
作者&投稿:牟沫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

什么是“圣诞节”? Do you know what does the western festifval Christmas really mean? How did it come to true? It is said in the Bible(圣经)that it had been very dark before the birth of Jesus Christ(耶稣基督).He wasborn on the eve(除夕) of December 24,Virgin Mary(圣母玛利亚),Jesus's mother.After this, the world has its own time. Later people called that Eve as Christmas Eve(平安夜),and December 25th is call Christmas Day.People began to celebrate a new start of the world,saying "Merry Christmas" to each other. The westerners regard Christmas as the first day of a new year. This also means that if Jesus Christ lives up to now, he is 2009 years old!

圣诞树(Christmas tree)是圣诞节庆祝中最有名的传统之一。通常人们在圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物如松树弄进屋里或者在户外,并用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰。并把一个天使或星星放在树的顶上. The Christmas tree

The Christmas tree (Christmas tree) is Christmas celebration in one of the most famous tradition. Usually people before and after the Christmas tree in evergreen pine or get into the house like outdoors, and Christmas lights and colorful ornamental decorations. And an angel or stars on the top of the tree.

Dear Darling Son
& That Person You Married,
Merry Christmas to you, and please don't worry. I'm just fine considering I can't breathe or eat. The important thing is that you have a nice holiday, thousands of miles away from your ailing mother.

I've sent along my last ten dollars in this card, which I hope you'll spend on my grand- children. God knows their mother never buys them anything nice. They look so thin in their pictures, poor babies.

Thank you so much for the Christmas flowers, dear boy. I put them in the freezer so they'll stay fresh for my grave.
Which reminds me -- we buried Grandma last week. I know she died years ago, but I got to yearning for a good funeral so Aunt Viola and I dug her up and had the services all over again.

I would have invited you, but I know that woman you live with would have never let you come. I bet she's never even watched that videotape of my hemorrhoid surgery, has she?
Well son, it's time for me to crawl off to bed now. I lost my cane beating off muggers last week, but don't you worry about me.

I'm also getting used to the cold since they turned my heat off and am grateful because the frost on my bed numbs the constant pain.

Now don't you even think about sending any more money, because I know you need it for those expensive family vacations you take every year

Dear Darling Son
& That Person You Married,
Merry Christmas to you, and please don't worry. I'm just fine considering I can't breathe or eat. The important thing is that you have a nice holiday, thousands of miles away from your ailing mother.

I've sent along my last ten dollars in this card, which I hope you'll spend on my grand- children. God knows their mother never buys them anything nice. They look so thin in their pictures, poor babies.

Thank you so much for the Christmas flowers, dear boy. I put them in the freezer so they'll stay fresh for my grave.
Which reminds me -- we buried Grandma last week. I know she died years ago, but I got to yearning for a good funeral so Aunt Viola and I dug her up and had the services all over again.

I would have invited you, but I know that woman you live with would have never let you come. I bet she's never even watched that videotape of my hemorrhoid surgery, has she?
Well son, it's time for me to crawl off to bed now. I lost my cane beating off muggers last week, but don't you worry about me.

I'm also getting used to the cold since they turned my heat off and am grateful because the frost on my bed numbs the constant pain.

Now don't you even think about sending any more money, because I know you need it for those expensive family vacations you take every year.

Give my love to my darling grandbabies and my regards to whatever-her-name-is -- the one with the black roots who stole you screaming from my bosom.
Merry Christmas. Monday, October 05, 2009
Love you Mom

有些尽然在2点就打开灯,大多数都会在6点醒来虽然这时在英国还没天亮。孩子们打开礼物,一些小孩在准备早餐时就开始玩着玩具。在下午1点,圣诞餐就会被准备好。火鸡或鸡肉很快被吃完。孩子们在圣诞布丁中搜寻被藏着的硬币。剩下来的时间就是在游戏还有吃中度过的,直到圣诞假期结束 ...

后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又因为各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,于是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定为圣诞节节期(Christmas Tide),各地教会可以根据当地具体情况在这段节期之内庆祝圣诞节。 随着基督教的广泛传播,圣诞节已成为各教派基督徒,甚至广大非基督徒群众的一个重要节日...

2、Carol Of The Bells。这首歌是一首来自乌克兰的颂歌。1914年,乌克兰作曲家Mykola Leontovych创作了这首作品,它曾被乌克兰民间作为《Shchedryk》的歌名吟唱。3、Jingle Bells。这首歌是一首圣诞歌曲,在中国改变成中文版的《铃儿响叮当》。它创作于1857年,是作曲家James Lord Pierpon为父亲的学生...


圣诞节快乐!MERRY CHRISTMAS!Christmas greetings 圣诞祝贺 Christmas shopping 圣诞采购 Christmas card 圣诞卡 reindeer 驯鹿 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕 candy 糖果 Christmas Day 圣诞节 chimney 烟囱 Christmas season 圣诞节节日 fireplace 壁炉 Christmas time 圣诞节假期 (自十二月二十四日至一月一日或一月...

the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Today, a Christmas tree is an indispensable part of Christmas celebration.这个传统指的是用彩灯、金箔、花环、饰品、糖果条等装扮松树。现如今,圣诞树也是欢庆节日不可或缺的一部分。

1. Merry Christmas to you all!2. We wish you a Merry Christmas!3. I wish you all a happy Christmas!祝大家圣诞节快乐!圣诞节英文祝福语:1. Chritsmas time is for thinking of others.圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。2. Christmas time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New ...


关于圣诞节的英文故事 带中文
而且还大饱耳福,一张张会发出声音的圣诞卡使整个节日的气氛更加浓厚。圣诞节这天,指出天下一家世界大同的理想,只有以和平与仁爱的言行达成。寄赠圣诞卡,除表示庆贺圣诞的喜悦外,就是向亲友祝福,以表想念之情。以前圣诞卡的画面,多半与耶稣圣诞有关;现在?\/div> ...

圣诞节快乐:Merry Christmas 一、短语例句:1、Merry Christmas to you and your family.祝你和你的家人圣诞节快乐!2、I'm here to wish you all a Merry Christmas.我到这儿来是祝你们大家圣诞节快乐的。二、词汇解析 1、Merry 英 ['meri];美 ['meri]adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;<口>微醉的 ...

庆元县15665284832: 圣诞节手抄报内容英语60词 -
计包银屑: 圣诞节手抄报内容英语60词如下 Christmas Day On December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to ...

庆元县15665284832: 圣诞节手抄报内容(英语的,) -
计包银屑:[答案] It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate Christmas.We asked some of our friends and this is what they told us about their Christmas celebrations: Belgium On Christmas Eve,it starts with a drink and “nibbles1)”,followed by a “starter” ...

庆元县15665284832: 我要圣诞节手抄报的英文资料和内容,要短,还要有中文翻译 -
计包银屑: 一、圣诞节的英语手抄报资料及其中英文对照如下:SantaClaus,the original name is Nicholas, in the fourth century, was born inAsia Minor city of Pakistan big pull, the family wealth, parents are enthusiastic Catholics, unfortunately, his parents ...

庆元县15665284832: 关于圣诞节英语小报的资料 -
计包银屑: Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. 圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧! COLOR: #ffffff>>来源:中国节日网JIERI.ORG.CN Wishing ...

庆元县15665284832: 关于圣诞节的英语小报内容!六年级水平!急~~~~~~~快呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!中文也可以!!!!!!!!... -
计包银屑:[答案] Christmas day is on December 25,people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.Some people celebrate by ... 每年12月25日是圣诞节,全世界的人们在这一天庆祝耶稣的诞生.人们在这一天会互赠礼物.小朋友会期盼圣诞老人带给他新的玩...

庆元县15665284832: 关于圣诞节的英语手抄报 -
计包银屑:[答案] 圣诞节的由来2. 据说有一位农民在一个风雪交加的圣诞夜里接待了一个饥寒交迫的小孩,让他吃了一顿丰盛的圣诞晚餐,这个孩子告别时折了一根杉树枝插在地上并祝福说:“年年此日,礼物满枝,留此美丽的杉村,报答你的好意.”小孩走后,农...

庆元县15665284832: 求一篇关于圣诞节(或者圣诞节来历)的英语小短文手抄报用的,词数在100 - 120左右.看清楚啊,别弄多了. -
计包银屑:[答案] The name Christmas is short for “Christ's Mass”. A Mass is a kind of church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. There are special Chri...

庆元县15665284832: 圣诞节手抄报内容(英语的,不是不给分!)
计包银屑: It is interesting to see how different countries celebrate Christmas.We asked some of our friends and this is what they told us about their Christmas celebrations: Belgium On Christmas Eve,it starts with a drink and “nibbles1)”,followed by a “...

庆元县15665284832: 关于圣诞节的英语小报内容!!六年级水平!!!急急急急~~~~~~~ -
计包银屑: Christmas day is on December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. All the ...

庆元县15665284832: 关于英语圣诞小报的内容 -
计包银屑: Christmas (Christmas), every year December 25, is a traditional festival of the church calendar, it is christians celebrate the birth of Jesus

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