
作者&投稿:兆昆帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

i'm studying in a beautiful school. There are 30 classes in it. There is a blackborad in our classroom and a teacher's desk is in front of it. There are 43 students in our class; 24 girls and 19 boys. Our school has a yard, a palyground and a library. Sometimes we go playing in the yard, run on the playground and read in the library. I love our school.

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-> an excellent famous teacher with enriched experiences

-> xx, a teacher good at English

-> xx, a teacher full of love and patience

-> xx, a teacher welcome most by the students

-> xx, a teacher who is able to play piano very well

-> Now let's request the pleasure of having XX present with our warm applauses.

1 experience excellent teachers
2. Good at English teacher of XX
3 extremely love and patience of XX teacher
4 a welcome XX teacher
5 can play the piano XX teacher good
6 applause welcome XXX

1 an excellent famous teacher with rich experience
2 Teacher XX who is good at English
3 TeacherXX full of love and patience
4 TeacherXX popular among children
5 Teacher XX who is a good piano player
6 let's warm welcome XX with applause

1.经验丰富的优秀名教师an excellent teacher with experience
2.擅长英语的XX老师 a teacher good at English
3.极富爱心和耐心的XX老师 a teacher with love and patience
4.极受小朋友欢迎的XX老师 a teacher very welcome by the kids
5.能弹一手好钢琴的XX老师 a teacher good at playing the piano
6.热烈的掌声有请XXX let's give an applause for XX

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Average value inequality is at the core position in the theory of inequality, is one of the most important basic inequalities in mathematics, therefore, in many fields of mathematics have broad application. This paper simply introduces the method to prove inequality of several ...

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英语高手们 谁能帮我翻译翻译吧
风景园林、正如练习今天,截然不同的历史渊源及其在园林,它是在一个课程仍在发展。在最基础的层次上,它仍然是关于建立和维护景观居住用地人类物种。然而,进步很大的知识和技术在过去的两个世纪里已经彻底改变了我们的关系与土地。一个 我们最伟大的悖论的一天,也许是这样的,我们永远不会知道更多关于自然...

这个学期王老师教我们英语,他来自湖南,是一位优秀的英语老师。This term we are taught English by Mr.Wang,an excellent English teacher,who comes from Hunan Province.


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请高手帮忙把这个中文翻译成英文 Once i lost everything, how can i lose you again.帮忙翻译个句子 中文翻译成英文 你好:为你提供精确解答 翻译为: Have you thought about the future containing me? 这句话容易误翻译为和我一起,with me ,of me 等等,请注意。谢谢,不懂可追问~~

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鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译成英文1.经验丰富的优秀名教师 2.擅长英语的XX老师 3.极富爱心和耐心的XX老师 4.极受小朋友欢迎的XX老师 5.能弹一手好钢琴的XX... -
营物同仁:[答案] 1.经验丰富的优秀名教师 -> an excellent famous teacher with enriched experiences2.擅长英语的XX老师 -> xx, a teacher good at English3.极富爱心和耐心的XX老师 -> xx, a teacher full of love and p...

鸡泽县17338723556: 英语翻译哪位英语高手帮我翻译下 是用英语翻译的哦```` -
营物同仁:[答案] Sleeping is not enough to cause the dark eye socket on her face.

鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位高手帮我翻译英语啊~~要通顺流畅哦,给分多多Bank AccountsMost of you are familiar with bank accounts.You probably have a checking account at a ... -
营物同仁:[答案] 银行帐户 您熟悉多数 银行帐户. 你大 概有支票帐户在一家当地银行、信贷协会、储款-和-贷款协会,或者其他财政机关.在这个部分,我们由谈论使用银行帐户然后他们的用途作为对现金的一个另外的控制.银行帐户用途 A事务经常维护几个银行帐户....

鸡泽县17338723556: 英语翻译哪位英语高手帮我翻一下这段英文,本人感激涕零呐~~~~people - oriented and fun loving,they make things more fun for others by their enjoyment.living... -
营物同仁:[答案] 以人为本,爱玩的,他们提出的东西,供其享受其他更多的乐趣. 为了现在而活,他们喜欢新的经验. 他们不喜欢理论和客观的分析. 有兴趣在服务他人. 可能是在社交场合人们关注的焦点. 发达的蒲公英意识和实践能力.

鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一句话? -
营物同仁: The vase was broken off the table by me.我自己翻译的,不知道对不对~

鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位高手帮我用英语翻译几句话 -
营物同仁: I like playing basketball and I can play it pretty well . I shoot very accurate in the vicinity, but not in the distance. Playing basketball requires focusing attention. During this time, sometimes I play basketball with my father, which is very interesting.

鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位英语翻译高手帮我翻译一句话!
营物同仁: My motto is that no matter how hard the future is,be brave and walk forward with confidence!

鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下~翻译的好我给加分!DearVendor
营物同仁: 亲爱的供货商: 我是智利sodimac的Terry Lu.(我曾经告诉过你,我们是南美洲最大的家居零售商.我们拥有75家商店,年营业额大约在15亿美圆左右.因为我们四月份就要去中国采购钢铁的计划,所以我已在几周前就联系到了您.我很高兴能够受到贵公司的邀请函,也在安排行程与您会面,从而进一步发掘商机.但是,我希望在出行前您能够填好我们公司的调查问卷以便加深了解,同时希望您嫩够尽快地把填好的表格发到我的邮箱里,以便加速进程.如果您对我们公司还有什么其他的方面想了解的话,请尽管联系我,我会尽快的给您解答.(请见附件:sodimac工厂问卷调查.excel)(请见附件:参观工厂.excel)_

鸡泽县17338723556: 英语翻译请哪位天才+高手帮我翻译成英文:我知道你得英语很好,但是我想在这里中文就足够了.. -
营物同仁:[答案] 汗……I know you have a good knowledge of English ,but I think Chinese is enough here.

鸡泽县17338723556: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这个句子,非常感谢Looking back on the things I've done~I was trying to be someone.! -
营物同仁:[答案] 回顾我所做过的是,我过去一直在试图成为某人

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