新概念英语(新版)第二册Pre-Unit Test 2答案

作者&投稿:席世 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
新概念英语(新版)第二册Pre-Unit Test 1、3答案~

第一课:c c b d c a d b a b c c
第三课:c a c a d b c c b a b b

Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb
Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da
Lesson 43: bbaad daccd ac
Lesson 44: cbccc bdaba bd
Lesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db
Lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca
Lesson 47: dabad aaddc ac
Lesson 48: cbcba cbbda bc
Lesson 49: dabab ccacc aa
Lesson 50: dbacc aadbb cd
Lesson 51: bcddd adcad db
Lesson 52: bccab dcbac bd
Lesson 53: cdacc cdcda cc
Lesson 54: dbdbd badcb dd
Lesson 55: aabda acabd ab
Lesson 56: cacca cabbc cc
Lesson 57: abbbb dcdcb da
Lesson 58: bdaac bdcad bd
Lesson 59: dbddd abada ab
Lesson 60: bacbc babac ad
Lesson 61: bacca dcabb dd
Lesson 62: addcd ccbda db
Lesson 63: dbaab ddacd ca
Lesson 64: ccccb bccab bb
Lesson 65: adbbc aadcc bd
Lesson 66: cbaad aabab ba
Lesson 67: daddd dbbad dd
Lesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aa
Lesson 69: abcbb ddaab cd
Lesson 70: dbccd bcacd dc
Lesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc ba
Lesson 72: acadb accdb ad
Lesson 73: cadac dadaa db
Lesson 74: baccd cacbc ab
Lesson 75: cabdb abbdd cc
Lesson 76: dbdaa bbacb dd
Lesson 77: acabc dddaa ba
Lesson 78: acbbc acbab ca
Lesson 79: bdcca dbada ac
Lesson 80: cbdad cadcc db
Lesson 81: daadb bdcbd bd
Lesson 82: abadc cdaac bd
Lesson 83: bacca bcbcd ab
Lesson 84: ccabd cccda cd
Lesson 85: ddbab abdbb dc
Lesson 86: bcabb bdcab bc
Lesson 87: cdcda ccada ad
Lesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cb
Lesson 89: aadad dadbd db
Lesson 90: bccca bcbad dd
Lesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cb
Lesson 92: bcdcb abbad ca
Lesson 93: cdbac ccdcb db
Lesson 94: abcba dacda bc
Lesson 95: dabad cdcac dc
Lesson 96: dccba dcdab cb

A.a.1.I enjoyed the film yesterday.
2.My mother went to market.
3.(This morning)the children asked questions continuously in class(this morning).
4.(On Sundays)we stay at home(on Sundays).
5.(This morning)I borrowed a book from the library(this morning).
b.1.She rarely answers my letters.
2.The shops always close on Saturday afternoons.
3.We never work after six o,clock.
4.We sometimes spend our holidays abroad.
5.Do you ever buy CDs?
B.a.are playing…play…is kicking…is running
c.I have just received…He has been there…he has already visited…He has just bought…and has gone
d..1.What did you buy yesterday?
2.Up till now,he has never lent me anything.
3.Have you burnt those old papers yet?
4.He fought in Flanders in the First World War.
5.We have just won the match.
e.1.was leaving/left…arrived
2.was woeking/worked…was sitting/sat
3.was walking/walked…met
4.was reading…heard
f.I shall go to the theatre…Reg and Ishall/will see the first performance…the producer will give a short speech.He will speak to…The play will be very successful and I think a great many people will enjoy it very much..
g.1.shall be ironing
2.will be arriving
3.We,ll be seeing
4 shall be watching
5.will be correcting
h..1.After she had written the letter,she went to the post office.
2.After he had had dinner,he went to the cinema.
3.When I had fastened my seat belt,the plane took off .
4.We did not disturb him until he had finished work..
5.As soonas he had left the room,I turned on the radio.
i. The Taj Mahai was built in the seventeenth century…A few years after he became/had become ruler,his wife…died.The Taj Mahal was built in her honour.Experts were called in from many parts of the world…The Taj Mahal,which was begun in 1632 and (was)completed in 1654 ,cost a fortune.Up to the present day,it was been visited by million of people.
j.1.told…would come/would be coming
3.told…had never played
4.did he say…had done/would do
5.did he tell…(had)bought/would buy
k.1.rains 2.will never pass 3.is
4.will get 5.enjoys
l.Fishing…catching…catching…having spent…fishing…fishing…sitting…doing
C.a.1.You must/will have to see a doctor.
2.Must you/Do you have to make so much noise?
3.She said we must/would have to/had to stay here.
4.I must/have to have some help.
5.He had to go out last night.
b.1.He must be a fool.
2 .He must be mad.
3.She must be over forty.
c.1.Can/May I use your telephone?
2.He may telephone tomrrow.
3.Can/May I have tow tickets please?
4.The play may have begun aiready.
5.Can/May I heave the table please?
D.a.some soap a picture some milk some money
a woman a window a bus some sand
some rice a/some newspaper some water
a cloud a son some coal a secretary some oil
b….to a house in Brige Street.Yesterday a beggar…for a meal and sang (some)songs.I gave him a meal.He ate the fod and drank the beer.Then he put a piece of cheese…Later a neighbour…His name is Percy Buttons…in the street once a month…asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
E.1.It is the most unusual flim I have ever seen.
2.Mr.Jones is a better teacher than Mr.Brown.
3.This book is more interesting than that one.
4.She is the laziest pupil in the class.
5.The weather today is worse than it was yeaterday.
F.1.in 2.On 3.during/in 4.at 5.on…in 6.in 7.at…in
G.1.in 2.from 3.on 4.of 5.in 6.of
A.1.By the way 2.borrowed 3.ask 4.grown
5.Beside 6.its 7.yet 8.desk
9.It is 10.home
B.1.at 2.up 3.on 4out….back 5.out
C.1.Who knocked this vase over?
2.Put your jacket on.
3.The thieves woke the night watchman up.
D.1.The office ordered the men to fire at the enemy.
2.He wants his wife to wear this dress.
3.She wants us to explain it.
4.I cannot allow him to enter the room.
5.She taught her son to read.
E.1.She made me this dress.
2.I lent him my typewriter.
3.I showed George the letter.
4.Pass your mother that cup.
5.Johnny gave his sister the doll.


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链接: https:\/\/pan.baidu.com\/s\/1wtRCoB13D96fEWGRFmfMUg 提取码:ti9m 《新概念英语3》是该教材首次出版以来第一次推出的新版本。这套经典教材一如既往地向读者提供一个完整的、经过实践检验的英语学习体系,使学生 有可能在英语的四项基本技能——理解、口语、阅读和写作——方面最大限度地发挥...


新概念英语第三册L42 以下句子for什么意思?
for Sunday afternoon ramblers 是介词短语作后置定语,修饰task, 其中介词for的意思是(表示对象)给,对,供。for Sunday afternoon ramblers 直译为:任务是给周日下午漫步者的。全句意译为:探索真的很深的洞不是周日下午漫步者的任务。

179页:buy lost find make get meet have send hear sweep leave tell 183页:cut put read set shut do come give swim take eat go rise see speak



带岭区18194665047: (新版)新概念英语第2册PRE - UNIT TEST 给你的分会很多的, -
邗冰补心:[答案] A.1 He is busy. 2 He is learning English. 3 He has a new book. 4 He lives in the country. 5 He will see you tomorrow. 6 He can understand you. 7 He must write a letter. 8 He may come next week. 9 He does a lot of work every day. 10 He did a lot of work ...

带岭区18194665047: 新概念英语(新版)第二册Pre - Unit Test 2,4的答案在百度上查到了,帮忙给一份1,感激不尽~ -
邗冰补心:[答案] 第一课:c c b d c a d b a b c c 第三课:c a c a d b c c b a b b 老师讲的,对! 希望对你有用!

带岭区18194665047: (新版)新概念英语第2册PRE - UNIT TEST 1答案 -
邗冰补心: A.1 He is busy. 2 He is learning English. 3 He has a new book. 4 He lives in the country. 5 He will see you tomorrow. 6 He can understand you. 7 He must write a letter. 8 He may come next week. 9 He does a lot of work every day. 10 He did a lot of ...

带岭区18194665047: 新概念英语(新版)第二册Pre - Unit Test 4答案 -
邗冰补心: 关键句型练习答案 a.a.1.i enjoyed the film yesterday.2.my mother went to market.3.(this morning)the children asked questions continuously in class(this morning).4.(on sundays)we stay at home(on sundays).5.(this morning)i borrowed a book ...

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带岭区18194665047: 新概念英语最新版第二册如何自学
邗冰补心: 每天跟着磁带读,记单词,然后再听写一遍,新概念有很多辅导书,看下辅导书,看下那篇课文重要的语法点,重点词句单词.这是跟着学,可能有点枯燥,平时,你也可以看下美剧,听音乐,看下杂志...总之学习英语的渠道很多,最主要的是要自己感兴趣...祝你成功哦!

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邗冰补心: http://www.eshuge.net/view/14124.html 这里是新概念英语1-4册学生用书的书本和MP3 合集的下载 MP3还有lrc同步歌词 希望你喜欢

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带岭区18194665047: 新版新概念英语第二册共几页? -
邗冰补心: 439页,正文类容到437页.

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