
作者&投稿:保封 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

——We attach great importance moon in this order, our QC Leo will always be from the day before yesterday and have been stationed in the factory, follow-up period of plant quality and the goods you have any questions and queries to communicate directly with Leo.
I learned from Leo, the factory has been cut is completed, because of a shortage of fabric, cutting the number of the singular system of less than 39, embroidery have all come back tomorrow, is expected to be a line of production.
The progress so far, I have asked Leo Beginning tomorrow, a day to give us a production schedule 。


We attach great importance moon in this order, our QC Leo will always be from the day before yesterday and have been stationed in the factory, follow-up period of plant quality and the goods you have any questions and queries to communicate directly with Leo.
我从Leo那里得知,工厂已经裁剪完毕,因为面料短缺,裁剪数量比制单数少了39条,绣花已经全部回来,预计明天会有一条线生产。 I learned from Leo, the factory has been cut is completed, because of a shortage of fabric, cutting the number of the singular system of less than 39, embroidery have all come back tomorrow, is expected to be a line of production.
有关进度表,我已经要求Leo从明天开始,每天给我们一个生产进度表 The progress so far, I have asked Leo Beginning tomorrow, a day to give us a production schedule


1.2.1 harm of excessive packaging

At present, many functional food packaging excessive packaging serious. Well-known "astronomical moon cake" over-packaged food shall be outstanding representatives. In contrast, functional foods are also very common phenomenon of excessive packaging, called "worse than"! A little honey dilution, combined with Chinese herbal extracts, fine glass filling first and then, satin lining, the final palette full bloom, so, amazing Liquid packaging costs to be overbearing position of placing the gold in the market . Few pieces of common herbs, in three, three to foreign package, coupled with exquisite glass bottles or ceramic containers, placed in luxury metal box, marked on the "U.S. imports" like stamping the words suddenly become astronomical tablet consumers hold back! Functional foods are numerous examples of excessive packaging, green packaging with the requirements of their opposite, bringing serious economic and social problems.

1) a waste of resources. The value of functional food in itself is equal to or less than the packaging cost, the relative consumption of too much packaging material, especially non-renewable materials. It is estimated that some kind of over-packaging of American ginseng functional food packaging costs, found that annual per capita consumption if the country a box of calculation, at least l3 million boxes, paper boxes as much as needed 260 000 t, equivalent to cutting Wankou crude fell 1.82 million trees. In resource and energy shortages, environmental destruction and population growth Wenti 日益 prominent Jin Tian, over Baozhuangxianran Bu Fuge green packaging requirements, but also with the construction of economical society's advocacy incompatible.

2) fueled corruption played a role. Excessive packaging of functional food is expensive, anywhere from several hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars, the average consumer is unbearable, many buyers choose is not the purpose of such goods themselves or their families eat, but to "gifts" or bribes.

3) undermine the reputation of functional foods. The masses have sharp eyes. Once consumers find some kind of functional food is over-packaged, "Apparel makes the man", it is likely to produce this type of functional food aversion or resentment.

one day ,I was waiting for bus near a stop-board.An even-aged foreigner went to me,looking over the bus information.I talked with him in English,"Hi,sir,may I help you?"He replied in English at once,"no,thanks.and in veritable Chinese——“ I can understand it."I was surprised deeply and forgot to say"you're welcome",which I had practised for hundreds of times.Although I've written hundreds,thousands even millions of times,it's vain that I'm not able to say it out.Therefore,why not become friends with me?So i can reply to you"you're welcome."Then let's have a chat in English!

I wish someone would translate for me, this small story
One day, my bus in front of the bus. A similar age and I walked to come over, see foreigners bus information. I speak English, for he hello, sir, may I help you? He immediately answer in English said, no, thank you. I read and use is very are Chinese. I was shocked, forgot to say a million times, practice: you're welcome. Even wrote many times, listen to a thousand times, see a thousand times from his mouth, and said, it is no use. So, why don't you add me to your friend, let me answer, you're welcome. Then, let's exercise together.

One day I was waiting for the bus at the bus station.A foreiger at my age came up to check the information for the bus.Then I said to him in English,"Excuse me,Sir.Is there anything I can do for you?"He suddenly answered in English,"No,thanks!I can read it."The last sentence is in very good Chinese.I was so surprised with his Chinese that I forgot to say the very similiar"that`s all right".即使写了千百遍,听了千百遍,看了千百遍,从嘴里说不出来,那也是白搭。所以,为什么你不加我为好友,让我回答你,不用客气。然后,让我们一起锻炼口语。


One day, I before the station sign and so on public transportations. Walked with my similar age's foreigner, examines the public transportation information. I used English to him saying that you were good, gentleman, I might help you? He uses English to reply immediately that does not need, to thank. I can understand, what with is flavor very Chinese. I shock very much, forgot that practiced to spread surely, did not use politely. Even if has written a lot, has listened a lot, looked a lot, cannot say from between lips, that is also useless. Therefore, why you don't add me are the good friend, lets me reply you, does not use politely. Then, lets us exercise together

I was waiting for the bus at the bus station one day ,a foreigner seemed as young as me came over .He looked at the bus information board and tried to get useful message.So I speaked to him in English."excuse me sir,can i help you?"He replyed in English"no ,thanks"Then he told me that he could undersatnd the information board in fluent Chinese.I was so surprised that I forgot to say the phrase "not at all" which i practised many times.Though we write english for many times or listen to it for many times and even read it for many times,it's a waste of time for not speaking it.As a result ,how about adding me to your friend list and let me answer your questions with my pleasure.Then we can practise oral English together!

One day, I stop before the bus and so on. And age of a foreigner, I almost walked over to see bus information. I told him in English, Hello, sir, I can help you? He immediately replied in English, no, thank you. I can read, using a flavor of it is Chinese. I am shocked to have forgotten that the practice of the tens of millions of times, and not kind. Wrote thousands of times, even if, after listening to hundreds of times, watched thousands of times, from the mouth can not tell, that is no good. So, why are you not my friend, let me answer you, not kind. Then, let us exercise spoken.

中译英 当时的局面很艰难,但她顺利地应付过去了.
当时的局面很艰难,但她顺利地应付过去了。英语翻译为The situation was difficult, but she managed to get through it smoothly.重点词语:1、situation (1)音标:英 [sɪtjʊ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌsɪtʃʊˈeʃən](2)...

3、英语里的介词短语是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因,英译中相对简单,刚好介词帮助很好的断句。中译英难在如何选择相应介词。 二、同样通过一些例子来实践一下 1、指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译...

“中国的领土和整个欧洲的面积差不多相等”翻译成英文是:“China's territory is almost equal to that of the whole of Europe”。重点词汇:equal 一、单词音标 equal单词发音:英 [ˈiːkwəl] 美 [ˈikwəl]。二、单词释义 adj. 相等的;平等的 vt. 比得上...

1.跳舞是有趣的(fun)Dancing is fun.2.这样的天气跳舞没兴趣( no fun )It is not fun to dance under this weather condition.3.我的爱好是唱歌(hobby)My hobby is singing.4.他想成为一名好医生(His;wish is)His wish is to become a good doctor.5.餐厅里有很多人(dining room)The din...

关于中文翻译英文价格,中英文翻译价格这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、about 125RMB,1000 words :大约 125人民币  1000字。2、 中译英笔译价格(单位:人民币元)3千字以内,每千字140-180元1万字以内,每千字140-165元10万字以上,每千...

one day ,I was waiting for bus near a stop-board.An even-aged foreigner went to me,looking over the bus information.I talked with him in English,"Hi,sir,may I help you?"He replied in English at once,"no,thanks.and in veritable Chinese——“ I can understand it."I was...

please check it。check 英 [tʃek] 美 [tʃek]v.检查;审查;核查;检验;查明;查看。n.检查,查看(是否安全。We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around the gift shops 我们到了机场,托运了行李,到礼品店里逛了逛。

我一有消息就立刻通知你的翻译为:I'll let you know as soon as I have any news.英语翻译中有直译和意义两种基本翻译方法,另有增译法、省译法、转译法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法等技巧。英语翻译,是指用英语来表达另一种语言或用另一种语言表达英语的语言之间互相...

1.Miss King不想责备他(feel like)Miss King didn't feel like blaming him.2.我情不自禁地想我们已经犯了一个打错(can't help)I can't help thinking about that we have made a big mistake.3.我忍受不了在炎热地天气里步行(stand)I can't stand walking in the hot weather.4.他的...


定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英1、我真的怀念以前的日子.2、你过去对吉他感兴趣吗?3、我睡觉时卧室里开着灯.4、不要嘲笑困境中的人.5、这种布摸起来很软.6、我不能... -
穆受果糖:[答案] 1、I really miss the old days.(14页) 2、Did you use to be interested in guitar? 3、I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.(12页) 4、Don't laugh at the person who is in the soup. 5、This cloth feels very soft. 6、I can't get the pronunciation right.(5页) 部分是...

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英:1.随着云层的到来,天色很快暗了下来.2.当我开始做这份工作时,才意识到它原来是小事一桩.3.每个公民都有责任维护社会秩序.4.对朋友忠... -
穆受果糖:[答案] 1. With the arrival of clouds, the sky dark down quickly. 2. When I started doing this work, did not know it was originally a minor. 3. Every citizen has a responsibility to safeguard the social order. 4. Loyalty to his friends has been praised the world. 5. ...

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英 -
穆受果糖:[答案] The number of people who are in favor of the solar energy is(或者是has been) on the increase with the crisis of energy resources. 外国人说英语时… 是把重点放在前面的… 当然… 楼上的也都没错…

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英:1.一听到这个有趣的消息,我情不自禁地大笑起来并在班级里散播了一番(spread)2.为了让实验成功,约翰逊教授做了充分的准备(so...... -
穆受果糖:[答案] 1.At the interesting news, I can't help laughing and spread in the class a2.In order to let the successful experiment, professor Johnson made full preparation

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英:1.这个年轻人的粗心使他陷入了严重的麻烦中 (翻译出involve)2.他为人随和,兴趣广泛,这使他结交了许多朋友 3.这个汤是女主人的拿手... -
穆受果糖:[答案] 1.这个年轻人的粗心使他陷入了严重的麻烦中 (翻译出involve)The carelessness of the young man involved him in serious trouble.2.他为人随和,兴趣广泛,这使他结交了许多朋友He is easy-going with variety of h...

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英:(注意:不全是时间状语从句)1. 那个年轻人偷了那位女士的钱包.2. 当她到家的时候,正下着大雨.3. 你必须经常练习说英语.4. 你曾经... -
穆受果糖:[答案] That young man stole the lady's wallet.It was raining heavily when she got home.You must practise English usually.Have you ever take a ferry?You may call police when you are in trouble.If you see a th...

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英.全部翻译给好评1.,我送了他一份小礼物 用in return for翻译2.过去我在这所学校上学 belong to3.我曾经是一名医生 后来我从事了教书 work ... -
穆受果糖:[答案] In return for his help, I give him a present. I belonged to this schoolin the past time.(用belong to有点别扭) I ever was a doctor, then I work as a teacher. (I used to work as a doctor, then I take...

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译汉译英 -
穆受果糖:[答案] He pretends he can't hear! 例句: 1.他继续走,没有回头,假装没有听到她. He walks on,doesn't look back .He pretends he can't hear her .

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中翻译英 -
穆受果糖:[答案] My birthday

定兴县19333382979: 英语翻译中译英:武汉祥龙电梯工程有限公司! -
穆受果糖:[答案] Wuhan Xianglong Elevator Engineering Co.,Ltd.

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