
作者&投稿:欧阀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Crabs have two sharp and large pincers. Ifyou are not careful, the crab may grip your fingers firmly and make you painful, Once my brother was gripped by a crab. He put his hand to the crack ora rock very slowly, and moved the crab to one side. Then he held the crab's back, with another hand, forcing it to loosen its pincers Quickly he threw it into my basket.

Now it is time to eat crabs. Crabs is very delicious. Crabs are covered with a thick back, they have two sharp and large pincers and another six long feet. Crabs have round body, always like creeping sideways. They like to eat not only small fish and shrimp but also water plants and seaweed.
You have to be careful while holding them. You can grasp their back sides to avoid them to grip your fingers.

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically have a very short projecting "tail" or where the reduced abdomen is entirely hidden under the thorax. They are generally covered with a thick exoskeleton, and armed with a single pair of chelae (claws). 6,793 species are known.Crabs are found in all of the world's oceans. Additionally, there are also many freshwater and terrestrial crabs, particularly in tropical regions. Crabs vary in size from the pea crab, only a few millimetres wide, to the Japanese spider crab, with a leg span of up to 4 m.

Crabs are mostly active animals with complex behaviour patterns. They can communicate by drumming or waving their pincers. Crabs tend to be aggressive towards one another and males often fight to gain access to females. [11] On rocky seashores, where nearly all caves and crevices are occupied, crabs may also fight for the best hiding holes.[12]
Crabs are omnivores, feeding primarily on algae [13], and taking any other food, including molluscs, worms, other crustaceans, fungi, bacteria and detritus, depending on their availability and the crab species. For many crabs, a mixed diet of plant and animal matter results in the fastest growth and greatest fitness.
Crabs make up 20% of all marine crustaceans caught and farmed worldwide, with over 1½ million tonnes being consumed annually. Of that total, one species accounts for one fifth: Portunus trituberculatus. Other important taxa include Portunus pelagicus, several species in the genus Chionoecetes, the Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), Charybdis spp., Cancer pagurus, the Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) and Scylla serrata, each of which provides more than 20,000 tonnes annually.

杀人蟹是巨螯蟹的俗称,它的英文名称是:Giant Spider Crab

螃蟹在英语中被称为 "crab"。这种动物属于广泛分布于海洋、淡水和陆地环境的节肢动物门。以下是一些其他水生动物的英语名称及其简要介绍:1. Fish:鱼类,是一类生活在水中的脊椎动物,种类繁多,包括鲑鱼(salmon)、金枪鱼(tuna)和鳟鱼(trout)等。2. Dolphin:海豚,是智力高且社交能力强的哺乳动物...

1. 螃蟹的英语单词是 "crab"。2. 下面是 "crab" 单词的详细信息:- 英式发音:[kræb]- 美式发音:[kræb]- 名词用法:指蟹类动物、蟹肉或者阴虱;也可以用来形容一个性格乖僻、行为古怪的人。- 动词用法:可以指捕捞螃蟹,或者表示某人发牢骚、抱怨;在航海术语中,还可指船舶偏航...

Dungeness Crab的中译名为珍宝蟹,这十分贴切地说明,作为美国蟹类产品的重要资源,它确实是一种极具价值的珍品。这种蟹大而多肉,从加利福尼亚到阿拉斯加的水域均有捕捞。如今,无论在旧金山还是上海,珍宝蟹均有极大的市场需求。珍宝蟹因华盛顿州小镇Dungeness而得名。这种蟹只生活于从阿拉斯加的阿留申群岛...

问题一:螃蟹英文如何说 crab...问题二:螃蟹英文怎么写? Crab 问题三:螃蟹的英文怎么写? crab 螃蟹 ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!问题四:螃蟹的英文怎么说 crab 问题五:小螃蟹、用英语怎么说?

关于 雪蟹 的英文翻译
雪蟹:学名(科学命名):Chinopecetes opilio, Chinoecetes bairdi。肩肉:Shoulder Chops 大棒:Big stick 关节:Joint 扁指和尖指 现在还查不到专有名词来说呢 你可以大致描述一下 互相懂了就行了啊

帝王蟹的英文是Emperor Crab。帝王蟹又名石蟹或岩蟹,即石蟹科的甲壳类,不是真正的螃蟹,它们主要分布在寒冷的海域。因其体型巨大而得名,素有“蟹中之王”的美誉。帝王蟹属于深海蟹类,生存深度达850米之深,生存水温在2-5℃。帝王蟹能够生存的最低水温是1.4摄氏度。它与皇帝蟹(巨大拟滨蟹)不...

是中国四大养殖贝类之一。5、蛤蚌-clam。蛤蚌属于软体动物门斧足纲蚌科,是一种生活在淡水中的一种软体动物。新鲜的蛤蚌的贝壳是紧闭的。参考资料来源:百度百科-鲍鱼 参考资料来源:百度百科-菲律宾帘蛤 参考资料来源:百度百科-扇贝 参考资料来源:百度百科-牡蛎 参考资料来源:百度百科-蛤蚌 ...

crab meat 蟹肉:指从螃蟹身上取出的食用肉。例句:黄色和白色两种色调,光的颜色,像蟹肉的味道。Two yellow and white hue, the color of light, taste like crab meat.这只贪婪的哦鹤很喜欢蟹肉,他小心地衔着这个十条腿的动物,把蟹带到他吃鱼的地方去。 。Thee greedy Crane, who loved ...


铁力市17038246760: 海鲜的种类以及英文翻译 -
亓震洛欣: 1、Oyster 牡犡 2、Mussel 蚌、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜 3、Crab 螃蟹 4、Prawn 虾 5、Crab stick 蟹肉条 6、Peeled Prawns 虾仁 7、King Prawns 大虾 8、Winkles 田螺、小螺丝 9、Whelks Tops 小螺肉 10、Shrimps 小虾米 11、...

铁力市17038246760: 请问螃蟹用英文怎么说? -
亓震洛欣: 螃蟹的英语单词是crab,详细信息如下: crab 英 [kræb] 美 [kræb] n.蟹,蟹肉;阴虱;脾气乖戾的人;[植]沙果,沙果树 vi.捕蟹;发牢骚,抱怨;偏航 vt.发脾气;破坏;使偏航例句: Although it is tasty, crab is very filling. 螃蟹虽然好吃,却容易让人感到饱足.

铁力市17038246760: 螃蟹用英语怎么读? -
亓震洛欣: 螃蟹用英语读是 [kræb] ,它的英文单词写作crab.是“蟹,蟹肉,阴虱,脾气乖戾的人,[植]沙果,沙果树”的意思.第三人称单数是 crabs,复数是 crabs ,现在分词是crabbing,过去式是crabbed ,过去分词是 crabbed. 例句:A crab ...

铁力市17038246760: 海鲜类食物英语 -
亓震洛欣: 1、多宝鱼是大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus) 的英译名兼商品名,又叫欧洲比目鱼(Turbot),1992年由中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所首次引入中国 ,目前已成为我国特别是北方地区的主要养殖品种. 2、八爪鱼(octopus)是一种软...

铁力市17038246760: 贝类海鲜的英文名 -
亓震洛欣: 1、鲍鱼-Sea-ear.其名为鱼,实则非鱼,种属原始海洋贝类,单壳软体动物.由于其形状恰似人的耳朵,所以也叫它“海耳”(Sea-ear).2、牡蛎-oyster.牡蛎是软体动物,有两个贝壳,一个小而平,另一个大而隆起,壳的表面凹凸不平.肉供...

铁力市17038246760: 我希望找关于螃蟹的知识,全面一点的
亓震洛欣: 螃蟹: 英文名称:Crab 生物学分类:动物界,节肢动物门,甲壳纲、十足目、爬行亚目 医用价值: 性味:咸、寒、有小毒.归经:入肝、胃. 功效:养筋益气、理胃消...

铁力市17038246760: 螃的可以组什么词 -
亓震洛欣: 螃的可以组什么词 : 螃蜞、 螃蠏、 没脚螃蟹、 落汤螃蟹 螃蠏 [páng xiè] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 见“ 螃蟹 ”. 英文翻译 The Xie

铁力市17038246760: 螃蟹是molluscs吗?

铁力市17038246760: 梭子蟹英语怎么说梭子蟹,青蟹,大闸蟹英语怎么说?????????
亓震洛欣: Swimming crab, mud crab, steamed crab

铁力市17038246760: 辣椒,茄子,土豆,鸡肉,螃蟹,大虾的英语单词 -
亓震洛欣: pepper,eggplant, potato, chicken, crab, prawn

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