
作者&投稿:布枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

China's economic development process can be found, along with the layout of state-owned economic structure adjustment, non-public-owned economy's rapid development, especially private enterprises have become a high-speed economic growth by one of the pillars. While private enterprises on China's economic and social development has been the status and role of the community at all levels of attention, but the privately-run SMEs are still very difficult financial intermediation, and the contribution of private small and medium enterprises and the future economic and social development is not the influence of the phase With the.

In this paper, based on our objective reality and to private enterprises for the study, the use of static analysis and dynamic analysis of the integration of analysis and comparison of experience summed up the integration of private enterprises focus on the key issue of financing the study: First of all, this paper from private enterprises Corporate finance and the basic theory intercept and expounded the basic characteristics of private enterprises, financing features, financing channels and the mode of financing. Second, the source financing from outside sources and the financing of the analysis of the status quo and private enterprises financing the existing problems and constraints from the internal and external operating environment of the two, more in-depth analysis of the private corporate finance problems and difficulties facing the Deep-seated reasons.
Finally, in comparison foreign (mainly Western developed countries) to support SMEs in the process of implementation of effective policies on the basis of experience, study the financing of private enterprises to solve the plight of responses: (1) through the reconstruction of their internal structure of property rights, Strengthening credit construction, and other enterprises comprehensively enhance the quality of private enterprises (2) to enhance the growth of private enterprises in the construction environment, (3) activated finance market, and expand new channels for financing.

UoA Bachelor of Art(Psychology)(专业名词,我也不知道准确翻译,大致是UoA心理学艺术的本科学士学位要求学生4门学术课程更高的成绩,也就是说学生需要一共拿到220分以上,并拿到英语B等级。

西方经济学(微观):Western Economics(Microcosmic)
西方经济学(宏观)Western Economics (Macroscopical)
会计学: accountancy
货币银行学:numismatology and banking
世界经济概论:international economics conspectus
法律基础:basic law
国际经济学:interational economics
国际贸易实务:International trade dealing
财政学: cameralistics
国际经济法 : law of international economics
外贸单证实务 :international documentary dealing
统计学: statistic
国际贸易政策: internatinal trade policy
西方经济学(宏观)Western Economics (Macroscopical)
投资银行业务:investment bank business
风险管理:risk manage
国际税收:international tax


西方经济学(微观): Microeconomics
西方经济学(宏观) Macroeconomics
货币银行学:Currency and Banking
世界经济概论: A Brief Theory of World Economy
法律基础:A Basic Course of Law
国际经济学:International Economics
国际贸易实务:The Practice of International Trade
国际经济法 : Law of International Economy
外贸单证实务 :The Practice of International Documentary
国际贸易政策:International Trade Policy
西方经济学(宏观): Macroeconomics
投资银行业务: Bank Investment Business
风险管理: Risk Management
国际税收:International Taxation


西方经济学(微观): Western Microeconomics
西方经济学(宏观): Western Macroeconomics
会计学: Accountancy
货币银行学: Currency Banking
世界经济概论:World Economic Outline
法律基础: Law Basic
国际经济学: International Economic
国际贸易实务: International Trade Practice
财政学: Finance
国际经济法 : International Economic Law
外贸单证实务 :Document Operation of Foreign Trade
统计学: Statistics
国际贸易政策: International Trade Policy
西方经济学(宏观): Western Macroeconomics
投资银行业务: Investment Bank Operation
风险管理: Risk Management
国际税收:International Tax Revenue

Currency and Banking
A Brief Theory of World Economy
A Basic Course of Law
International Economics
The Practice of International Trade
Law of International Economy
The Practice of International Documentary
International Trade Policy
Bank Investment Business
Risk Management
International Taxation



Western economic (microscopic):
Western economic (macroscopic)
Currency bank study:
World economics introduction:
Legal foundation:
International economics:
International trade solid service:
International economic rules and regulations:
Foreign trade list confirmation service:
International trade policy:
Western economic (macroscopic):
Investment bank service:
Risk management:
International tax revenue:


西方经济学(微观):Western Economics(Microcosmic)西方经济学(宏观)Western Economics (Macroscopical)会计学: accountancy 货币银行学:numismatology and banking 世界经济概论:international economics conspectus 法律基础:basic law 国际经济学:interational economics 国际贸易实务:International trade deal...

Corporate finance theory, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, investment, multivariate statistical analysis, the modern theory of the audit, international accounting research, theoretical studies of modern accounting, economics, Principles of Accounts, mid-level financial accounting...

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