
作者&投稿:祗兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

航班超收乘客, 达美航空给每个愿意放弃座位并隔天飞人,一个400的下次购票的优惠, in credit就是信用的意思,就是400元用于下次购买可以抵扣。

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten,either write things worth reading,or do things worth writing."如果你不想在死了或者腐烂掉之后马上被人忘记,你应该或者写一些值得阅读的文字或者做一些值得写的事情。Today,we honor Ben Franklin as one of our Founding Fathers and as one of America's greatest citizens.今天,我们把本 富兰克林尊为我们的国父和美国最伟大的公民之一。In 1732 Franklin published a book"Poor Richard's Almanac".在1732年,富兰克林发表了一本名为《贫穷的理查德的年历》的书。“Most almanacs contained information for famers,such as information about the days and weeks of the year and about the weather.大多数的年历都包含给农民的信息,比如年月日的信息或者是关于天气的信息。To his almanac,Franklin added wise sayings of observations about life;some of these sayings are still famouse today.在他的(富兰克林的)年历里,富兰克林加入了一些关于生命的观察/思考的明智的言语/说法,直至今日,一些说法还被沿用。For example,"Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise,"and "Waste not,want not,"and "A penny saved is a penny earned."比如 ”早睡早起使人变得健康,富有和聪明“ 还有 ”俭以防匮“ 还有”省一文等于挣一文/聚沙可以成塔,积水可以成河“
As time goes by,I was able to work through my fears.随着时间的流逝,我能渐渐战胜我的恐惧了。Now I understand that the closest I have ever felt to God is in the back of an ambulance.现在我明白,我离上帝最近的时候是我在黑暗的救护车里的时候。When I rush out to help sick strangers,I am part of something larger than myself. 当我冲出去帮助病弱的陌生人的时候,我比我自己更大了。
I thought,this lady should be dead over ten times. 我想,这位女士应该死过多余10次了。
When I rode alone with her in the back of the ambulance as another EMT drove,I reread the printout.当另一个内科急救专家在开车 而我和她单独坐在黑暗的救护车后面时, 我重新读了一遍打印出来的(文件)She was 33 years old.她33岁。No previous address.没有之前的地址。 Her whole life as presented here was just a list of medicines,symptoms and illnesses. 她的一生呈现在这的仅仅是一列药的名称,症状还有疾病。
"I really like Shirley Caesar,"I continued我真的很喜欢Shirley Caesar,我继续说到,thinking of the singer's heartbreaking song about a mother's love for her ungrateful son,pouring her soul into every word.想着她(那个歌手Shirley Caesar)那使人心碎的关于一个妈妈对她不孝之子的母爱的歌,歌手把她的灵魂嵌入了每一句歌词中。I started naming other gospel singers.我开始罗列其他唱传福音歌曲的歌手的名字。With each one,Nellie nodded back,and I saw her try to smile.每说一个,Nellie就会点头,我看见她试图微笑。I wanted to say something meaningful to her,something other than"Where does it hurt?"我想对她说些有意义的事, 一些不是”哪里疼?“这样的话。

But my eyes remained dry,like Nellie's.但是我的眼睛还是干的,像Nellie的眼睛一样。 Hobbies:sewing and gospel music,I thought as we glided in the darkness of the night toward home.兴趣爱好: 缝补和福音歌曲, 我想着,在我们回家的路上,天色渐渐暗下。









初二语文第五单元的文言文所有的翻译帮帮忙把 1个回答 #热议# 张桂梅帮助的只有女生吗? 百度网友987b3f879 2008-09-30 · TA获得超过324个赞 知道答主 回答量:14 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 您好《桃花源记》 东晋太元年间,有个武陵人以捕鱼作为职业。有...

hn gi len dj gat ho.nha mjnh gat o duoj dong ko ve gat dj.ha ha.hôm nay dì lên đi gặt hộ ,nhà mình gặt ở dưới đồng không về gặt đi 今天阿姨来帮收割庄稼,全家...

日语翻译。大家帮忙翻译一下。后面这个第19课要求我们回家自学的,课 ...

中译英 帮帮忙啊~
1.昨晚我做作业时,听到有人在敲我的门。(hear sb doing)I heard sb knocked my doors while i was doing my homeworks last night.2.你能告诉我李先生上周区哪里旅行了?(宾语从句)Can you tell me where did Mr.Li travle last week.3.我越忙越高兴。(the more...the more)The ...

天哪,一楼的也太恐怖了吧.尽最大理解翻译如下:1.when she saw how frightened he was at his mistake, her anger began to die away. 当她看到他已经为自己犯的错误而害怕时,她漫漫的平息了怒气.2.she begged him to give her another chance.她请求他再给她一个机会.3.he was so angry ...

Vo oi, anh muon em ve som di, and doi em o nha. Bay gio a con chua di tim viec lam, doi em ve hai vo chong lam buon ban, buon ban cua rieng.

1、您好:Hello!2、感谢您在百忙之中回复我的邮件,我从新更新了一下订单。您帮忙计算一下总价,然后告诉我。Thank you for your busy schedule in reply to my email, I updated the order. Please help me calculate the total price and let me know.3、如果无误,我就给您打款了,请您在...

1.你玩什么游戏?【게임할 줄 알아요?】gae yim haer zuer ar ra yo 2.你的性格是怎么样的?【성격이 어때요?】seng gieg yi eo ddae yo?3.我最爱的就是蒙奇奇!【내가...

韩文翻译 帮帮忙 谢谢!!!
浅蓝色 = 물빛색 (直译就是水光色,其实就是浅蓝)无聊的小猪 = 심심한 아기 돼지 (这里修饰了小猪中的“小”,听起来很可爱)喜欢孤单 = 외로움 즐김小傻瓜 = 바&#...

eat to live , but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了活着 活着不是为了吃饭 it is easier to get money than to keep it. 挣钱容易 攒钱难 it is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.it is hard to please all. 很难让所有人都满意 it is never too old to learn...

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译,帮帮忙 -
长孙谈固元: 我叔叔的生日在四月三日(翻译) My uncle's birthday on April 3rd 我比表哥小三岁,但是我比他高(翻译) My cousin small than three years of age But I am taller than he 请为我画幅画(翻译) But I am taller than he 去年圣诞节我们举办了一个派对(翻译) Last Christmas we held a party

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译 帮帮忙 -
长孙谈固元: 1,ought to bow, in the first time 2, to visit , in , home 3,make plan to 4,out of , and sang 5,it, on

肇庆市15653686798: 英文翻译 帮帮忙
长孙谈固元: 是不是你打错咯 可能是you pls arrange and translate your docs and sent to me 请你整理和翻译下你的文档然后寄给我 pls 是口语的please的意思

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译~~~~帮帮忙~~~~~~ -
长孙谈固元: 1.我是败了主要原因是因为我缺乏自信(lack of)the main reason of my failure is the lack of confidence. 2.在这项工程上我们花了大量的金钱和时间(spend)we spent lots of money and time on this project. 3.这项研究成果将很快被应用于实践...

肇庆市15653686798: 英语~~~翻译大家帮帮忙~~~ -
长孙谈固元: 1.It is wrong that look down the people who is desabled.(用形式主语比较恰当.)2.He looked anxiously at his sick father.(楼上的某位的翻译..先把你的副词放对位置再来这里帮别人吧..)3.Everyone likes him because of his loveliness.(这句没什...

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译,帮帮忙!!! -
长孙谈固元: 在这里in credits意思就是作为补偿.我们经常用到Credit note.这里面的Credit意思相近,抵减,补偿.

肇庆市15653686798: 英文翻译,帮帮忙
长孙谈固元: from year to year balance in hand. put up red couplets on their gates. Spring Festival Gala Evening. the ground covered by thick snow.

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译帮帮忙
长孙谈固元: i don't believe(that) you should force people to help others这是一个由that引导的宾语从句,句中that省略了,整句意思是:我不认为你可以强迫人们去帮助别人,帮助他人应该是发自内心的

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译帮帮忙
长孙谈固元:If I am lazy is a kind of wrong, you lazy is on?Are you concerned about the feelings of others...(I would rather) 谢谢采纳!!

肇庆市15653686798: 英语翻译帮帮忙
长孙谈固元: of course(当然没问题) no problem (没有问题) no trouble (没问题,没麻烦) okay(行,可以,没问题) all right(行,可以,没问题) Never mind(没关系,没问题) out of question(毫无疑问,没问题)

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