
作者&投稿:宦国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I still remember that one day teacher asked me to sing in front of the whole class in music lesson,but I was too shy to sing well.人工翻译,请多指教~


I remember when I was on the eighth grade, English teacher let let's listen and sing to this song, later,My last spring outing with friends with the song in their school bus , it is a home in the afternoon.I really miss the last time, if could go back, I miss the old teacher and my dear classmates.When I listen to this song, it can make me cry.

I remembered that our English teacher has given us this song to sing and listen when I was in grade two in junior middle school. Later in the last spring outing, this song was sang again in the school bus. That's an afternoon back to home. I really missed the old time. How nice if we can go back to it. I missed the old teachers and my dear classmates. This song can make me cry every single time when I listen to it.

求翻译:I remember that I could not bear the thought
I remember that I could not bear the thought 我记得我无法忍受这种想法。全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning.我记得我无法忍受再也听不到每天早晨我听孩子...

There was a time when we enjoy the sun rising and down.

待翻译内容:还记得我与你上次见面已经是去年了 翻译后内容:仍忆当初会面,迄今已一载 满意的话给个采纳!

...翻译成英文意思,要求语法要正确,急需,拜托拜托。 1、我记得...
I remember this dream happens in some days of last month,I was married,I married to a rich,handsome and the husband love me very much. We are having a blissful life,after a year and the half. He dead by out working accident. I awaked from the dream after I know the ...

请帮我翻译一下这篇文章 谢谢
更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 我记得 我的玻璃击中,并到指定的座位去枕,并期望这一切抛出窗外,它飘在傍晚那个东西,前年已下我的鼻子再次无意中...在晚间的单位,我承受,另一方面,该机构所发生的怪异的,我做的一个手...

填seeing和at,不是in I remember seeing her at a party once 我记得曾经在一次聚会上见过她 I recalled\/remember seeing him at a feast once or twice.我记得在宴会上曾见过他一两次。I remember seeing her once.我记得曾经见过她一次

ストレージ: 1 、帐簿、光投弃リードドラム滑りの漏えいを防ぐために光を。 2 、凉しく乾燥した、换気财源格纳されます。 3 、火から离れ、热源。 4 、容器の水、ほこりを避けるために封印を维持するために、外国のオブジェクトのエントリのような机械的な不纯物、 。注记: 1 ...

有没有那位懂英语的朋友能帮我翻译一下2008年欧洲杯的主题曲《can you...
《手工翻译的,翻译的不好的地方请见谅》我记得我仍然能感觉到你 有时候我看不见却能看见你 你在这里却感觉那么遥远 在你想要的时候,我在想你 你让我觉得我在旋转 有时你得到了收获 我却在海边彷徨 我不会放弃 我不能解释我所处的环境 那里我没有约束,没有墙壁,没有屋顶,没有休止 只能继续...

你的翻译是正确的 不可以用before,before 是用在完成时时态的句子中的。

我记得把钥匙放在这儿了,可就是找不到 I remember putting the key here, but I just can't find it

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达尔罕茂明安联合旗17795751148: 人工翻译!! -
毓昆尼美: 如果能帮到你请采纳哈四月一日这天.在一些国家,人们试图在如果一恶作剧成功地欺骗别人,他就会笑着说“四月傻瓜!然后谁的人通常是欺骗笑即使四月一日乡村公共汽车沿着曲折的道路时,放慢了下来.司机...

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