
作者&投稿:阚居 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The story reflects the variety of people around the competition for such a beautiful garden and the old houses and other property, five days in a murder case that occurred until the analysis and detection, the entire process of receiving the money.
The story describes a mother and children were among the scores. Originally, human love is the most beautiful things in the world. The money is an indispensable element of a family's material conditions. However, to obtain money to build a proper way in the basis. This story can be murder for love. In order to obtain money, the wife can be killed by her husband. Each family member because of the demand for different interests, I would like to receive the property from his mother. Finally, in his mother's birthday that night, it was poisoning her. Then who did?
Although every member of the family hated her mother, but her a slip of the tongue of a word, so I know that earlier than the detectives of the perpetrators of the killings.
Control of the family and the victims are mothers. Daughter of the gardener and home gardens in love, the mother has abandoned gardener economic distress, rather than agree to this match. Therefore, the gardener, she hopes to buy half of the garden, the mother very angry. While her little daughter because they know what killed the mother and father get things garden and house, often used to coerce mothers, a lot of money extortion. This taxing mother. The son would like to garden in her mother's co-launching with a friend in order to obtain more profits, the mother does not agree. Therefore, everyone hates her death, she hated everyone.
In this family there is no love, affection, and only money is full of money.

Love or Money
The Clarkson family lived in the near Cambridage , about half a mile from the nearest village and about a mile from the river . They had a big , old house with a beautiful garden , a lot of flowers and many old trees.
Jackie's mother Molly is most richer . All family of Molly's want to get money ,land,graden and house . She was made Peter lost his first job , then,Peter wants to kill Molly . After Molly's birthday party . Diance on the second day's morning , she to get her mother milk , find her mother Molly was die . No one knows who made Molly die . Final , two detectives reasoning , the murderer is Molly's daughter --Jackie .
The story told us : money is not the most important thing in the life of us . Love is the most important in the earth

This article reflects the different kinds of people compete with such a beautiful garden and ancient houses and other property, five days before the murder of the whole process of analysis and detection.Each family member because the interests of the different requirements to receive his mother's property.Finally, in his mother's birthday that night poisoning her.Who did it?Each family member who hate her mother, and everyone has a reason.So, everyone hate her, she also hate everyone.There is no love the family, affection, only money.

Why love such a heavy burden to bear, to suffer so many conditions attached, along with the additional money, love and how far to go? A feeling of corrosion in the money, be able to play through the test. People in the confusion of money, gradually forgotten that the real feelings in the hearts of the money has been gradually formed a dominant position, but also emotional life is an accessory. Chi Kuang no matter how loving, always money can not stop the arrival of the waves.

This article reflects the different kinds of people compete with such a beautiful garden and ancient houses and other property, five days before the murder of the whole process of analysis and detection.Each family member because the interests of the different requirements to receive his mother's property.Finally, in his mother's birthday that night poisoning her.Who did it?Each family member who hate her mother, and everyone has a reason.So, everyone hate her, she also hate everyone.There is no love the family, affection, only money.

This article reflects the different kinds of people compete with such a beautiful garden and ancient houses and other property, five days before the murder of the whole process of analysis and detection.Each family member because the interests of the different requirements to receive his...

18、爱情,只遵从直觉,与金钱或道德无关。 19、爱情是理想的一致,是意志的融合;而不是物质的代名词、金钱的奴仆。 20、对于浪费的人,金钱是圆的,可是对于节俭的人,金钱是扁平的,是可以一块块堆积起来的。 21、爱情与金钱都是好东西,但是两者结合在一起,未必孕育出甜甜的喜糖。 22、有了金钱就能在这个世界上...


●不要轻易用美色和金钱去考验你的朋友,没有多少人如你想象的那么坚强和忠贞。 ●现代人的爱情都很脆弱,誓言只是一块欲望的遮羞布。 ●在物质社会,没有谁把爱情看得比他生命更重要,很多时候,在爱情中,往往都是把自己看得太重。 ●死了都要爱是骗人的,宁愿好好活着,天天做爱,也坚决不玩殉情那点看起来很高尚...

01 有人问,为什么好的感情一定要谈钱?因为很多人的感情,往往是从爱情开始,然后以金钱结束。生活中充斥着太多想要用爱情提高生活质量的人,说白了就是,自己不努力,惦记别人的钱,然后打着爱情的名义理所应当地花对方的钱。为爱人舍得花钱,是一种证明爱的方式,但如果过度消耗,真的能满足自己的...



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