
作者&投稿:弭叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear, since has thanked your such long time never to give up me, has been supporting me, such respects me. I always do not dare the wild hope to obtain your love, because always thought that is too remote to me, but I actually am unable to stop to your love, therefore constantly is always thinking you, although we each time always gather short, is also widely separated by the long and trying journey, but is actually my this for a lifetime happiest recollection, thanks you! I knew that present's my anything does not have, to be unable to give you anything, only then my this to you forever rigid heart, this is the entirety which I have. One day, when I have more thing times, I will give you my all, because I will love you! You always held responsible me to love your reason, before I really did not know, but the frequent separation caused me to understand loved your reason, might have 100, but I only could tell you 40, because in the later day, I will tell you every year one after another one, so long as my life might continue by that time. If you also dislike are too few, then I will wait for you to mine next life, will continue to tell you, why me such has been loving you!




大学英语1 College English 1
大学英语2 College English 2
大学英语3 College English 3
大学英语4 College English 4
概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
国际经济学 International Economics
华夏文明释疑 Disabuse of Chinese Civilizatrion
考研数学基础Mathematical Basis for Postgraduate Entrance Examination
零售市场营销 Retail Marketing
领导科学 Science of Leadership
旅游酒店营销管理 Tourism Hotel Marketing Management
媒体策划 Media Planning
农业经济学 Agricultural Economics
区域经济学 Regional Economics
世界风土人情 Global Local Customs
世界市场行情 Global Market Situation
税收检查 Taxation Inspection
税收学 Tax
税务代理 Tax Agency
税务管理 Tax Administration
网页制作(ASP) Active Server Pages
(ASP) Making
Political Economics Topics

College English 1

College English 2

College English 3

College English 4

Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics

International Economics

Chinese civilization and dispel doubts

Study section of the mathematical foundations

Retail Marketing

Leadership Science

Tourist Hotel Marketing Management

Media planning

Agricultural Economics

Regional Economics

World customs

World Market

Tax inspection

Tax school

Tax Agent

Tax Management

Page Creator (ASP)

Political Economy of the topic

College English 1, English 2 College English 3 College English 4 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics of International Economics study section of the Chinese civilization and dispel doubts mathematical foundations retail marketing leading hotel marketing and management science and tourism media planning Agricultural Economics Regional Economics world market world customs revenue check the school tax revenue agent production tax administration pages (ASP) political economics topics

1、英语 English 2、 语文 Chinese 3、数学 Maths 4、科学 Science 5、美术 Art 6、体育 PE 7、音乐 Music 8、物理 Physic 9、化学 Chemistry 10、地理 Geography 11、生物 Biology 12、历史 History

math、Chinese、English、physics、chemistry等。一、math 英 [mæθ] 美 [mæθ]n. 数学 Those math problems made me dizzy.那些数学题弄得我晕头转向。二、Chinese 英 [ˌtʃaɪ'niːz] 美 [ˌtʃaɪ'niːz]n. 中国人;汉语 ...

1.课程名称 subject\/class name 2.学分 credit points 3.期末总评 final grade 4.大学语文 university level Chinese\/English\/国家的语言 5.体育 physical education 6.会计学 accounting 7.经济学 economics 8.形式逻辑 formal logic 9.学期平均学分绩点 semester GPA (Grade Point Average)

English 英语 math 数学 Chinese 语文 physics 物理 chemistry 化学 P.E. 体育 science 科学 art 美术,History 历史 music 音乐 Biology 生物 Geography 地理 French 法语 polity 政治 computer 计算机 五年级的。。。应该学了吧。。但是这些已经是最最基础的了,希望能帮到你。

British and American Culture English Talk Intermediate Listening Business Research Business English Intermediate Oral English 我就是外语系的,怎么没有听说有英语会话呢?

English into Chinese 英译汉translate from Chinese into English 口译interpretation 英语经贸写作English Writing for Business and Trade 外报阅读foreign newspaper reading 国际贸易实务the practical application of international trade 日语Japanese 大学语文 college chinese 计算机应用 computer utility ...

课程名称 汉译英翻译!!
表演艺术:Performing Arts 影视编导:Film director 动画影片分析: Animation film analysis 插画设计:Graphic Design 创新实践周:Innovative Practice Week 动画教学考察: Teaching study animation

Specific subjects :具体科目:"Classical Chinese only," said election 《古文观止》选讲 The Rise and Fall of China's dynasties and Enlightenment 中国历代王朝兴衰史及其启示 Introduction to Art 艺术概论 Chinese folk culture is the topic 中国民俗文化史专题 Web design and web site ...

art class 英 [ɑ:t klɑ:s] 美 [ɑrt klæs]释义:艺术课;美术课 英文释义:a class in which you learn to draw or paint 学习绘画或绘画的课程 例句 1、I am auditing the art class simply for pleasure.我是为了乐趣而旁听这门艺术课。2、We sing and draw at the Art ...

Higher mathematics 高等数学 Building material 建筑材料 Construction technique 建筑施工技术 Construction mechanics 建筑力学 Real estate broker 房地产经纪 Real estate finance 房地产金融 Real estate marketing 房地产营销 Real estate estimate 房地产估价 Investment in real estates 房地产投资 我的英语...

昌江区18372763048: 英语翻译求以下几个课程名的英语翻译.急用,明天就是上交的最后一天了,所有分都给了.1、模拟投资银行2、广告摄影与摄像3、当代科学技术概论4、影视... -
锐类环酯:[答案] 1.Simulation Investment Bank2.Photography and Camera-shooting for Advertising3.Modern Science and Technology Introduction 4.Film Art Introduction5.New Media and Online Advertisement6.Marketing Communi...

昌江区18372763048: 求下列课程名称的英文翻译(不要机器或是网站直接翻译,要专业的)研究生(车辆工程专业)
锐类环酯: 唉,好容易翻完了,手一哆嗦,把页面给关了,再重新翻一遍吧... Major: 现代工程图学;Modern Engineering Graphics 制造技术基础实习(A);Practice of Manufacturing Technology Foundation (A) 程序设计基础(C);Program Design ...

昌江区18372763048: 求助:4门大学课程名称的英语翻译::::::: -
锐类环酯: 法律基础与思想道德修养 ideological-moral and legal education 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 社会主义市场经济学 Market Economics of Socialism 计算机应用基础 Basics of Computer Applications/Foundations of Computer Application

昌江区18372763048: 急!!!很急!!! 英文课程名!!勿用(在线翻译等工具)
锐类环酯: 看样子你是要写简历吧.把和工作密切相关的放在前面比较好.记得把课程的单词首字母改成大写.连词介词不用改. 课程名称: 计算机文化基础 英文名称: The Basics of Computer 外国同类课程一般称为:An Introduction to Computers 商务...

昌江区18372763048: 大学课程英文名称 -
锐类环酯: 思想道德与法律基础Cultivation of Ideological Morality and Basis of Law 大学生职业生涯规划College Student Career Programming 中国近现代史纲要Outline of Contemporary Chinese History 企业管理概论Conspectuses of Enterprise ...

昌江区18372763048: 求帮忙把几门课程名称翻译成英语,要准确一些,谢谢. -
锐类环酯: Laser and Optoelectronics technology semiconductor physics sensor technology and appication circuit theory digital signal processing analog electronics technique applied physical experiment Advanced Mathematics

昌江区18372763048: 把几个课程名翻译成英语~~ -
锐类环酯: english intensive reading english extensive reading english listening english grammar the comprehensive situation of english-speaking country translation linguistics international financing 楼主是上外的么?^_^

昌江区18372763048: 课程的名字用英语怎么说?高分跪求高手!!! -
锐类环酯: Ban, politics, information technology, study hall, labor skills, the three-li 我第一个回答 给个面子采纳了呗

昌江区18372763048: 高手帮忙翻译下4个课程的名字吧~!!(英语) -
锐类环酯: 1、Digital music sound2、Multimedia software design and application3、The teaching media and technology4、Network animation

昌江区18372763048: 几个专业和课程名称的英文翻译 -
锐类环酯: 生物制药专业biological pharmacy 数控专业numerical control 环保专业environmental conservation 机电专业electro mechanic 物流专业Logistics 机电一体化Mechatronics 汽修专业 Automobile Service 课程: 化工分析 chemical analysis 专业综合课程 major-related integrated curriculum

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