
作者&投稿:郜律 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

1.when she saw how frightened he was at his mistake, her anger began to die away.

2.she begged him to give her another chance.

3.he was so angry that his whole body shook.

4.he was mortally wounded in the stomach. That night he died with a content look on his face.

5.can you break up this long sentence into simpler ones?

6.for all our efforts, students are still not happy with the progress of our teaching reform.

7.I just need a good puter. Apart from that I really don't need anything.


天哪,一楼的也太恐怖了吧.尽最大理解翻译如下:1.when she saw how frightened he was at his mistake, her anger began to die away. 当她看到他已经为自己犯的错误而害怕时,她漫漫的平息了怒气.2.she begged him to give her another chance.她请求他再给她一个机会.3.he was so angry that his whole body shook. 他气的浑身发抖.4.he was mortally wounded in the stomach. That night he died with a content look on his face.他的胃病已经无药可医了.那天晚上他毫无遗憾的离开了人世5.can you break up this long sentence into simpler ones?你能把这个长句子分成几个简单的吗?6.for all our efforts, students are still not happy with the progress of our teaching reform我们尽了最大努力,但学生仍对我们的教学改革不满意.7.I just need a good puter. Apart from that I really don't need anything.我仅需要一部好计算机。 其他真的不需要.

你的姿态你的青睐 我存在在你的存在 你以为爱就是被爱 你挥霍了我的崇拜 Your posture and your caress, I lived in your fancy world You took love for a single lane, and wasted my adoration in dissipation.我活了 我爱了 我都不管了 心爱到疯了恨到算了就好了 可能的 可以的 真的...

And if you tell me you don’t leave me any more, but I love want blast forever,如果你告诉我你不会在离开我,我会永远爱你。I will ask you for your choose to try again to make a love I leave to better,我会让你再选择,去酝酿一种更好的爱,I love you, say we together ...


天才型车手gifted-riders 不适合红的东西,银色的东西 not suitable for red things,silver things 已成定局,不得不接受It's a foregone conclusion, you had to accept it.增加赛车稳定性 increased car racing stability 引擎engine 他经做为迈凯轮车手发展的一部分 He has been a part of the ...

I come from the endowment insurance agency of Xi'an city,I'm very glad to provide you endowment policy services.严格来说,经办处并不是agency,但是首先是本人限于水平,只能想到这个通俗的词,其次是大家基本都这么用,所以只好这样。如果有高手的更贴切解答,希望能分享。

帮忙翻译下 急谢谢!~~~
I have broad interests, love their sports, like table tennis, football, basketball, mountain climbing and other sports activities, like music, reading, photography. collections, and like computers, networks, software research, the production of the homepage, Photoshop pictures. During the ...

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Hello everyone, today I am glad to introduce some of the world's dogs, I have never raised a dog, but I like these dogs ... ... because they are not only cute, and very smart.First of all, are for the U.S. introduction of the Husky is a sled dog him and the ...

system configuration modifications.对于你所要求的系统配置你无权进行修改。附: configuration n. 结构, 布局, 形态, 格式塔心理完形 modification n. 修改; 缓和; 改变; 减轻 Please return this installation from an administrators account.请从管理员账户返回此安装程序。希望对你有帮助 ...

靖安县15191494123: 请你们帮我翻译一下这些句子. -
夏启妇良: 1. 你一般什么时候起床? 我经常在6:30起床.2. 他们什么时候穿衣服? 他们经常在七点二十穿衣服3. Rick什么时候吃早餐? 他在七点吃早餐.4. Scott什么时候去上班? 他经常在11点去上班,他从来不迟到.5. 你的朋友什么时候锻炼身体? 他们经常在周末锻炼身体.

靖安县15191494123: 帮帮忙,英语的,翻译几个句子```
夏启妇良: 1. 11月4日,帮助把火车站打扫干净 2. 11月11日,去养老院帮助老人门洗衣服和打扫房间,然后表演节目,使他们开心` 3. 11月18日,到人民公园为附近的人们修理自行车.收音机 4. 11月25日去学校附近的小学帮助辅导孩子,给他们讲故事 ...

靖安县15191494123: 帮帮忙啦,翻译一下句子!!! -
夏启妇良: 一,1.are good characteristics room 2.also wonderful salad,some ice tea 3.Do want to book Welcome room 4.Which yards do wear 5.What do want for 6.have to 7.am a...

靖安县15191494123: 帮忙翻译一下句子!万分的感谢!...
夏启妇良: 1. helen got compensation for the neglect of duty. 2. this seems to be an abstract description of the few examples of successful ending )3. since early in life, fred is the architect of4. if this occurs, the amounts to a national. 5. pam in the early 90's has decided to open her shop. (

靖安县15191494123: 帮忙翻译一下这些句子
夏启妇良: 1. I have a dream that one day I can walk at the University breathing the fresh air in the morning. 2. I have a dream that I can have a good sleep every day and do not need to run because of the fear of being late. 3. I have a dream that I can work hard ...

靖安县15191494123: 英语句子翻译帮忙翻译一下这些句子我非常荣幸向你们介绍一句英文谚语.这些就是我想向你们介绍的东西,希望你们能喜欢,我的演讲到此结束,谢谢就这... -
夏启妇良:[答案] It's my very honor to introduce an English proverb to you. This is what I have to say,hope you enjoyed it.My speech is over,thank you.

靖安县15191494123: 翻译几个句子 中译英~~~~~~帮帮忙,很急.1.当时不必这么匆忙2.今天早晨他不可能把这个沉重的箱子搬到楼上3.琳达已经上班去了,她一定是坐公交车去的4.... -
夏启妇良:[答案] I shoulden't have been so hurry.He can't have taken the heavy suitcase this morning.Linda has gone to work,she must have taken the bus.He shoulden't have thrown away the old clothes.I should have read...

靖安县15191494123: 帮忙翻译几个英文句子吧,帮帮忙!1.在…的开端2.一个玩的开心的地方3.下周日4.给你指去…的路5.欢迎到…来(亲,帮帮忙吧,很急的)
夏启妇良: 1. In... Beginning 2. A play of happy place 3. Next Sunday 4. Give you mean to... Road 5. Welcome to... To (pro, to help you, very urgent)

靖安县15191494123: 帮帮忙 翻译这几个句子,英文从句,带有what that who whom which 这些一个正在教室里认真听课的女孩一些我不得不马上处理的紧急情况一条我要和你分享... -
夏启妇良:[答案] 这个汉语都是短语啊,就翻译成英语短语吧.一个正在教室里认真听课的女孩A girl who is attending class carefully in the classroom.一些我不得不马上处理的紧急情况some emergencies which I have to deal with righ...

靖安县15191494123: 帮帮忙..翻译几个句子.
夏启妇良: 1.Is every families have mashines in the future?2.In the future, Human haven't use money. All free.3.The childen haven't go to shcool to stuy. They will use the computer in home for studying in the future.4.Is the man can live to 200(two handred)years ...

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