
作者&投稿:崇泥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He is David.
He often gets up at 7:30.
He begins to have classes at 8'o clock.
He eat lunch at 12'o clock, and the lunch is abundant and delicious.
He has a PE class at 3 o'clock, and they often run in the class.
After school, David goes home and writes his homework and reads books, then he goes to bed.
This is the whole day of David, what about you ?


1.It's very hard for him to learn English.

2.He has got many friends here.

3.--What do you usually have for your dinner?
--Bread and Vegetable.

4.Does Tony like eating chips?
Yes,he likes it very much.

1.Where does your father have lunch?
2.Does Sally like fruit?
3.What do you like for your breakfast?
4.Bill doesn't have healthy food every day.

1.English is difficult for him.
2.He has many good friends here.
3.What do you usually have for supper?
Bread and vegetable.
4.Does Tony like chips? Yes, he likes it very much.

1.Where does your father have lunch?
2.Does Sally like fruit?
3.what do you like for breakfast?
4.does't have

2.Does like
3.what would like


所以应该用过去时的进行时态。肯定的表达为I was doing homewor last night.疑问句将be提前 9.假日里你去了哪里了?Where did you go on holiday 这里在假日,具体的某一天,介词必须用on 10.星期三他们去爬山了。They went mountain climbing on Wednesday 同上,具体的某一天,用on ...


2.仅仅是贫穷,还不能理解犯罪率上升的原因 (我不太明白你这句话的中文意思```)Poverty cannot be the only reason for the increase in crime rate.3.他只停了够照几张相片的时间 He only had time to take these photos.4.我希望他会被任命为副总经理 I hope he will become the assistant...

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品名 commidity 质检 quality inspection

HERO 英文翻译成中文有几个意思?
hero ['hi�0�5r�0�5u]n.1. 英雄,英雄人物,豪杰,勇士;被崇拜的对象 2. 伟人;名人 3. 杰出人物,中心人物 4. (小说、电影、戏剧等的)男主角,男主人公 5. [复数]-ros=hero sandwich 6. 意式小面包 7. (神话、传说中的)神人,半神 8. [口语...

cover plaster tablet 3.石膏硅钙板Gypsum silicon calcium board 4.隔音\/吸音系数Sound-insulated coefficient\/sound-absorption coefficient 5.绿色环保建材Green environmental protection building materials 6.(建材方面的)龙骨(Building materials aspect) keel 参考资料:altavista 在线翻译 ...


窝窝头一块钱四个 英文翻译如下 Wowotou one dollar four 重点词汇释义 一块钱 one dollar; buck; One Yuan 例句 那是一个炎热的夏日,我在街上跑来跑去,被汗水湿透的手里拿着一块钱。It was a hot summer day that found me running down the street with a dollar in my sweaty hand ....

龙马潭区18818471112: 英语翻译把以下中文翻译成英文:①就餐时,先让年长者入座.②给老人敬酒时,自己应先干杯.请不要用软件翻译! -
西残易贝:[答案] When we have dinner,let the elderly take a seat first. When we toast to the elderly,we should first toast.

龙马潭区18818471112: 麻烦把这几句汉语翻译成英语,别用翻译软件
西残易贝: 目前这类软件还很不成熟,如果是英翻中的你一眼就能看出“译文”之可笑,费点劲还能改得回来,若是中翻英则神仙也改不回来了.说实话,要把机器翻译的东西改通顺了还不如自己翻容易些. 比较多见的好像是金山快译, 其他还有很多小软件,到专业下载网站可以搜到,比如: http://www.skycn.com/sort/sort2031300_indate_DESC_1.html 只不过,好像所有的软件对全文翻译的质量都不是很高,大多是词对词的翻译,不通顺,让人喷饭...

龙马潭区18818471112: 请帮忙把几句中文翻译成英文下,不要电脑翻译的,要语法对的翻译. -
西残易贝: 1. I am speechless the moment I saw that amazing building. 2. We left Paris without telling anybody. 3. Tom and I are both students, so I suggest you turning to him for help. 4. You should keep quiet for celebrating his birthday even if you were so angry. 5. I spent a long time designing the room by myself.

龙马潭区18818471112: 请帮我将如下中文翻译成英文,不要用软件翻译的那种,在线等.急! -
西残易贝: 1. Designated suppliers for China steel structure 2. Dong Guan Canxing steel structure Co., LTD, Guangdong 3. Address: Xi Tailong Industrial Zone,Sha tian town, Dong Guan city 4. Telphone 5. Address 6. Fax 7. Company website 8. The website of Global steel structure

龙马潭区18818471112: 把下列中文翻译成英文,不要软件翻译的,语法要标准,谢谢!
西残易贝: In May of 1995,WangShi clambed the YuZhu,chich is 6178 metres hight.During 2000 to 2003 he clambed several times every year.On May 22th,he clambed the south face of the qomolangma and succed.

龙马潭区18818471112: 恳请哪位好心人能帮忙把下面的中文翻译成英文.(不要用翻译软件直接翻译后贴上来~~拜托啦~~) -
西残易贝: The rapid development of the world scientific technology put forward new requirements for knowledge, ability and quality of various talents. Inter-disciplinary talents of IT application are especially welcomed .Combined with our current education ...

龙马潭区18818471112: 英语翻译请将以下中文翻译成英文,请不要使用翻译软件,我觉得慢慢累积人气比一夜成名好.因为在慢慢累积人气的过程会令别人对你的印象加深,并且令人... -
西残易贝:[答案] I feel slowly accumulated in popularity and became famous overnight. Because in the process of slowly accumulated popularity will make your impression to others to deepen,and amazing to see your strengths and weaknesses and strengths,the one who...

龙马潭区18818471112: 帮忙把中文翻译成英语,不要用转换器!!
西残易贝: We are only a group of the dark factor being contaminated

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