
作者&投稿:阮宋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Dear xxx Applicant,

Congratulations on your acceptance to our university for master of xxx(专业).Please come for registration before xxx with this acceptance letter.

The specific requirements are shown in the postscript.



1. Offer of a Place
This offer of a place is conditional on you obtaining the necessary Australian Student visa. Please refer to the offer and note any specific conditional attached to this offer.


2. Statement of Fees
This document sets out the fees payable and provides information regarding payment methods. If you wish to accept the Offer of a Place you must make payment as per the attached Statement of Fees, your Confirmation of Enrolment, Welfare Letter (if applicable) and Arrival Details Form will be issued.


3. International Student Program Application Agreement for Enrolment
This is a copy of the term and conditions for enrolment in the EQI international student program for your records. Prior to formally accepting the Offer of a Place, you and your parents should ensure that you have read and understood these terms and conditions as set out in the ‘Agreement for Enrolment’ contained in this Application Form that you and your parents have agreed to comply with.


4. EQI Formalization of Enrolment-Refund Policy
This is Eli’s Refund Policy. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Agreement for Enrolment contained in the Queensland Government Schools Information Application Form that you and your parents have agreed to comply with. You and your parents should familiarize yourself with this policy and the Agreement for Enrolment prior to accepting this Offer of a Place or paying the Fees set out in the Statement of Fees.


1.Offer of a Place
This offer of a place is conditional on you obtaining the necessary Australian
Student visa.Please refer to the offer and note any specific conditional
attached to this offer.
1 收录要约

2.Statement of Fees
This document sets out the fees payable and provides information regarding
payment methods.If you wish to accept the Offer of a Place you must make
payment as per the attached Statement of Fees,your Confirmation of Enrolment,
Welfare Letter (if applicable)and Arrival Details Form will be issued.

译者按:请覆查 he attached Statement of Fees,your Confirmation of Enrolment

3.International Student Program Application Agreement for Enrolment
This is a copy of the term and conditions for enrolment in the EQI international
student program for your records.Prior to formally accepting the Offer of
a Place, you and your parents should ensure that you have read and understood
these terms and conditions as set out in the ¯Agreement for Enrolment〉
contained in this Application Form that you and your parents have agreed
to comply with.
3. 国际学生计划收生申请协议

4.EQI Formalisation of Enrolment-Refund Policy
This is EQI〉s Refund Policy. This policy should be read in conjunction

with the Agreement for Enrolment contained in the Queensland Government

Schools Information Application Form that you and your parents have agreed

to comply with. You and your parents should familiarize yourself with this

policy and the Agreement for Enrolment prior to accepting this Offer of

a Place or paying the Fees set out in the Statement of Fees.
4 EQI正规收生-退款政策
这是EQI的退款政策.此政策应与你与家长经已同意遵守的昆士兰(Queensland)政府学校资料申请表格之内的入学协议(Agreement for Enrolment)一并阅读,接受收录或缴交费用陈述书中列出的费用之前你与家长必需熟悉这政策及入学协议.

这所提供的一个地方的条件是你获得必要的澳大利亚学生签证的. 请参阅提供和注意任何特定的条件附属于这个提议。



4。EQI Formalisation Enrolment-Refund的政策





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蒙山县19493521548: 请高手翻译一下英文大学录取通知书 -
敏义达诺: notice of decoration admission

蒙山县19493521548: 我有一份新南威尔士的录取通知书,能帮忙翻译一下吗 -
敏义达诺: 我想知道你申请新南的时候是谁给你申请的,你就找给你申请那人翻译就行,在者你自己试着去看,查查词典啥的,毕竟你到那边之后还是要用英文的..

蒙山县19493521548: 麻烦大家帮忙翻译一下这句英文 -
敏义达诺: 翻译:我们很高兴的通知你,你已被我学校的国际教育学研究(国际文化交流)专业,录取为硕士研究生.官方的确认信及录取通知书的详细信息将在今天邮寄给你,如果你接受我们的录取,请填好Acceptance Form,并寄回给我们,Acceptance Form 会和录取通知书一并寄给你.这封就是录取通知书了 就是学校录取你了 但是你还要给学校一个确认 就是填好这个complete and return the Acceptance Form,寄回去,表示你也同意去这个学校 你要是不寄这个form的话,学校就会认为你放弃了入学 你填好寄出后就等于双方都确认了,学校录取了你,你也选择了入这个学校.

蒙山县19493521548: 请高手帮我翻译一下吧! -
敏义达诺: 录取通知书:课程:高级商业文凭(中文普通话教学)学校:AEC商业学校 机构颁发资格:AEC商业学校 开始日期: 结束日期: 报名截止日期: 很高兴通知你以上提及的你的申请已被批准. 学生合约 根据教育保证计划资格的要求,本校将与...

蒙山县19493521548: 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下英文,急!在线等呀! -
敏义达诺: The certificate of origin had not been corrected.I didn't request the factory for correcting the certificate of origin. It is because the mail from Vietnam...

蒙山县19493521548: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下!! -
敏义达诺: 求职不易,应该帮助.人工翻译,放心用.祝你成功! Good morning! My name is xxx. I am 26 years old, and graduated from Feicheng Professional Technical School, majoring in hotel management. After graduation I have been working in several...

蒙山县19493521548: 听闻百度高手多,请英文高手帮忙翻译 offer上的一个条款. -
敏义达诺: “在符合《雇佣合同》各项条款与条件的情况下,文中所提供的雇佣机会在其得以承认之前可随时终止而不做事先通知;或是在试用期内提前三天通知,或以终止之后支付一个月基本工资代替.” 还算合理,就是没说怎么才算acceptance,签正式合同?

蒙山县19493521548: 求高手来翻译一下入学通知啊 在线等(3)
敏义达诺: 20 .学生应有权终止通知协议,以书面形式提出.没有学费,或它的一部分,应退还学生. 21 .该协议可能会受到提前终止后,经双方书面同意,有关各方.没有学费,或它的一部分,应退还给学生. 22 .协议可以修订或补充相互书面同意缔约方应构成协定附件. 23 .本协定应被视为根据爱沙尼亚法律. 24. 关于当前协议的争端通过交涉将被解决. 万一争端不可能通过交涉被解决争端在法庭将被解决在爱沙尼亚. 爱沙尼亚语法律将是应用的. 25. 协议将生效,在签字由两个党之后,并且是合法的直到在文章命名的研究期间的结尾1. 协议也许被扩大以书面方式在党的相互愿望的情况下. 26. 协议在任一个方将接受一个拷贝的二个相同拷贝被草拟.

蒙山县19493521548: 请各位高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢拉! -
敏义达诺: 1. According to this quotation do you have any other problems? If no problem, please confirm my quotation and provide your order as soon as possible so that we can arrange production as soon as possible.2. The attachment of quotations, update if...

蒙山县19493521548: 请英文高手帮忙啊~~~请帮我翻译一下这几句话,不胜感激!1. Limits of liability not less than: Commercial General Liability - general aggregate $2,000,000, ... -
敏义达诺:[答案] 应该是责任保险条款吧:1、责任险保额不得低于:一般商业责任险(也有译作:综合商业责任险)-保险总额$2,000,000,产品完全运作险(也有译作:产品完成业务险)- 保险总额$2000000人身及广告责任险$1,000,000每次事...

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