英语翻译,翻给签证领事馆用的解释信,急需 !用词请斟酌!拜托了!

作者&投稿:蠹征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

其实你不需要写信的,如果签证成功了,这两天你就可以去拿护照了,你也不需要告诉他们你不去了,这样会影响到你的签证记录;如果你一定要写,我给你弄一个大概框架, 你自己把具体内容填进去:

Re: (你的名字) Visa Application(这是你的题目)
Dear Sir/Mme,
My name is (****), passport number (*****), and I have received a notice that my visa was granted. However, do to some personal issues and time conflict during (你准备去的时间),unfortunately, I might not be able to travel to (你要去的地方). Hence, I am writing to request my passport back as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. And please inform me when is a good time to pick up my passport.

Yours sincerely,


To and the husband go to France to honeymoon, consulate requirements when a visa at the bank, but due to the cash in the home, house and car in my name, so the husband water only pay check.(软件翻译)

Sincerely Mr./Ms. Visa Officer,
Hereby is to verify that my father is to be retired because of poor performance of his former employer(或unit). Meanwhile, he was interested in stock investment long ago (he had studied for it, too), thus daily expenses of my family are primarily depended on his share profits. Moreover, my parents' earnings are spent on savings. Therefore, I do enclose herewith my father's stock account list and those bank bills to declare the financial condition of my family. Thanks very much for your check/checking(2选1).


Dear Sir/Madamn:
My father is retiring becauce of the company's poor efficiency ,anyway,he was in great intresest in investing stock market-he had ever learned relevant knowledge,and he is still holding some shares ,the benefit from which is soupporting our daily livings and the wages of my parent is deposited in the bank.
I hereby enclose a transaction list of my father's share account and a bank letter to explain the finacial state of our family.


Dear visa officer Sir / Madam: my father work units due to poor efficiency, are to be retired, he had to invest in stocks are very interested in ( he had learned this knowledge ), our family expenses is basically his stock return, my parents pay for savings, so I especially with father stock list of accounts and bank water alone, as a description of our finances. Hereby explained!

Dear sir,
My father's work company has poor efficiency, therefore my father is retired. My father has a lot of interest in the stock market(he also had study about it) , our daily expenses basically came from the stock income, and my parents salary are in the savings. I have attached my father's stock list and bank statement, hopefully it can explain to you about our capital position.
Thank you


Dear Sir\/Ms,This is XXX, I have mailed all the files of applying Student Visa (include all the fees need to be paid during this process) to the Canada Visa Application Center on Aug 22nd, 2014. It should be received on next Monday, as known as Aug 25th, 2014. However, ...

谁能帮我翻译个签证申请啊 语气要尽量客气
Respected visa officer,The 14th WCA2008 will be March 2-7 held in Cape Town,We,TYCO HEALTHCARE companies,Invited a number of domestic related to the doctors in the field of participants.Our starting date for March 1, to attend the meeting of the airline ticket and hotel have ...


可以自己翻译,就是用太傻上的模板,只不过要署别人的名字和信息,且这个人最好是专八。要求里明确标明:不能给自己做翻译。9 T9 S% Q. O2 n2 x( l F4 X" s3 y1 u 我所有东西都是自己翻的,然后签了别人的名字,1000pass,楼主有什么问题可以问我~...

福州英国签证中心 T4学生签,递签时毕业证学业证能直接给签证处...
这个翻译件是有特殊要求的 如果你在英国续签可以联系你大学里的 留学生帮助中心 他们可以帮你,英国递签 标准要8周 加急是当天 不过得在开学之前,最好找你大学的留学生帮助中心 出错就麻烦了。让他们帮你确认文件

...证明翻译成捷克语在做双认证吧。 国内有官方认证的捷克语翻译...





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路药血脂: Dear visa officer:Please allow me to write this letter of explanation to you.My father's wages in cash, so I provide the income certificate issued by him. And his income, in addition to the family daily consumption, basic it in my mother's account. So, ...

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路药血脂: 你说的情况我实在是没听明白,如果你两个章都盖在旅游证上面,那护照上也是一出一进,如果不是,只有一个的话,你在英国护照丢了,怎么会回国找到的.不管怎么说,我建议你现在的解决办法是,不但要有一封信,而且要把旅游证附上,而且要在护照页有问题的那一页,别一张纸,写上此处只有出境,没有入境有特殊原因,详见解释信和旅游证.这三个东西请一定放到一起.签证填写表格那里也要写这个,有备注这个东西的地方,也要尽可能清楚的备注,不过不要乱备注.情况属实,问题不大,不要瞎担心

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