
作者&投稿:爱泳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lesson 71
1. b
根据课文第3-4行If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834 可以判断只有b.符合课文内容,其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符。
2. d
根据课文第8行Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day 可以判断只有d与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与事实不符.
课文中用的是have sth.done 的形式,那么就是说是official让别人来检查clock, 但是检查clock 的也可以是official啊, 某个official让另外一个人去检查,这个人不是他本人,是另外的officail 也是可以的啊.
3. b
本句前半句陈述的是一个公认的事实,后半句则表示一个经常性或习惯性的动作,应该用一般现在时才符合逻辑,即“每当你到伦敦的时候”。a. will visit c. have visited , d. will be visiting 这3个选择时态都不对,只有b. visit 是一般现在时,最符合语法,所以应该选b.
4. b
只有选b. 最符合题目意思,符合语法。 a. famousest 不是正确的最高级形式,famous 的最高级应该是the most famous; c. the more famous:比较级前不应该有定冠词,另外本句也没有表示比较的连词than; d. famouser 不是正确的比较级形式。
5. c
本句若选a. and, b. also, d. together都不合乎语法,也不符合题目意思,只有选c. both才合乎语法,意思通顺.所以选c.
6. c
该句是疑问句,因此需要用疑问句的语序,b. they have it 和d. they do have it 都是陈述句语序,所以都不能选;a. have they it 意思不完整;只有c. do they have it 是疑问句语序而且符合题目意思,所以选c.
7. d
a. who, b. had been, c. had 都不合乎语法,只有不加任何词,这个句子才是正确的,所以选d.
8. b
前一句中的erected 意思为“建造,建立”,该句只有选b. up 与put 构成词组表示建造,与erected 的含义相同,这样一来两个句子的意思才吻合。而其他3个选择都不符合题目意思。
9. b
只有b. duty(责任,职责)才能同前一句意义相同. a. responsible(负责的)虽然词意思正确,但词性不对,应该是名词才适合这个句子.c. charge(责任,职责)虽然词义和词性都正确,但一般不用在这类句子中,而常用在词组中,如in charge of , take the charge of等, d. control(控制,支配)不符合题目意思.
10. c
a. great(大的,重大的)主要强调等级上重要的, b. large(大的,巨大的)主要强调空间的宽敞,广博; c. huge(非常大的,巨大的,庞大的)主要指体积的大; d. big(大的)主要指体积的大,也可指力量的大,但它强调超出一般体积或程度的大.这4个中只有c. huge与immense含义最接近,所以选c.
11. b
该句需要选出一个与前一句引导时间状语从句的连词when意义相同的词,以使两个句子意思相同.a. the hour 不能引导从句, c. really, d. indeed 都是副词,都不能引导从句,只有b. the moment(当……时,一……就)与when 意思相同,并可以引导时间状语从句,所以选b.
12. a
went slowly 慢慢地走,和前一句的the clock slowed down(钟变慢了)意思不同.
只有a. was slow(慢了)和前一句意思相符合,所以选a. 而b. was behind(在后面), c. went back(回去), d. went slowly(慢慢地走)都与前一句含义不符合.

Lesson 59
1 I stopped at a garage to get some petrol.
2 I sold my TV in order to read more books.
3 I saved up my money so that I could have a holiday in Europe.
4 I saved up my money so that my son could have a holiday abroad.
5 Bill bought a paper for his mother to see his photo in it.
6 She went to the cinema to see the latest Disney film.
7 He spoke to different friends in order to get some advice.
8 She put on a heavy coat so that she would/could keep warm.
9 My father repaired the roof so that it wouldn't leak again.
10 I crept out of the room so as not to wake the children.

1 for 2 so that 3 so as 4 to 5 in order that 6 In order to

1 We were promised an extra English lesson.
2 We will send you the books next week.
3 She offered me a drink./She offered a drink to me.
4 I was given a very nice birthday present.
5 We were brought some wine from France.
6 Can you show me your new conputer?

D(A possible answer)
One day thieves broke into Ken's house and stole a lot of things.
Ken said that he must find a way of preventing this in future.I asked him why he didn't buy a dog.He told me he didn't like dogs,so I gave him an idea.Why not make a tape recording of a dog barking?Every time he leaves the house now he puts on the tape and abarking dog is heard!He hasn't been burgled since.

新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第六十课 Lesson 60
1. b
根据课文第2-3行After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said, 可以看出只有b. he paid her (他付给她钱)与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况不符。
2. a
根据课文所描述的情况,只有a. foretold the future correctly (正确预测未来)是真实的,也是课文所暗示的结论。其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况不符。
3. c
只有c. will be coming 同前一句中的is coming 时态相符,因为现在进行时 is coming 也可以表示将要发生的事情,所以选c. 其他3个选择都与前一句时态不符。
4. b
该句缺少谓语动词,需要选出一个与前一句中的intends(想要,计划)意义相同的词.a. is about(正要,马上就), b. plans(计划), c. is due(应到达的,预期的), d. hopes(希望)这4个选择中只有b.同intends含义相同,所以选b.
5. c
该句的主句是一般将来时,以when 引导的时间状语从句应该是一般现在时才合乎语法。a. will leave 和 d. is leaving 都不是一般现在时,因此可以排除;b. leave 和c. leaves 都是一般现在时,但是因为从句的主语是he, 而且c. leaves 是动词第3人称单数形式,最合乎语法,所以c.是正确答案。
6. b
只有b. will be surprised (会感到惊讶)同前一句的will get a surprise 含义相同,所以b.是正确答案。 a. will surprise 不合乎语法,因为surprise 是及物动词,后面应该有宾语,surprise 常用被动语态,表示感到惊讶;c. surprise 也不合乎语法;d. will be surprising 意义上不正确,be surprising 表示“令人惊奇的”,与前一句意思不符。
7. a
前一句是直接引语疑问句,该句是将其变成了间接引语疑问句,除了时态需要改变外,语序也应变为陈述句语序。 b. had I been 是疑问句语序;c. had been I 语法错误;d. had I being 也不合乎语法;只有a. I had been 是正确的陈述句语序,因此应该选a.
8. b
该句需要选一个同前一句中的谓语动词decided (决定,作出决定) 意义相同的词或词组。 a. made up (虚构,化妆);b. made up my mind (决定,下决心);c. minded (照料,介意);d. cared (挂念,关系,喜欢)中,只有b.同decided 的含义相同,所以选b.
9. a
该句的主语是crystal 是“水晶”的意思,需要选一个合适的词给它定义。 a. glass (玻璃);b. mental (金属);c. wood (木材);d. plastic (塑料)这4种材料中,只有a. 符合crystal的性质,所以选a.
10. c
a. friend(朋友);b. colleague(同事,同行);c. relative(亲属,家人);和d. acquaintance(相识,认识的)这4个词中只有c.同relation 的意义相同,所以选c.
11. a
只有be in a hurry (匆忙地) 与前一句中的动词rush (匆忙)的意义相配,所以应该选a. 其他3个选择b. be slow (慢的),c. be tired (累的);d. be angry (生气的)都与rush 含义不符。
12. d
a. was angry (生气的);b. was cross (易怒的,生气的);c. didn’t speak (不说话);d. didn’t like waiting (不愿意等待)这4个选择中只有d. 同前一句中的was impatient (没耐心的)意义相符合,所以选d.

看图 参考资料:团队:我最爱数学!

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