求解!!!!!英语翻译。 我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利该说什么语言呢?(be suppos

作者&投稿:学亮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译:3,这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了。 4,我们不会讲意大利语,那我们到了意大利该说什么语~

1. the soup smells delicious !i cannot wait to taste it.
2. we dont speak Italian, so what do we speak when we get to Italy ?
2. it looks like rainy, dont forget to take an umbrella.
3. she insisted to take research into wild animals in Africa even though everybody ask her not to do this.
4.it is sure that they must win because they are the best team all over the country.
5. she was very tired and wanted a good sleep.
6. there no need to explain for yourself because this is your mistake.
7.now that John is here, let's start working


We do not know how to speak italian. What language are we be supposed to speak in Italy?

What language are we supposed to speak in Italy since we can not speak Italian?


Whose house is this

概念化和圈定 Consistent with the emerging consensus in favor of a 符合正在形成的共识 , 取而代之的是 broader construal of strategic alliances (see, for example, 更广泛的战略联盟识(见,例如,Spekman and Sawhney 1990; Terpstra and Simonin 1992), Spekman和Sawhney 1990 ;特普斯特拉和...


power作“强国”解时,一般指在政治、经济或军事等方面对世界有一定影响的大国或强国。power还可用于数学方面,作“幂,乘方”解。近义词:energy 英 ['enədʒi]     美 ['enərdʒi]n. 精力;活力;能源 energy的基本意思是“活力”“干劲”“能力”,多用作不可数...

高中英语词典什么好 你就买“牛津高阶英汉双解词典”第七版。内容很丰富的。你想学好英语这个词典可以的。你高中用完,大学也够了,就不用买几本词典的。高阶的。 高中生 求一本好的英语词典 两本都有,但是用朗文多一些,觉得排版方式更容易找到合适的解释。现在用卡西欧的电子词典,主要是纸质的太厚,懒得翻。

人脑逐句翻译,谢谢反馈,期待加分!The way we influence people to a lasting way is by our own character,and our understanding and use of emotion.我们通过自己的性格以及自己对情感的理解和运用来持续不断地影响他人。We can order someone to do sth,which may be part of the work day,or...

在我们学习英语书过程中,是否常发生下列问题? 1. 您是否只能开口说一些简单的英文句子,而无法完整表达意思,因为您担心文法错误? 2. 您是否常忘记所背过的单字与文法规则? 3. 您是否说英文时,先想中文再试著将它翻作英文? 4. 您是否觉得枉花了许多时间而仍无法掌握学习英文的重点? 5. 您是否觉得自己的英文「...

My eyes seek reality My fingers seek my veins There’s a dog at your back step He must come in from the rain I fall cause I’ve let go The net below has rotted away So my eyes seek reality My fingers seek my veins 我双眸在找寻现实 手指却在寻找静脉 你后台阶上有只狗 ...

英语翻译,翻给签证领事馆用的解释信,急需 !用词请斟酌!拜托了!
Sincerely Mr.\/Ms. Visa Officer,Hereby is to verify that my father is to be retired because of poor performance of his former employer(或unit). Meanwhile, he was interested in stock investment long ago (he had studied for it, too), thus daily expenses of my family are ...

1:She did not watch TV until her mother came home 2:和第一句一样,中文来讲也是一样的嘛,她不会一直看电视直到她母亲回来为止,意思就是他妈妈回来她就会开始看电视嘛,也可以说:She won't keep watching TV until her mother comes back.都是一个意思 3:直到下午三点我才会开始等你。

彰武县15787307965: 求解英文翻译
歧脉甘氨:1. Please promise me not to tell anyone (promise) 2.为了确保安全,我们提醒乘客们在开车前都系上安全带(ensure) 2. To ensure safety, we advise all passengers to wear seat belts before driving (ensure)3.为了让他新开的书店为大家所知,...

彰武县15787307965: 求解英语翻译 -
歧脉甘氨: 1.他们在准备演讲,练习回答问题.2. 他带着我二年级的书逃走了.3.他的热情和能力为他成为分老总带来一个机会,但他需要上交资格考试试卷.4.他的健康在下降,他两次因轻微心脏病进出医院.pay sth off...

彰武县15787307965: 英语翻译我们不会要经历你们的老路,我们不会重复的生活; 而是要走出自己的道路,找到自己的生活;抛弃这个世界的规则,甩掉所有的约束,写出只属于... -
歧脉甘氨:[答案] We will not go through your old, We will not repeat the life; But to go its own way, to find their own lives; Abandon the rules of this world, Get rid of all the constraints, write only your own life!

彰武县15787307965: 英语翻译1.我们不会说英语,那到了英国我们应该说什么语言呢?(be supposed to)2.他是个自私的人,你不要对他有太多的指望.(expect.form)3.天看起来... -
歧脉甘氨:[答案] we can't speak English,what language are we supposed to speak when we get to England? He is a selfish person,don't expect too much from him. It looks as though it will rain,don't forget to bring an umbrella with you.

彰武县15787307965: 英语小翻译 各位同仁帮忙啊!我不会啊!!!! -
歧脉甘氨: 1.辞职2.这位女士的工作做得怎么样了?3.Get to有很多意思要看语境啦4.你再受不了她的老板了5.也要看语境,可以说,她在公司里还有升职的空间,也可以说她还没有到达最佳状态6.她不是很出色7.通过收音机&无线电,在具体句子里也会有不同的意思8.如果幸运的话,从他的办公室到剧院乘车只要花10分钟

彰武县15787307965: 英语翻译1.周日我们有个晚会.2.面对困难我们不会丧失信心.3.我们坐火车吗?4.你要和他们一起去看电影吗?5.他们很快就会回来的.6.明天会是好天吗?7.今... -
歧脉甘氨:[答案] 1. We will have a party on weekends. 2.Don't lose the confidence when you are in trouble. 3.Do we take a train? 4.Will you go to a movie with them? 5.They will come back soon. 6.Will the weather be fine tomorrow? 7.He won't be free this afternoon. 8.If it ...

彰武县15787307965: 我们不会踢足球,但是我们会打篮球.他们不会吸烟.英语翻译 -
歧脉甘氨:[答案] We can not play football but we can play basketball. they can not smoke

彰武县15787307965: 英语口语:不会吧!怎么翻译 -
歧脉甘氨: really? / you sure? /you don't say? 字面上这些翻译成真的吗 其实也就是我们所谓的不会吧的意思

彰武县15787307965: 英语句子翻译 1 我们永远都不会有哆啦A梦的时光机. 2 我们永远不能回到过去去改变事情,也不能 -
歧脉甘氨: 1 we will never have Doraemon time machine. 2 we can never go back to the past to change things, nor to the next to go, so the only thing we can do is to do now

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