
作者&投稿:怀蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

图片: The painting I like most is "the fourteen sunflowers" by Vincent Van Gogh. One reason is that most of the works by Van Gogh are full of passion and livelyness, especially for this one. I fell in love with this painting at the frist sight I saw it. The golden bright tone of the whole picture makes me feel warm and sweet. Another reason is that sunflower is my favorite flower, whenever I see the sunflowers I would forget the bad things I suffered.

Someone focuses on one job throughout his life, others like to change from one job to the other. Which one do you think is better, why?
I think whether people focus one job or change from one to the another through a certain period of their lives mainly depend on their ages. For young people, what they need first is the experience. So they could change one job to another to gain more experience to adapt the socity better. Hovever, when people get older, they may want to have their own career. In that case, they should focus on one job to realize their dreams

If some people drop by my family, especially the visitors, I would like to serve them with dumplings. Frist of all, dumplings is the tradional food in China. It shows the hosts' most hospitality to the guests. Secondly, making dumplings is easy but it needs everyone work together. All of the people could enjoy the work and talk to each other. This makes people feel close and feel like just like home. And this kind of harmoney atmosphere is exactly what we want for our guests.

most important gift
Describe an object which is very important to you.
On my seven birthdays, my grandmother gave me a doll as my present. The doll has fair hair and blue eyes. Every morning I washed her face and made her hair. She had many beautiful clothes, such as skirt, trousers, blouse even fur clothes. These clothes are all made by my grandmother. The doll is the most important for me because it always reminds me to think about my grandmother.

1、Do you agree or disagree the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to the society. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Yeah, I agree that Artists and musicians are very significant to the society. The reasons are:

At first, the works of both artists and musicians make our life much more colorful. Taking my personal experience as an example, I always listen some soft music while doing my homework, cause it is soft music that makes me calm down and concentrate to no matter what i am working at.

Secondly, to some degree, some Artists and musicians are treasures for the whole society. Such person as, Picasso, Chopin. These kind of person have encouraged and inspired people generation by generation with their amazing and fabulus works.There is no reason for us to doubt the importance of both artists and musicians.

2. Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response

Well, I would like to talk about the process of my learning experience of using VBA in Excel to do some financial analysis.

At first, I did not know anything about programming at all, so my first step is to read. Reading VBA Guide Book, I know a big picture of how VBA works in the spreadsheet, and I also read couples of examples illustrating how to use VBA in financial area.

Secondly, I started to do the case discussed in the textbook by my own. Sometimes, I made some stupid mistakes, but I never felt frustrated, on the contrary, I went to my VBA professor's office directly in order to figure out how to correct them. With exercising and asking questions, I learnt very fast. Until now, I am still learning the application of VBA in financial analysis by doing lots of case studying.

That is how i learnt VBA. Thank you !
The passages above are totally original. Never using or coping from any kind of materials. Hope these fit your needs=)
Good Luck for your Toefl test.
If you have any question regarding Toefl test, pls feel free to contact me. I will answer your question as much as I can. Thank You! God Bless You.

(1)名胜古迹:天安门、长城、故宫等 Tian-an-men, the Great Wall, Forbidden city
(2)小吃:烤鸭、涮羊肉等 Peking roast duck, hot-pot, etc
(3)文化:京剧、杂技等 Peking Opera, Acrobatics, etc

Sample answer:
If I had the chance, I’d like to take the foreign visitors to the Forbidden City.

You see, the Forbidden City has a history of more than 600 years and is the place where the royal family used to live during the Qing and Ming dynasty. Thousands of visitor from different parts of the world come to see it very day. They all say it look much grander than it looks in the film of the “Last Emperor of China”.

What’s more, the Forbidden City is so large that it has more than 900 rooms, which will take a person a whole day to visit most of the rooms.

We know that the emperors had so many wives and they all lived in the Forbidden City. It must have been difficult to remember all the names of so many wives. Hard job for the emperor!


(1)名胜古迹:天安门、长城、故宫等 Tian-an-men, the Great Wall, Forbidden city (2)小吃:烤鸭、涮羊肉等 Peking roast duck, hot-pot, etc (3)文化:京剧、杂技等 Peking Opera, Acrobatics, etc Sample answer:If I had the chance, I’d like to take the foreign visitors to the Fo...

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