
作者&投稿:戎诞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



(sorry, 两个地名不知如何翻译)


Let us explain the impact of the traffic development.

The traffic development cannot be discussed without traffic vehicle. From previous ship, automobile, train to metro and plane now. With the innovation of every new vehicle, it makes our life more convenient.

1.traffic impact on economy: in Ancient China, it took plenty of time for merchants to do business outside , and transportation was very insufficient. It increased costing with low efficiency. With the modern transportation, it is faster and convenient for people to buy and deliver.It savs a lot of time. The trading has been developed rapidly so that it facilitate economy to be located globally.

2.traffic impact on politics: due to the improved security of travelling vehicle, the presidents of each country can travell frequently , so that it facilitate the communication between countries, and friendship is enhanced by return.

3.traffice impact on culture: with development of traffic, it is easy to know more about the culture and custom everywhere. The friendship is improved and the culture is spread.

The world famous Qinghai-Tibet railway is the milestone of domestic traffic development. The engineers has solved global difficulty for coldness on high land, frozen soil and lack of oxygen , etc. It set up new record.

I think it bring some realistic problems due to traffic development as well, that is the traffic safety. It leads to a series of traffic accidents, the death rate is increased greatly. Therefore, we advocate that everyone should abide by traffic rules and avoid the unfortunate incident, so that we will have a better tomorrow .

Name: Yu Ke Wei Gender: Female English name: Yisa Yu

家庭住址:四川成都家庭成员:爸爸,妈妈,欧米(可唯的儿子狗狗) Home Address: Sichuan Chengdu, family members: Dad, Mom, Omi (available only son of dog)
生日:1983年10月23日星座:天秤座血型:O型身高:168cm Birthday: October 23, 1983 Constellation: Libra Blood Type: O type Height: 168cm
体重:45kg Weight: 45kg
鞋子尺寸:37码座右铭:Good Better Best Shoe Size: 37 yards motto: Good Better Best
性格特点:开朗兼安静活泼兼内敛雷人兼乖巧敏感兼善良才艺:唱歌,舞蹈,词曲创作,模仿爱好:唱歌,跳舞,看电影,网购最喜欢的歌手:王菲王若琳,陈绮贞,方大同,BEYONCE,罗志祥等最喜欢的演员:刘德华,章子怡最喜欢的电影:《东京日和》《本杰明.巴顿奇事》 Personality characteristics: cheerful and lively and quiet and introverted Lei sensitive and kind-hearted person and well-behaved talent: singing, dancing, composing, copying Hobbies: singing, dancing, watching movies, net purchases favorite singer: Faye Wong Ruo-lin, Cheer Chen, Fang Datong, BEYONCE, Show Luo and other favorite actor: Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi favorite movies: "Tokyo Day and" "Benjamin. Barton wonders"
最喜欢的水果:西瓜演艺事业规划:暂时还没有规划,做好眼前每一步 Favorite fruit: Watermelon career planning: the time being there is no plan, do a good job every step of the present

Name: Yu Ke Wei
Gender: Female
English name: Yisa Yu

Home Address: Chengdu, Sichuan
Family members: Dad, Mom, Omi (available only son of dog)
Birthday: October 23, 1983
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: O-type
Height: 168cm
Weight: 45kg
Shoe size: 37 yards

Motto: Good Better Best
Personality characteristics: cheerful and lively and in a quietLei-sensitive and kind-hearted person and well-behaved
Talent: singing, dancing, composing, copying
Hobbies: singing, dancing, watching movies, net purchases
Favorite singer: Faye Wong Ruo-lin, Cheer Chen, Fang Datong, BEYONCE, Show Luo and other
Favorite Actor: Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi
Favorite movies: "Tokyo Day and" "Benjamin. Barton wonders"
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon

Career planning: the time being there is no plan, do a good job every step of the present

Gender: Female
English name: Yisa Yu

Home Address: Chengdu, Sichuan
Family members: Dad, Mom, Omi (available only son of dog)
Birthday: October 23, 1983
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: O-type
Height: 168cm
Weight: 45kg
Shoe size: 37 yards

Motto: Good Better Best
Personality characteristics: cheerful and lively and quiet and introverted Lei sensitive and kind-hearted person and well-behaved
Talent: singing, dancing, composing, copying
Hobbies: singing, dancing, watching movies, net purchases
Favorite singer: Faye Wong Ruo-lin, Cheer Chen, Fang Datong, BEYONCE, Show Luo and other
Favorite Actor: Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi
Favorite movies: "Tokyo Day and" "Benjamin. Barton wonders"
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon

Career planning: the time being there is no plan, do a good job every step of the present


Name: Yu Ke Wei
Gender: Female
English name: Yisa Yu

Home Address: Chengdu, Sichuan
Family members: Dad, Mom, Omi (available only son of dog)
Birthday: October 23, 1983
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: O-type
Height: 168cm
Weight: 45kg
Shoe size: 37 yards

Motto: Good Better Best
Personality characteristics: cheerful and lively and quiet and introverted Lei sensitive and kind-hearted person and well-behaved
Talent: singing, dancing, composing, copying
Hobbies: singing, dancing, watching movies, net purchases
Favorite singer: Faye Wong Ruo-lin, Cheer Chen, Fang Datong, BEYONCE, Show Luo and other
Favorite Actor: Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi
Favorite movies: "Tokyo Day and" "Benjamin. Barton wonders"
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon

Career planning: the time being there is no plan, do a good job every step of the present.


Gender: Female
English name: Yisa Yu

Home Address: Chengdu, Sichuan
Family members: Dad, Mom, Omi (available only son of dog)
Birthday: October 23, 1983
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: O-type
Height: 168cm
Weight: 45kg
Shoe size: 37 yards

Motto: Good Better Best
Personality characteristics: cheerful and lively and quiet and introverted Lei sensitive and kind-hearted person and well-behaved
Talent: singing, dancing, composing, copying
Hobbies: singing, dancing, watching movies, net purchases
Favorite singer: Faye Wong Ruo-lin, Cheer Chen, Fang Datong, BEYONCE, Show Luo and other
Favorite Actor: Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi
Favorite movies: "Tokyo Day and" "Benjamin. Barton wonders"
Favorite Fruit: Watermelon

Career planning: the time being there is no plan, do a good job every step of the present

帮忙把下列句子翻译成英文(用定语从句)。 急用急用!!!
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急!!! 帮忙翻译成韩语!!! 要准确!!
急!!! 帮忙翻译成韩语!!! 要准确!! 说谎的技巧世界上最大的谎言便是信誓旦旦的说着“我从来不说谎”的大话。没有哪一个人能做到这一辈子完全不说谎,不论是善意的谎言,还是恶性的谎言,只要是与事实背道的话语,都称之... 说谎的技巧世界上最大的谎言便是信誓旦旦的说着“我从来不说谎”的大话。没有...

帮忙翻译 很急很急
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立的公司吗?如果是,在贵经营的SPA产品方面我们可以给予您很大的帮助。if it is,in your business SPA products that we can give you a great help 中国的春节即将来临,为了给客户更好的产品和服务,我们利用这个时间,spring festival is closing, in order to provide better products and service...

【非诚勿扰】帮忙进行 翻译句子(中→英) 急用
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1.This year is 2008,it's a really important year for us Chinese,for the 29th Olympics will be held in our capital--Beijing.2.Today,i mean to teach you some English about sports.3.Who can speak these sport items in English?please hands up.4.Speak these sport items in ...

katei shiken to ronbun gōkaku gōkaku shite iru. " Gakui jinmin kyōwa-koku" no yōken ni yoru to, igaku no gakui o fuyo shimasu. Xx wa iryō dīn'iguzekusu do hyōka iin-kai iin-chō shōmei-sho bangō wa xxxx 上面是翻译过来的日语,下面是朗读语音,希望可以帮上你 ...


Let's go! 我们走吧!So long. 再见。Good job! 干得好!以上三句用法没什么特别讲究的,中文怎么说英文就怎么用。Forget it! 算了!当我没说!例:Do you know how to solve this problem? ..., forget it, I think I just got it.你会解这道题吗?……算了,我想我刚刚算出来了。...

为广大餐饮行业的经营者带来了更多的利益,同时也方便了广大的消费者 This system not only improves the working efficiency but also saves a considerable amount of human resources, providing great convenience to the business runners as well as the broad masses of the consumers.纯手工翻译 ...

略阳县13984512571: 英语翻译帮忙找错!急急急!马上要!加悬赏!!! -
蔽阎泰托: 1.第一句话有些别扭,all the teachers我就觉得更好.2.they say I am funny.3第三行but大写或者but前用逗号4dynamic 形容词,应改为名词energy,the life改为my life更好些5on the one hand ,on the other hand 用法错误.这用于说明两个对立方面的...

略阳县13984512571: 英语帮忙翻译!急用!可加悬赏!急急急急急急! -
蔽阎泰托: Name: Yu Ke Wei Gender: Female English name: Yisa Yu Home Address: Chengdu, Sichuan Family members: Dad, Mom, Omi (available only son of dog) Birthday: October 23, 1983 Astrological Sign: Libra Blood Type: O-type Height: 168cm ...

略阳县13984512571: 英语翻译 急急急急急!!好的加,高悬赏 -
蔽阎泰托: do you want to do sports with lamb xiyangyang/joy?come to join...

略阳县13984512571: 帮忙翻译英语自我介绍,悬赏一百分.非常急,满意的可以追加悬赏 -
蔽阎泰托: Hello,everyone. My name is XXX. I graduated from LongChang second middle school. I'm glad to chengdu university of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture institute and protect the third class of 09 high class the students to become one. ...

略阳县13984512571: 帮忙翻译一段英语!急!悬赏!You look in my eyesand I get emotional InsideI know it's crazybut You still can touch my heartI still believesomeday you and me ... -
蔽阎泰托:[答案] I STILL BELIEVE mariah carey 玛丽娅·凯莉 You look in my eyes And I get emotional Inside I know it's crazy but You still can ... Just give me one more time And love Again I had a dream,someday you and me Will find ourselves in love Again 中文翻译: ...

略阳县13984512571: 急!请英语高人帮忙翻译段文字,翻译准确加100悬赏! -
蔽阎泰托: 我是勤劳的笔翻者~ This summer was a very sad one to me. Your leaving has broke my heart. (一楼这句话翻的对了 但是不够准确 不地道 broke my heart在这里更好表达,二楼这句话完全翻错 三楼的话不太地道也是)But the fact of me standing ...

略阳县13984512571: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子,急用!...
蔽阎泰托: 1.As our home is 150 miles away from the school,it's difficult to visit our parents there. 2.I'm pleased with the pleasant weather.However,it's not pleasing to everybody. 3.This book offers all the information that we need. 4.Tom has made great progress...

略阳县13984512571: 急、、帮忙翻译一下下面的英语句子、、、高悬赏、、快阿、
蔽阎泰托: A few days passes, more people went to Wang Peng's restaurant again. There even were many new customers. His business is becoming better and better. Yun Hui was confused, so she ran to Wang Peng's restaurant, and asked him from A to Z. ...

略阳县13984512571: 求高手帮忙翻译英语原文,可加悬赏,谢谢
蔽阎泰托: 什么文3所示.分享成像,Inc.美国公司购买了移动磁共振成像系统从Neuromed医疗系统支持,GmbH是一家德国公司,并同意接受该系统“到岸价(成本、保险、运费)纽约海港.“合同法律还规定,德国将管理决议纠纷,Neuromed将保...

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