
作者&投稿:扈富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

be on the Greek callends 遥遥无期
still waters run deep 静水流深
the Heel of Achilles 致命弱点
Trojan horse 特洛衣木马
cut the Gordian Knot 快刀斩乱麻
the Salt of the Earth 社会中坚
as poor as the church mouse 一贫如洗
drink like a fish 大口大口地喝
kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵
to carry coal to Newcastle 多此一举
the leopard can't change its spots 江山易改,本性难移
a bull in a china shop 冒失鬼
he cries wine and sells vinegar 挂羊头卖狗肉
better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion 宁为鸡头不做凤尾
he robs Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙
cry wolf 虚张声势(狼来了)
a lion in the way 拦路虎
a drowned cat?(rat) 落汤鸡
to spring up like mushroom 如雨后春笋涌起
take a French leave 不辞而别

1.第一句是出自《肯辛顿公园的彼得潘》吧,Wendy 问 Peter,她是怎样的人,Peter说她those of a devoted son,大概就是说她是一个专心的人

1.客厅,休息室 2.因为突然而来的激动而颤动
3.窥视出·· 4。残酷的坦白
5.在羁押 6.非常激动

Let's go! 我们走吧!
So long. 再见。
Good job! 干得好!


Forget it! 算了!当我没说!
Do you know how to solve this problem? ..., forget it, I think I just got it.

Forget it 也有“别想它了,忘了它吧”的意思。例:
Letters? Forget it! This is the age of Email!

Watch out! 小心!
Watch out, there's a car behind you!

Keep it up! 再接再励!不要松懈!
例:You are doing a good job in this class, keep it up!

What's new? 最近怎么了?有什么新鲜事?(见面打招呼时用语)

He is my age. 他跟我一样大。

You set me up! 你陷害了我!
You set me up! You hid the marijuana in my room didn't you?

set A up with B 也有“试图把A和B送作堆”的意思,例:
Why did you try to set me up with Helen? I don't like her at all!

所以如果你朋友请你吃饭,然后你发现这是变相相亲,也可以说:You set me up! (后面 with ... 在语境明确的时候可以省略)

I just made it! 我成功了!我做到了!
I just made it to level 4!

Let's go! 我们走吧~表示要出发时召唤同伴的。

so long:


1. So long!

2. My wife is expecting me at home. I must be off now. So long!

Good job! 干的不错!鼓励人的
Forget it! 没关系,忘了吧!别人向你道歉后你说的话。
Watch out! 小心!告诉别人留点神。
Keep it up! 坚持下去!
What's new? 有什么新闻?
He is my age. 他和我同岁
You set me up! 是你帮助了我!
7. Her father set her up in business.

8. His father set him up as a bookseller.

I just made it! 我成功了!我做到了!

Let's go!
例句: Let's go! The park is not too far away.

So long.
例句: So long. I will see you in the classroom tomorrow.

Good job!
例句: Good job! It was a wonderful basketball game.

Forget it!
A; I am sorry to bother you so late.
B; Forget it! It really doesn't bother me.

Watch out!
例句: Watch out! The dog is behind you!

Keep it up!
例句: Keep it up! You can make it!

What's new?
例句: What's new? I think you guys are so happy.

He is my age.

You set me up!

I just made it!

Let's go! 走吧.在出发做某事前,可以用这句话.
So long. 再见
Good job! 干得好.例:You have done a good job.
Forget it! 忘了它吧...不要再想
Watch out! 小心.可用look out 代替
Keep it up! 坚持到底
What's new? 有什么新鲜的(消息,情况)?
He is my age. 他和我同岁.
You set me up!你帮了我大忙.
I just made it!成功啦!

Let's go!
So long.
Good job!
Forget it!
Watch out!
Keep it up!
What's new?
He is my age.
You set me up!
I just made it!

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Drop me a line!写封信给我。Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧!For here or to go?堂食或外卖。Cool:That's cool! 等於台湾年轻人常用的囗语"酷!",表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。What's up? = What's happening? = What's new? 见面时随囗问候的话"最近在忙什么?有...

Let's go! 我们走吧!So long. 再见。Good job! 干得好!以上三句用法没什么特别讲究的,中文怎么说英文就怎么用。Forget it! 算了!当我没说!例:Do you know how to solve this problem? ..., forget it, I think I just got it.你会解这道题吗?……算了,我想我刚刚算出来了。...

to have lunch. Now I am going to call it a day and go home to have a good rest." 意味着因工作繁忙,没有时间吃午饭,决定停止工作回家休息。总之,"to call up"与"to call it a day"两个习语在日常生活与工作场景中有着广泛的用途,帮助我们更好地理解英语在不同情境下的表达。

高中英语可能用到的2000习语 2个回答 #OPPO焕新季|春夏特惠# 原厂全新备件,享受官方质保 布ule 2014-07-26 知道答主 回答量:13 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:2.9万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1.abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 3. ...

I’m up to my neck in work right now. 我现在忙得简直无法应付。5.anybody's guess: 谁也说不准、难以预料 What is going to happen now is anybody's guess.将会发生什么,谁都说不准。6.life-save:字典上都没查到,楼主自查是否有拼写遗漏 life saving:救生; life size:真人大小、...

衢州市13438646307: 急!!请能人帮忙翻译一下几句英文习语~~~~!!!!!!!! -
岳康海立: be on the Greek callends 遥遥无期 still waters run deep 静水流深 the Heel of Achilles 致命弱点 Trojan horse 特洛衣木马 cut the Gordian Knot 快刀斩乱麻 the Salt of the Earth 社会中坚 as poor as the church mouse 一贫如洗 drink like a fish 大口大...

衢州市13438646307: 帮忙翻译几个英语谚语
岳康海立: 1、To know everything is to know nothing . 样样通,样样松. 2、To mention the wolf's name is to see the same. 说曹操,曹操到. 3Let sleeping dogs lie. 别惹是生非. 4Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞.

衢州市13438646307: 谁能帮我把以下六个单词翻译成英语英语习语的七种翻译方法:直译法,意译法,套译法,释译法,加注法,补译法,改造法 -
岳康海立:[答案] 直译法literal translation 意译法free translation套译法adapted translation释译法 interpretation加注法filling-up translation补译法 supplement translation改造法modified translation

衢州市13438646307: 急啊 英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子下1.Mike 仍在学校,他在画画.2.你们什么时候去游泳?3.Lisa 没有在读书,但她通常在早上阅读.4.他们正在和英语老师说话5... -
岳康海立:[答案] 1.Mike is still at school,he is drawing.2.When will you go swimming?3.Lisa isn't studying,but she usually reads in the morning.4.They are talking to the English teacher.5.Nancy isn't doing her homewor...

衢州市13438646307: 请帮忙用英语翻译几个短语!急~~~ -
岳康海立: 1 参加一个朋友聚会 join a friend's party2 因为我的朋友们和我已经很久没有见面了,所以我很期待这个朋友聚会.Because of my friends and I have not met a long time, I am looking forward to this party of friends.3 参观KIM的家 visit Kim's home4 ...

衢州市13438646307: 有关英语习语,帮忙翻译一下.
岳康海立: 就像白天不同与夜晚一样(天壤之别)

衢州市13438646307: 帮忙翻译几个句子!急!帮忙翻译几个英语句子!急!1:读书能带给我们快乐,我们能从书本中获得知识和真理.2:我最喜欢的是《读者》,海明威是我最... -
岳康海立:[答案] 1:reading can bring us happiness,we can be gained from books knowledge and truth.2:my favorite is "reader",Hemingway is one of my favorite writer.3:let us enjoy reading it,reading can make you strong ...

衢州市13438646307: 10句英语习语(English idiom)及其中文? -
岳康海立: Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion 宁做鸡头不做凤尾 A burnt child breads the fire 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 A bad thing never dies 坏事传千里 A close mouth catches no flies 病从口入,祸从口出 A clean hand wants no washing 身正...

衢州市13438646307: 帮忙翻译几个英文句子吧,帮帮忙!1.在…的开端2.一个玩的开心的地方3.下周日4.给你指去…的路5.欢迎到…来(亲,帮帮忙吧,很急的)
岳康海立: 1. In... Beginning 2. A play of happy place 3. Next Sunday 4. Give you mean to... Road 5. Welcome to... To (pro, to help you, very urgent)

衢州市13438646307: 各位大神帮忙翻译几个英语句子、...
岳康海立:1.It will be a long time of we finish the work 2.He was busy taking care of three children


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