直接翻 要意译 不能直译 (1) Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕;一举两得. (2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手. (3) Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分. (4) It's an ...

铁岭县15786447630: 初中英语,翻译句子,汉译英,九年级上第一单元(不要翻译器直译的)
召飘奥天: My family are very excited about the trip to Shanghai If it is difficult for you to make complete sentences , You can ask the teacher for advice. I still dare not to speak English in class/l'm stil afraid to speak English in class He decided to talk with friends happily(过去时啊,虽然不明显) 我觉得比楼上好吧,大家看呢

铁岭县15786447630: 英语谚语翻译,不要直译的 -
召飘奥天: 一鸟在手, 胜於二鸟在林(最好满足於现有的, 以免因贪心而失去一切)

铁岭县15786447630: 一些初中英语翻译句子,急 -
召飘奥天: 1.I have to help my sister do some housework.2.I am not feeling too well, I need to go see the doctor.3.Please come join our party. You will have a great time.4.Tom can't go to the party. He has to prepare for a chemistry test.5.Vince can't go to the ...

铁岭县15786447630: 有时候英语句子不能用中文直接翻译过来好像Bad news has wings 但这不会影响到分析英语句子成分的.. 对吗 -
召飘奥天: 是的,翻译过程中,有时可以直译,有时却需要意译,直译就是我们所说的直接、对等地翻译.这是翻译过程中的手法,对分析过程没有影响,翻译的第一步是分析句子,所以不会影响到句子成分的分析. 句子成分分析对了,才有助于我们完全理解句子并根据中英文区别进行翻译.如:A burnt child dreads the fire. 分析句子成分的过: a burnt child 主语,dreads谓语,the fire宾语直译:被烧伤过孩子怕火.意译:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳.当然相比之下,意译更好,因为考虑到了我们中国的特有文化,翻出来的话被更多人理解也更形象.

铁岭县15786447630: 谁有直译和意译的例子,给我几个`最好有点讲解 -
召飘奥天: 这个不难啊! 直译就是直接解释每个字词的意思,不改变字词的顺序以及意思! 意译就是把字词的意思都理解到位了,加上通俗易懂的词语改变语句顺序,然后翻译出来,使人更加理解,明白!例子: 文言文:“臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯.”直译:我本是平民,亲自耕地在南阳郡,偷偷的保全性命于乱世,不求知道获得富贵在诸侯!意译:我本是平民,在南阳郡亲自耕地务农生活,只求在乱世偷偷的保全性命,不希求诸侯知道有我这个人的存在而获得显贵!搞清楚了吗? 直译就是一板一眼的翻译出来.比较生硬,而且不好理解! 意译就是随意的翻译,只要意思到了位就行.

铁岭县15786447630: 英语高手进来
召飘奥天: 翻译里面有直译和意译2种 ,直译的相对简单,只要把句子流利的词汇直接翻译出来就好了,一般不怎么需要变动成分比如 “ I am a student. 我是个学生”这类算是简单的,不能够出错.假如直译都错了,我觉得你要先反思单词记住了没有,然...

铁岭县15786447630: 怎么学习翻译? -
召飘奥天: 个人见解:翻译一定要忠实于原文,意思就是要紧贴原文翻译,但有时却不能直译,就是有些时候我们不能直接翻译出一些词汇或句子,直接翻译的结果就是生硬,不通顺,这时我们就可以意译,就是根据作者的意思,把...

铁岭县15786447630: 求这句英文的直译和意译 -
召飘奥天: 翻译如下 However, by 1675 the issue could not be avoided and by then his unconventional views stood in the way. 直译:然而,在1675年这个问题是不可避免的,那时,他的非传统观点挡在了路上. 意译:然而,在1675年这个问题避无可避,那个时候他的非传统观点成了拦路虎.

铁岭县15786447630: 翻译几个句子(意译,不要字译,翻译成英文,谢老)
召飘奥天: 1Harmony is first 2We are friends wherever you come from 3When world is the same,human will be happy together

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