
作者&投稿:耿胁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1)病例如下:(case history 病例)

Based on the survey of the international market, our company‘s quotation really pays. This batch of products is made of the latest materials, using the most advanced technology and with the latest style. Meanwhile, the quotation for European companies is $5.36 as well, so the price can't go any lower.

The financial crisis is beyond our expectation, our company adjusts to the changes in the market in order to balance supply and demand, improve the craft and technology, strengthen the research and development in raw materials, new high-tech silk, and gradually reduce and eliminate the low-level ones. So now we only produce this new type of products.

As for the price, we offer you 4.9 USD through discussion and consultation. As 1 hundred thousand pieces of silk is quite a big amount, please think about our offer.


1.Tomorrow I'll have people to repair the machine .
2.Every morning we have to listen to him read aloud in English .
3.We will not let him go out at night。
4. His hair cut once a month 。
5. I'll get my tape recorder repair it
6. The terrible sound frightened the children
7. She is listening to someone tell stories
8. The boys were watching the soldiers training operation
9. I have never seen the word used that way before
10. He found it hard to talk with you
11. I want to go there by boat more comfortable
12. I think there may be another way to solve problems with
13. The school made a rule, students should stand up when class begins
14. I think that talking with that man is not helpful
15. Tonight, but will
16. The village had only one well
17. The school has a music teacher and an art teacher
18. Guests there were two Americans and two French
19. Forecast for the afternoon with strong winds
20. Lights on, the office must be someone
21. Pre-war cinema which has been the home
22. Just when no one room
23. Once upon a village by the sea there lived an old fisherman
24. The bus comes here
25. For only 28 dollars.

1.Tomorrow I'll have people to repair the machine .
2.Every morning we have to listen to him read aloud in English .
3.We will not let him go out at night。
4. His hair cut once a month 。
5. I'll get my tape recorder repair it
6. The terrible sound frightened the children
7. She is listening to someone tell stories
8. The boys were watching the soldiers training operation
9. I have never seen the word used that way before
10. He found it hard to talk with you
11. I want to go there by boat more comfortable
12. I think there may be another way to solve problems with
13. The school made a rule, students should stand up when class begins
14. I think that talking with that man is not helpful
15. Tonight, but will
16. The village had only one well
17. The school has a music teacher and an art teacher
18. Guests there were two Americans and two French
19. Forecast for the afternoon with strong winds
20. Lights on, the office must be someone
21. Pre-war cinema which has been the home
22. Just when no one room
23. Once upon a village by the sea there lived an old fisherman
24. The bus comes here
25. For only 28 dollars.

I want somebody to repair the machine tomorrow
Every morning we hear him read English aloud
We would not let him go out at night
Every month he have a haircut
I will to invite somebody to fix my recoder
the children is frightened by that terribe voice
he is listening to the story that someone is telling
boys are looking at soldiers drilling

查看“新”接口样例 View Inventory (Vault): 查看清单(一般是物品清单,vault是金库的意思,这里应该也是指游戏里的物品清单吧)Clr: 我觉得这个应该是clear,清除 没有看到东西,只能这样字面翻译,如果可以具体看到你说的修改器用一用,也许一些?的东西可以猜出是什么意思。希望可以帮到你。

"我的全部工作是让 Aigo 变得更大和拥有更好的知名度 , " 她说," 这是我做每件事物的出发点。”身为首席执行官,她必须作出最重要的决定使公司获得国际性成功。她的主要工作之一是与其他的大公司建立亲密的关系。 她已经与一些大公司像索尼公司 BMG 和其它全世界的公司建立了这种关系。 最近,她...


金融市场和机构的出现,以减轻信息的影响 transaction costs that prevent direct pooling and investment of society’s savings.2 While 防止直接池和社会储蓄投资的交易费用2 some theoretical models stress the importance of different institutional forms financial 一些理论模型强调了不同制度形态金融的...

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我们还知道了一些关于英国人吃下午茶时候需要注意的规矩。比如,喝茶的时候不能出声音,还有当有位女士来和离去的时候,所有在这张桌子的男人都应该起身,因为这样比较礼貌。I think afternoon tea must be a wonderful part of British people's daily life.我认为,下午茶一定是英国人每天中十分美好的...

A sky without sun 没有太阳的天空 A man with no nation 一个没有国籍的男人 Saints, captive in chains 圣徒,排着长队的上尉 A song with no name 和一首因为少了想象力 For lack of imagination 而等待着名字的歌 Ya he…And I have seen 我也曾见过 Darker than ebony 比檀木更黑的...


1.这让我在专业知识上的掌握上更加扎实 これは私の専门の知识上のに掌握するのが更に坚固にならせる 2.由于服装加工需要很多设备,有时候我去父亲服装厂里经常看见工人在操作这些大型机器,而他们所做的就是控制一些键盘按钮,后来我才知道,这就是所谓的数控技术,从此我就开始关注这个领域的知识了...

哪位热心高手能帮我 翻译这些植物的中文名称???
ehrenbergiana。Albizza lebbeck。大叶合欢 Casuarina equisitifolia木麻黄 Conocarpus lancifolius。Eucalyptus camaldulensis。赤桉 Peltapharum inerme。Pithecellobium dulce。Pongamia glabra水黄皮 Prosopis cineraria。牧豆菊 Zizyphus spina-christi 枣 忒专业了,很多查不到,帮不了很多,不好意思了~...

珙县17884073637: 哪位英语高手可以帮我翻译下列句子,顺便举几个定语从句里用whose的句子. Thank you!1 请将那本在被装满书的书包里的书递给我2.我经常模仿写字漂亮的... -
运录歧星:[答案] 猜你应该都要用定语从句翻译吧.1.please hand me the book in the bag which is filled with books.2.I often imitate homeworks of my classmates whose handwriting is good.3.第三句中文好难理解啊,没用定语从句...

珙县17884073637: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家.(befamousfor,befamousas)2.Tom认为他比他们... -
运录歧星:[答案] 1.The old man was famous for his great work whilst famous as a scientist. 2.Tom believes he knows everyone's business better than themselves.3.Since this century, natural resources are overtly used.

珙县17884073637: 英语高手来帮我翻译几个句子
运录歧星: You are a conscientious teacher and I hope you can continue to help me with my English.I hope we can become friends.

珙县17884073637: 英语翻译哪位高手能帮我翻译一些下面的句子呢?(中译英) 采纳的话会重赏的哦(100),--------------------------------------------------------------------先生,不好意思... -
运录歧星:[答案] cardholder's signature model and positive and negative copies of credit card can be.

珙县17884073637: 高手帮我翻译几句英语句子 -
运录歧星: 1.斗牛最初是一个富人的在马背上的运动.

珙县17884073637: 请求英语高手帮我翻译个句子? -
运录歧星: one gets as much as he gives 一份耕耘,一份收获.字面意思是:一个人得到的和他付出的一样多 = no pains, no gains.补充: 你的这句话有问号吗? 我觉得也有:同工同酬的意思 有没有语境呢 比如说男女平等问题的时候,以前女生的工资都偏低的,当时就有一个口号是:同工同酬 或者说这句话:一个人的收获会跟付出成正比吗?难道付出多少,就能得到多少吗? 可能是表达说:我的付出跟回报一定都不成比例,是一种抱怨

珙县17884073637: 求英语高手!!帮我翻译几个句子,谢谢~ -
运录歧星: 1. For instance, we often feel lonely, puzzled with the changes of the surrounding world. 2. We are eager to be independent, hoping to appear like grownups. 3. Although there's more gloom than harvest, however, we believe the two enrich and varify our childhood. 打字好费力,起码要奖励10分.

珙县17884073637: 英语高手来帮我翻译2个简单的句子
运录歧星: 1、When it is windy,we can feel the air moving very fast.2、The policemem searched the escaped criminal from door to door.

珙县17884073637: 请哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这些句子,急用啊 1. 你对中国的未来有什么样的想法?2. 我们作为新一代的中学生,对国家有怎么样的责任?3. 你对自己的祖... -
运录歧星:[答案] 我不是高手,我试试看~(纯粹个人翻译,请多多指教) 1.What do youthink of the future of China? 2.As a new generation of high school students,what kinds of responsability that we have to our country? 3.Do you feel pride of your motherland? 4.I hope ...

珙县17884073637: 求几位英文高手帮我翻译些英文句子为中文 -
运录歧星: |comedy|comedies|thriller|thrillers|actionmovie|actionmovies|documentary|documentaries这些都是名词和名词的复数,应该是你书本的新单词吧.自己去查字典吧你想去看电影吗?他想去看电影吗?她想去看电影吗?你喜欢什么类型的电影?我喜欢动作片和喜剧

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