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Abstract: The small and medium-sized enterprise is promoting the national economy to continue to develop fast, the alleviation employment pressure, promotes aspects and so on market prosperous and social stability is playing the vital role. But in recent years because of the financial Tsunami's influence, our country large quantities of small and medium-sized enterprises was facing the crisis which went out of business. If various enterprises want to be in an impregnable position in the intense market competition, must take seriously talented person's raise and the development. This article through discussed shallowly trains the stern present situation about Our country Small and medium-sized enterprise staff, the existence training erroneous zone and the question, proposed establishes and consummates the training system, the change training idea, takes methods and so on appraisal which the staff trains. key word: Small and medium-sized enterprise; Staff training; Training present situation; Training system;


Great Zhang Shan Wolong Valley
Jin Yong : Jiangxi source is as beautiful "China most beautiful village" and "the last Shangri-la", Zhang Seven major sources of Huang Shan Shan Mountains, located in beautiful North Anhui, Jiangxi junction. Prominent peak appeared sharp altitude 1629.8 metres to the peak County, Xin'an river water is the real source. "Jiuzhi" said Zhang Shan big "Zhongling made to the network," the people claiming that "Seven Sources 1880-1939." Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley) natural scenic areas below you thousands of Zhang and mountains, rocks here peak nation comes, fly Quanpu fracture silver spit jade, ecological's original beauty, movable piece of natural splash-ink painting, a state of rapid and significant strains of barbarism Symphony, a city people always paradise bliss, a Jin Yong's rendering of the human beauty, Xanadu! Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley) node in East China has become a prime tourist line emerging tourist destination. Natural splash-ink painting Zhang Shan to Tai Shan body of a purple-red purple granite composition instability peaks and ridges, near Shek Pik legs cut so that a 2,905-node show. Zhang Shan is a large subtropical humid climate zones, 23-mm precipitation, has proved nearly 10 species of flora and fauna species, the forest cover is as high as 96.7% for the entire node become Tianranyangba. Wolong Valley node spring flowers in full bloom, green and luxuriant summer, autumn scenery make dye, winter ice sculpture jade jigsaw, four changes different colors. Valley Falls, flocks of dragon spit jade; Chain forms a splendorous contrast pool, purple mountains and green trees, white waterfall, the colour of the Tan constitute a natural splash-ink painting. Virility of a state of rapid and significant unruliness Symphony Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley), known as the "Jiangnan one mystery Valley," "stone, and in the trees, stone in water long waterfall in Yan, fly, sing-at-Hill." Canyon only 3.5 km long and 730 metres depth natural gap, a gap of the Falls themselves during high. Canyon, flying real tired, Puliuminglei everywhere is Choi collisions everywhere is unruliness of publicity, and if a state of rapid and significant strains of the symphony unruliness City people always paradise bliss "Drive into the secret forest, the river between the wild flower, remote and quiet see Quanshi, handling a total of rosy cloud" Cheng Pang Qing dynasty poet wearing big Zhang Shan poetry, we brought glamour position. Zhang Shan big injustice rich biological resources, and cool moist climate has created a fully functional natural ecosystems. To enable visitors safe, relaxed, leisure and tourism, the Wolong Valley node design and construction of several km perfect combination of the ecological environment and changing travel by road, Hulan and bridges. Embellishment in the journey is the story of the dead, the flood classically elegant and intricate stone house, making it more close to nature, close to the humanities, which were always a city of paradise bliss

Great Zhang Shan Wolong Valley
Jin Yong : Jiangxi source is as beautiful "China most beautiful village" and "the last Shangri-la", Zhang Seven major sources of Huang Shan Shan Mountains, located in beautiful North Anhui, Jiangxi junction. Prominent peak appeared sharp altitude 1629.8 metres to the peak County, Xin'an river water is the real source. "Jiuzhi" said Zhang Shan big "Zhongling made to the network," the people claiming that "Seven Sources 1880-1939." Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley) natural scenic areas below you thousands of Zhang and mountains, rocks here peak nation comes, fly Quanpu fracture silver spit jade, ecological's original beauty, movable piece of natural splash-ink painting, a state of rapid and significant strains of barbarism Symphony, a city people always paradise bliss, a Jin Yong's rendering of the human beauty, Xanadu! Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley) node in East China has become a prime tourist line emerging tourist destination. Natural splash-ink painting Zhang Shan to Tai Shan body of a purple-red purple granite composition instability peaks and ridges, near Shek Pik legs cut so that a 2,905-node show. Zhang Shan is a large subtropical humid climate zones, 23-mm precipitation, has proved nearly 10 species of flora and fauna species, the forest cover is as high as 96.7% for the entire node become Tianranyangba. Wolong Valley node spring flowers in full bloom, green and luxuriant summer, autumn scenery make dye, winter ice sculpture jade jigsaw, four changes different colors. Valley Falls, flocks of dragon spit jade; Chain forms a splendorous contrast pool, purple mountains and green trees, white waterfall, the colour of the Tan constitute a natural splash-ink painting. Virility of a state of rapid and significant unruliness Symphony Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley), known as the "Jiangnan one mystery Valley," "stone, and in the trees, stone in water long waterfall in Yan, fly, sing-at-Hill." Canyon only 3.5 km long and 730 metres depth natural gap, a gap of the Falls themselves during high. Canyon, flying real tired, Puliuminglei everywhere is Choi collisions everywhere is unruliness of publicity, and if a state of rapid and significant strains of the symphony unruliness City people always paradise bliss "Drive into the secret forest, the river between the wild flower, remote and quiet see Quanshi, handling a total of rosy cloud" Cheng Pang Qing dynasty poet wearing big Zhang Shan poetry, we brought glamour position. Zhang Shan big injustice rich biological resources, and cool moist climate has created a fully functional natural ecosystems. To enable visitors safe, relaxed, leisure and tourism, the Wolong Valley node design and construction of several km perfect combination of the ecological environment and changing travel by road, Hulan and bridges. Embellishment in the journey is the story of the dead, the flood classically elegant and intricate stone house, making it more close to nature, close to the humanities, which were always a city of paradise bliss

江西婺源Green Tea is very well known.


Great Zhang Shan Wolong Valley
Jin Yong : Jiangxi source is as beautiful "China most beautiful village" and "the last Shangri-la", Zhang Seven major sources of Huang Shan Shan Mountains, located in beautiful North Anhui, Jiangxi junction. Prominent peak appeared sharp altitude 1629.8 metres to the peak County, Xin'an river water is the real source. "Jiuzhi" said Zhang Shan big "Zhongling made to the network," the people claiming that "Seven Sources 1880-1939." Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley) natural scenic areas below you thousands of Zhang and mountains, rocks here peak nation comes, fly Quanpu fracture silver spit jade, ecological's original beauty, movable piece of natural splash-ink painting, a state of rapid and significant strains of barbarism Symphony, a city people always paradise bliss, a Jin Yong's rendering of the human beauty, Xanadu! Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley) node in East China has become a prime tourist line emerging tourist destination. Natural splash-ink painting Zhang Shan to Tai Shan body of a purple-red purple granite composition instability peaks and ridges, near Shek Pik legs cut so that a 2,905-node show. Zhang Shan is a large subtropical humid climate zones, 23-mm precipitation, has proved nearly 10 species of flora and fauna species, the forest cover is as high as 96.7% for the entire node become Tianranyangba. Wolong Valley node spring flowers in full bloom, green and luxuriant summer, autumn scenery make dye, winter ice sculpture jade jigsaw, four changes different colors. Valley Falls, flocks of dragon spit jade; Chain forms a splendorous contrast pool, purple mountains and green trees, white waterfall, the colour of the Tan constitute a natural splash-ink painting. Virility of a state of rapid and significant unruliness Symphony Great Zhang Shan (Wolong Valley), known as the "Jiangnan one mystery Valley," "stone, and in the trees, stone in water long waterfall in Yan, fly, sing-at-Hill." Canyon only 3.5 km long and 730 metres depth natural gap, a gap of the Falls themselves during high. Canyon, flying real tired, Puliuminglei everywhere is Choi collisions everywhere is unruliness of publicity, and if a state of rapid and significant strains of the symphony unruliness City people always paradise bliss "Drive into the secret forest, the river between the wild flower, remote and quiet see Quanshi, handling a total of rosy cloud" Cheng Pang Qing dynasty poet wearing big Zhang Shan poetry, we brought glamour position. Zhang Shan big injustice rich biological resources, and cool moist climate has created a fully functional natural ecosystems. To enable visitors safe, relaxed, leisure and tourism, the Wolong Valley node design and construction of several km perfect combination of the ecological environment and changing travel by road, Hulan and bridges. Embellishment in the journey is the story of the dead, the flood classically elegant and intricate stone house, making it more close to nature, close to the humanities, which were always a city of paradise

How are you? I have worried about that you , you must strengthen , insist that down very much , I have hoped that you are nice , I have hoped that plan realizing us , I do not comfort you really very much , that I speak has all been my what in the heart thinks of ...

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是看着某人活着就想每分每秒喊出来自心中的幸福感。这幸福感是没有尽头,色调的 。也许它只是一片云。Aimer c’est le ravissement face à un comportement, à une autorité qui agit, seule, autonome, unique. On ne peut aimer que l’unique.爱一个人是每当看到他\/她 孤独和独一无二的...

一箪饭,一瓢水,住在简陋的小屋里,别人都忍受不了这种穷困清苦,颜回却没有改变他好学的乐趣。”“子曰:贤哉回也,一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐”这句话出自《论语》。《论语》原文节选及翻译 原文:子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而...

我也来帮忙 I like automobiles. Automobiles are the fastest one of the civil products since the invention of the traffic tools.It provides people with comfortable driving condition because of its superior functions.It also satisfies different requirements of various kinds of people due to...



有没有日语很好的人帮忙 翻译下 我的日记啊?? 急用!!谢谢!!!
诞生日のサプライズ 私は私のは优しくてハンサムな彼です。彼の英文名はraphaelだった。彼の友达と呼ばれている彼のc。と仆は讯いてみた彼がなぜ、宇宙人を呼んで彼は、小学校のとき、彼はずっとを好んで着て一件うちゅうじん模様のtシャツだった。彼は私と同じであり、中国上海の...

I can't forgive my boyfriend ...请个细心的人帮助翻译!
听懂一个英国人我很高兴,并不是因为我听懂了你的讲话,而是因为我听懂了你的心 Too many languages don't want to say that, only wants to say, actually you are good gril 有太多的语言不想去说,只想说的是,其实你是一个好女孩.I'm a such person...我是这样的一个人...Not easily g...

1. 《不计人过》古文翻译 译文 宰相吕蒙正不喜欢记着别人的过失。刚担任副宰相,进入朝堂时,有一位同朝官员在朝堂帘内指着吕蒙正说:“这小子也当上了副宰相呀?”吕蒙正装作没有听见走过去了。吕蒙正的同僚非常愤怒,下令责问那个人的官位和姓名。于是吕蒙正制止了同僚的行为,不让(那位同僚)查问。 下朝以后,...

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 求助高人,英文翻译!!!急急急~ -
籍哲美满: 1. I used to sleep with the windows left open.2. The building is equipped with advanced facilities.3. Such techniques were present since a long time ago.4. Due to certain reasons, the meeting was postponed.5. Life as a father and a mother is tougher than he thought.

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 高人来翻译一下 -
籍哲美满: 《小时了了,大未必佳》 译文 孔文举十岁的时候,随父亲到洛阳.当时李元礼名气很大,做司隶校尉.到他家去的人,都是那些才智出众的人、有清高称誉的人以及自己的亲戚才被通报.孔文举到了他家门前,对下边的人说:“我是李府君的亲戚.”已经通报上去,一起坐下来.李元礼问:“您和我有什么亲戚关系?”孔文举回答说:“过去我的祖先仲尼曾经拜您的祖先伯阳为师,所以我和您是世世代代友好往来亲戚关系.”李元礼和他的那些宾客没有不对他的话感到惊奇的.太中大夫陈韪后来才到,别人就把孔文举说的话告诉给他听,陈韪说:“小的时候很聪明,长大了未必很有才华.”孔文举听后说:“我猜想您小的时候一定很聪明吧.”陈韪听了感到非常不安 .

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 英语翻译高人
籍哲美满: Hey,Peter,Happy New Year!嗨,彼得,新年快! Happy New Year!Tom!汤姆,新年快乐! How's the weather down there in Shanghai?上海那边天气如何? It'scloudy.How's the weather in Boston?阴天多云.波士顿呢? It's windy.大风. Hi,...

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 英语高人翻译...
籍哲美满: English superior 我经常去滑板等等. 有时候,我看电视. 你呢? 我很少看电视.我爱看书. 哦,那是为什么? 哦,我不知道.我想,我只是像书. 所以,程,你多久看一次电视? 大约一周两次,恩~ ~ ~,我想. 嗯嗯.和你多久阅读一次?...

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 求高人翻译.译成英文.
籍哲美满: I have been at your side in your world, do not want to go can be said to never want to go.I always try to run, I know I am not good enough, but I still want to do the best.Around you at the nearest place to you.Sometimes it feels like you and I are in the ...

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 高人来翻译下 谢谢 -
籍哲美满: Dear friend:As the expensive transport costs,you should pay for the 30USD costs first.There is no necessary that you sent back the grey COACH ,I will sent the black COACH recetly. You Choose it !

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 求高人翻译.翻译成日语. -
籍哲美满: 强いプレッシャにも耐えられます.困难に出会った时も冷静沈着で対応でき、どんな仕事でも最后まで完璧に成し遂げる(完成する)自信を持っています.

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 求高人翻译英语
籍哲美满: 1、与其说这本书是一本字典,不如说是一本语法书.(more..than) This book is more a dictionary than a grammar book. 2、他给我的帮助之大,是你想象不到的(more than) The help he has given to me is more than that you can imagine. 3、我...

镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县18943775709: 高人翻译日文. -
籍哲美满: 灵魂出窍,溃烂,游离.我会变强仅仅是取笑廉价(汗一个,无法理解)不出意外,应该...

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