
作者&投稿:桑于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

is looking after
refused to lent
is not delicious than
are strict with
are full of
made a wrong choice
is proud of
looks have a talk with

1. never
2. isn't it
3. don't , or
4. have been , for
5. He has few friends here because he is new.
6. My mother allows me to watch TV on weekends.
7. in the future
8. is like
9. all the time
10. sent , to
11. allows , to

IV. 1. will be 2. How wide 3. Both of 4. is there 5. If you don't hurry up
1. Both Kate and I are going shopping this Saturday.
2. They all enjoy listening to the pop music.
3. You can take small steps to overcome your fear.


英文连词成句。英文:The fifth group is singing.中文:第五组正在唱歌。解析:连词成句其实很简单。这个句子看到有个singing,就能大概猜出是个进行时,前面要有be动词,刚好有个is在。主语可以是名词,代词等,这里有个group是名词,还剩一个the和fifth,很自然就能得出主语是the fifth group,第五...

英语连词成句顺口溜或者技巧如下:1、首先让做题者判断句子是陈述句还是问句。如果是陈述句,就要在给出的单词中找出主语,比如I,you,she,he,it,they,this,that,these,those,there等,把它放在第一位,然后再去寻找动词,这里的动词可能是系动词(am, is, are),也可能是实意动词。最后再...


连词成句是小学低年级经常考到的一个知识点,就是把顺序错乱的词语根据逻辑关系重新排列,组成一个意思完整且通顺的句子。下面是我为大家整理的一年级语文连词成句的秘诀,希望对大家有帮助。什么是连词成句 连词成句是低年级年段经常考到的一个重要知识点,意思是把顺序错乱的词语根据逻辑关系重新排列,...

英语连词成句的小窍门有:看清标点符号、注意句式、检查纠错,答连词成句题的步骤。看清标点符号 1.如果是句号,则是陈述语句.陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。2.如果是问号,则是疑问语句.要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。注意句式 如果要求连陈述句,我们可以...

英语中连词成句的技巧 小学英语连词成句做题技巧
连词成句是中小学英语考试中常见的题型,回答技巧如下:1、可以根据所给标点符号来判断这句话是要连成一个什么样性质的句子。例如:are ducks what the doing(?)题目后给出了问号,即可判断最终连成的句子是一个问句。因此首先把疑问代词What放在最前面,紧跟其后的一定就是be动词are,然后是主语the ...


3) 关系代词which的先行词可以是一个句子,例如:He said he saw me there, which was a lie.他说在那儿看到了我,纯属谎言。说明: 关系代词that在从句中作宾语或表语时可省略, 例如:I've forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.我过去懂拉丁语,现在大都忘了。He's changed. He's ...

4.then baby bear pointed at the little girl.she didn't try the big chairs.she didn't destroy --- she didn't like --- she didn't want --- 1.she didn't like them.2.she walked into the bedroom.3.Goldilocks finally opened her eyes.4.she didn't return to the...

武都区18231439550: 英语补全句子,连词成句,8道题 -
刘敬和爽: IV. 1. will be 2. How wide 3. Both of 4. is there 5. If you don't hurry upV. 1. Both Kate and I are going shopping this Saturday.2. They all enjoy listening to the pop music.3. You can take small steps to overcome your fear.

武都区18231439550: 英语补全句子连词成句7道题,求解答哈
刘敬和爽: 1. never 2. isn't it 3. don't , or 4. have been , for 5. He has few friends here because he is new. 6. My mother allows me to watch TV on weekends. 7. in the future 8. is like 9. all the time 10. sent , to 11. allows , to

武都区18231439550: 求助几道英语题目 -- 连词成句:1、tower,started,the,lunch,we,to,climb,after.2、by,minute,the,start,a,itself,will,machine,in.3、door,is,the,umbrella,behind,an,there... -
刘敬和爽:[答案] 1 We started to climb the tower after lunch.2 The machine will start by itself in a minute.3 There is an umbrella behind the door.1.银行旁边有一座高楼.There is a tall building next to the bank.2.这位...

武都区18231439550: 英语连词成句
刘敬和爽: His parents are going to have a busy weekend. 他的爸爸将要有一个忙碌的双休日. My grandparents are going to visit the Great Wall.

武都区18231439550: 连词成句+补全对话一、连词成句 1.is our shopping list this tomorrow for2.are a lot of supermarket in shanghai there3.I am going buy reference shop in books ... -
刘敬和爽:[答案] 1 This is our shopping list for tomorrow. 2 There are a lot of supermarket in Shanghai. 3 I am going to buy some reference books in the shop . 4 Chicken is all cheaper in 5 yuan. 5 Winter clothes are all on sale on Sunday. 1 What can I do for you / Can I ...

武都区18231439550: 英语填空补全句子连词成句,求解答哈 -
刘敬和爽: 1 hasn't gone 2 no more3 strong enough4 no more has1 interested2 report3 are proud of4 trade5 to give 1 He got milk from his own cows .2 Most people don't have cows or chickens .加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

武都区18231439550: 英语 连词成句 题目在下面 谢谢了! -
刘敬和爽: Green spring is with songs and flowers.(这里动词是is,表示主语只能是单数)Because I can swim in the sea.(这句话其实是不完整的句子,在正式的写作中because不能放居首引导句...

武都区18231439550: 连词成句和根据内容,补全句子!(各位英语能手进!!)
刘敬和爽: 1.Play this game in groups of four. 2.The children liked it and they bought it at once. 3.David did buy the toy car in the end. Earl(pointed to)a toy (car)(in)the shop/ she can (see) the pen (in)her pencil-box

武都区18231439550: 几道英语问题1、连词成句:sure,I,am,will,a,we,good,have,time.2、综合填空:从下列提示词语中选出合适的填在下列空缺处(有的需要变换形式)提示词语:... -
刘敬和爽:[答案] 1.连词成句: I am sure we will have a good time. 2.综合填空: lives;swim;catch;model;fast;asks;write;fine;happy;forget 3. (A)but;come;how;make;same (B)nothing;easy (C) (1)It's Mr.White's. (2)No,they can't. (3)I think that they are foolish. Thank you for ...

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