
作者&投稿:保符 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Beautiful sun that gives us light, beautiful Boon that shines by night, beautiful planets in the heaven so far, beautiful twinkle of each little star.


漆书奇变——用漆写的竹木简,用东汉杜林得古文尚书事。《东观汉记·杜林传》:“ 杜林 字 伯山 , 扶风人,於 河西 得漆书《古文尚书经》一卷。”








天真高 地真大


In the world Have the most beautiful face Oh -- Mama In the world One of the greatest people Is -- father In the world There is a most sacred love Oh -- love There is only good mother, a mother of a child like pieces Po Accompanied children, I grown up -- the long become a giant tree to Naive to really big high - I know To one day own home Because -- where his mother.

In der Welt das sch?nste Gesicht OH- haben -- Mutter In die Welt eine der gr??ten Leute ist -- Vater in der Welt dort ist eine heiligste Liebe OH- -- Liebe dort ist nur gute Mutter, eine Mutter eines Kindes wie begleitete Kinder der Stücke PO, I, das aufgewachsen wird -- die langen werden ein riesiger Baum zu naivem zur wirklich grossen H?he - ich wei? zu einem Tag, Haus zu besitzen weil -- wo seine Mutter.

En el mundo tener la cara más hermosa Oh -- Mama In el mundo uno de la gente más grande es -- el padre en el mundo allí es un amor más sagrado Oh -- el amor allí es solamente la buena madre, madre de un ni?o como ni?os acompa?ados Po de los pedazos, I crecido para arriba -- el largos se convierten en un árbol gigante a ingenuo al colmo realmente grande - sé a un día para poseer el hogar porque -- donde su madre.
Dans le monde avoir le visage le plus beau OH -- Maman In le monde un des plus grandes personnes est -- le père dans le monde il y a un amour le plus sacré OH -- l'amour là est seulement la bonne mère, une mère d'un enfant comme les enfants accompagnés par PO de morceaux, I grandi -- les longs deviennent un arbre géant à na?f à la haute vraiment grande - je sais à un jour pour posséder la maison puisque -- là où sa mère.
世界で最も美しい表面オハイオ州を持ちなさい -- すばらしい人々の世界1のMamaはある -- そこの世界の父は最も神圣な爱オハイオ州である -- そこの爱はよい母だけ、部分のpoによって伴われる子供のような子供、育つiの母である -- 长いの実际に大きい最高へ纯真へ巨大な木になる家を所有するために-私は1日にので知っている -- 彼の母一方。
Nel mondo avere la faccia più bella OH -- Il Mama In il mondo uno della gente più grande è -- il padre nel mondo là è un amore il più sacred OH -- l'amore là è soltanto buona madre, una madre di un bambino come i bambini accompagnati Po delle parti, I sviluppata in su -- il lunghi si trasformano in in un albero gigante a ingenuo al high realmente grande - so ad un giorno per possedere la sede Poiché -- dove la sua madre.

In the world,
the most beautiful face belons to no one
but Mom

In the world
the title of the most brave belongs to no one
but Dad

In the world
The most divine love comes from no where
but Mom

"Only Mom is good in the world with whom the child is treasure like"
Alone with the nursery rhyme,
I grow up as a big tree up to sky

Sky high, earth broad
I know
I shall go home one day, for
Mom is there waiting for.

In the world ,there is
a most beautiful face.
Oh ,it's my mother's.

In the world ,there is
a bravest man.
Oh ,my father he is.

In the world ,there is,
a most heavenliness love.
Oh ,the mother's love it is.

Only mother is kind,
and a child who has a mother
is his mother's treasure.
With nursery rhymes I grow up,
and I become a tall tree.

The sky is high ,
the land is wide.
I understand,
I will go back home one day,
because my mother is there.

The friend's child over 12 years old birthday, wrote a small poem, trouble which the hard translation is once, thanking first.

In the world
There is the most beautiful a face
Mother of ——

In the world
There is the most great a person
Is father of ——

In the world
There is the most sacred a kind of love
The maternal love of ——


In this world only contain good mother, having mama's child the elephant a treasure
Companion nursery rhyme,
I grew up the —— grew up a can three days big trees

Innocent highly true big
I know
One day there will the oneself wants to go home
Because —— there contain mother

The friend's child over 12 years old birthday, wrote a small poem, trouble which the hard translation is once, thanking first.

In the world
There is the most beautiful a face
Mother of ——

In the world
There is the most great a person
Is father of ——

In the world
There is the most sacred a kind of love
The maternal love of ——

In this world only contain good mother, having mama's child the elephant a treasure
Companion nursery rhyme,
I grew up the —— grew up a can three days big trees

Innocent highly true big
I know
One day there will the oneself wants to go home
Because —— there contain mother.

英语小诗 带翻译
1.Thank you for comforting me when I'm sad Loving me when I'm mad Picking me up when I'm down Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love Encouraging me when I need a shove But most of all thank you for Loving me for who I am 感...

有些小诗,虽然字句简单,但读起来却不够一分钟的长度。这里是两首美国著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的诗歌:Nothing Gold can Stay by Robert Frost Nature's first greenis gold,Her hardest hue to hold.Her early leaf's a flower;But only so an hour.Then leaf subsides to leaf.So Eden sank ...

又是一年的春节 所有的房子看起来明亮,新的和干净的 有一个柑橘的甜味 又是一年的春节 在家里,家人和好友见面 有好多好吃的食物 又是一年的春节 这是一个充满爱和欢乐的节日 每个人都享受假期

When We Two Parted(《昔日依依别》)When we two parted 昔日依依惜别,In silence and tears, 泪流默默无言;Half broken-hearted 离恨肝肠断,To serve for years, 此别又几年。Pale grew thy cheek and cold, 冷颊向愕然,Colder thy kiss, 一吻寒更添;Truly that hour foretold 日后...

推荐一些英文小诗(要带中文翻译的) 我是一名初三的学生,放暑假啦,想背点英文小诗,麻烦大家推荐一些啦,要很适合我这个水平的哦。谢谢。还有适合我听的英文歌以及英文绕口令。谢谢你们啦。再次申明我只是一个初三的孩... 我是一名初三的学生,放暑假啦,想背点英文小诗,麻烦大家推荐一些啦,要很适合我这个水平的哦...

Do not stand at my grave and weep,不要站在我的坟墓旁哭泣 I am not there, I do not sleep.我不在那儿,我没有长眠 I am a thousand winds that blow.我化作千缕吹过的风儿 I am the sunlight on ripened grain.我化作照耀金色麦田的阳光 I am the gentle autumn's rain.我化作...

I wish I was a little fish,float, swim,travel to the blue sea.How wonderful it will be!


王昌龄的《从军行》翻译:在烽火台的西边高高地耸着一座戍楼,黄昏时分,独坐在戍楼上任凭从沙海吹来的秋风撩起自己的战袍。此时又传来一阵幽怨的羌笛声,吹奏的是《关山月》的调子,无奈着笛声更增添了对万里之外的妻子的相思之情。原诗 注解:独上:一作“独坐”。海风:从边地沙漠瀚海吹来当风。羌...

大灾有大爱 holy love comes with huge disarster 地动天不塌 the ground shaked but not the sky 生有尽 life has a finiteness 爱无涯 love never ends 拂去肩膀的尘土 flick off dust on the shoulder 擦拭眼角的泪花 wipe away tears in the eye 我们与时间赛跑 we race with time ...

遵义市19685562929: 请为我翻译一首小诗(请尽量用比较常用的英语单词)大灾有大爱地动天不塌生有尽爱无涯拂去肩膀的尘土擦拭眼角的泪花我们与时间赛跑我们把死神抛下创... -
夕柔今君:[答案] 大灾有大爱 holy love comes with huge disarster 地动天不塌 the ground shaked but not the sky 生有尽 life has a finiteness爱无涯 love never ends拂去肩膀的尘土 flick off dust on the shoulder擦拭眼角的泪...

遵义市19685562929: 一首小诗的英文翻译!高手请进~
夕柔今君: 好运~Good Luck;有损文章的美感;Bird&quot. 唉~好甜美的诗啊,请视情况选择;Mandarin Duck&quot,继续努力吧;Mandarin Duck&quot,无论是中文还是英文都十分动人,在本文中I was a child with playing the paper Mandarin Duck in a ...

遵义市19685562929: 一首英文小诗,请高手翻译一下嘛!谢谢!
夕柔今君: 这是夏天剩下的最后一株玫瑰她所有可爱的朋友都已凋谢消逝了没有和她一样的花也没有玫瑰花蕾在她的附近来反射她的biushos或者为了叹息而叹息……(这是泰戈尔的诗么?我只是觉得感觉有点像)

遵义市19685562929: 请高手帮忙翻译一下我自己写的这首小诗
夕柔今君: 翻译要做到信,达,雅.诗歌是最不好翻的了,既要考虑押韵,尽量符合原文的味道,还要找出贴切的词语来描绘博大精深的中文,确实不容易.你这诗一般人很难翻的,翻个大概倒也可以,要完美地翻译出来估计专门研究这个诗歌翻译的人才能着手吧.镜花月,flowers in a mirror,moon in the water

遵义市19685562929: 高分 请英语高手翻译下下面的诗 尽量翻译的古典一些 -
夕柔今君: (我就用古体代词和谓语给你翻译吧) 美丽女孩 Beautiful lassie, 我想 I ponder 你一定希望时间静止吧 That thou want the time to be still 在你和我擦肩而过的那一刻 The moment we pass with each other with a brush of the breeze 除了拂过的风 ...

遵义市19685562929: 高分古诗英文翻译求助 -
夕柔今君: 吴友优诗一首 a poet by Wu Youyou 人间岁月闲难得 It's not easy to be carefree in life 天下诚交老更深 A true friendship becomes deeper as the time goes on 美德泽润春永驻 Virtue nourishes forever young 国泰仁风福满庭 peace and benevolence fill the world with happiness

遵义市19685562929: 英语高手请进!翻译一首小诗. -
夕柔今君: 你经过我身边,我不敢和你打招呼.请不要从我眼前消失,不然我会疯狂!不要问我为什么,请看看那蓝色的天空.如果你仍然愿意尝试,我想我现在应该死去.请不要说再见,我知道那只是你的谎言.让时间自己消逝吧,神啊!我一直在期待您的回应

遵义市19685562929: 【翻译】高分求日语达人翻译日文诗歌一首! -
夕柔今君: 我的翻译:月待之夜,献之神祗.封魄独魂,祭而成神.魂既成空,浮梦幻变.浮梦于之,似如神形.即成千古,永世之梦.永生永世,魄封于笼.这是一个游戏里出现的,所以是有情节的.大概就是在月待的时候举行的一个仪式,用一个活人作祭品,打开通道使之通过,然后在神之胎盘的地方封印魄,使魂独立而成为接近神的存在.所以虽然魂是神的代言人,但是魄要永远被封住…… 我这个的最后一句没太想好,应该再改改.LZ结合这个再翻译翻译吧~

遵义市19685562929: 求一首美好的英文小诗,带翻译?
夕柔今君: I believe, for every drop of rain that falls, A flower grows... I believe that somewhere in the darkest night, A candle glows... 我相信,每个雨滴飘落 就有一朵花儿生长…… 我相信,即使最漆黑的夜晚 也会有蜡烛发出明亮的光 I believe for everyone who...

遵义市19685562929: 请给一篇英语的小诗英汉互译 -
夕柔今君:[答案] I AM THE WIND 我是风 I am the wind that wavers, 我是那舞动的风 You are the certain land; 而你是那安静的土地 I am the shadow that passes Over the sand. 我是那跨越你土地的影子 I am the leaf that quivers, 我是那震澶的叶子 You--the unshaken ...

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