
作者&投稿:肥耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Be quite different

大相径庭 [dà xiāng jìng tíng]
be widely divergent
at opposite poles
be poles apart
miss by a mile
stand in stark contrast to
wide off the mark

这几个都可以:be quite different; be very unlike; be widely divergent; entirely contrary;
In fact everything he does is opposite to what is considered normal behaviour.


不能说错,但是有下面几个问题:1)一般如果讲到日工资或算钟点的,就不会用 salary 而是用 wage ... an average daily wage of 300 RMB 要更直白一点。2)大相径庭用词很文雅,不过在英语而言,实际情形恐怕还没到 the opposite 的地步,quite different from 大概就够啦。3)语法上你用的时态...

连老外都会写错!Adapt Vs. Adopt 你写对了吗?
欢迎来到《精准掌握》英语词汇课堂,今天我们将聚焦于一对看似相似,实则内涵大相径庭的词汇——Adapt与Adopt。它们在日常表达中扮演着重要角色,但理解它们的细微差别,是提升英语实力的关键一步。Adapt<\/ Adapt,这个单词如同一把微调的工具,它有以下含义:微调或改变<\/: 通过小幅度的调整,使事物适应新...

问几个英语问题 有把握把我讲懂得进来
2)本句的lie与上句大相径庭。lie in是固定短语,“在于。。。”的意思。4.Do you know the boy standing by her?中的standing by her是现在分词短语做定语,修饰the boy的。其功能相当于一个定语从句:Do you know the boy( who is )standing by her?上面那道题不可以用lying来表示这种句型...

◎ 这些现象和问题,与我们倡导的共产主义理想、高尚的道德情操和全心全意为人民服务的精神,与我们弘扬的自力更生、艰苦奋斗、爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的思想,与人民群众的要求与愿望,是大相径庭、背道而驰的。◎ 第四,要抵制与改革相违背、与共产主义信念背道而驰的腐朽没落思想的侵蚀,否则,...

由于双方观点大相径庭,最终没有达成任何协议。(agreement)---As the two parties hold totally different idea, they didn’t reach any agreement.14. 如果你在这儿多呆一段时间,你会适应这儿的天气和饮食。(and)---Stay here longer and you will adapt to the weather and food.15. 如果你仔细检查的话,...

谁能帮我把下面的话用英语翻译!! 今天一直在线
Through the comparison of the shaping of the hero in these two works, we can discover that they have many similiarities among themselves, although both of them are from different country. However, due to the difference social and cultural contexts of the two authors, cause the ...

“半斤八两”的英语 as broad as it is long:字面意思看来,这个短语是说“长和宽一样”,稍微引申一点,可以理解为“没有区别,半斤八两”。它用来表示供选择的两件事物优劣相等,数量相当,与汉语成语“铢两悉称”、“旗鼓相当”的语义比较接近。参考资料:http:\/\/www.59edu.com\/Article\/ShowArt...

从这三个例子看,“sometime”和“sometimes”不但意思不同 , 所处的位置也大相径庭。就用途来说, “sometime”的用途广些。除了表示“在某时期 ”这意思之外,它也含有“任何时候”的意义,如:* Come over and see me sometime. 这里的“sometime”,可以用“anytime”代替,即: Come over...

都在这了 1. Forget about 2. 3. 4) no acting since ancient times 5 6. Read look and valuables and urgent 9 spent to translate 10. 11.he's assurance from suffering from dec. 13-14 blockbuster halfway 15 interests from deaf and blind and deaf and then a stone's throw ...

海门市15112313216: “大相径庭”用英语怎么说? -
称具奥维:[答案] 大相径庭 [dà xiāng jìng tíng] 基本翻译 be widely divergent at opposite poles be poles apart miss by a mile stand in stark contrast to wide off the mark

海门市15112313216: 大相径庭用英语怎么说? -
称具奥维: 大相径庭 be widely divergent http://www.iciba.com/search?s=大相径庭

海门市15112313216: “大相径庭”用英语怎么说??? -
称具奥维: there are big differences of social customs among the different countries.

海门市15112313216: 大相径庭的英文怎么说 -
称具奥维: 你好!大相径庭 Be quite different

海门市15112313216: 汉译英:大相径庭
称具奥维: to be widely divergent

海门市15112313216: 英语翻译:你说的与我们在实验中发现的大相径庭 -
称具奥维:[答案] What you said is diametrically different with what we discovered in experiments.

海门市15112313216: 早上有点冷英文怎么说 -
称具奥维: it is a little cold in the morning1.a bit与a little都可作程度副词,表示"稍微、一点儿"的意思,修饰动词、形容词、比较级等,二者可以互换.例如:Will you please turn down the radio a bit/a little?(动词)请你把收音机声音关小一点好吗? ...

海门市15112313216: 大相径庭是什么意思? -
称具奥维: 【读音】 dà xiāng jìng tíng【释义】径:门外的路;庭:门院里的地.《庄子·逍遥游》:“大有径庭,不近人情焉.”后来用“大相径庭”表示彼此相差很远或矛盾很大:他们的意见大相径庭,无法折中. 【出处】庄周《庄子·逍遥游》:“吾惊怖其言,犹河汉而无极也.大有径庭,不近人情焉?” 【解释】形容事物区别明显,意见、看法截然不同.一般作谓语. 【结构】偏正式. 【近义词】泾渭分明、截然不同 、天壤之别 【反义词】一模一样、如出一辙[1]

海门市15112313216: 大相径庭是啥意思?
称具奥维: 大相径庭(dà xiāng jìng tíng)是比喻相差很远,大不相同.迳:小路;庭:院子;迳庭:悬殊,偏激. 出自《庄子·逍遥游》:“吾惊怖其言;犹河汉而无极也;大有径庭;不近人情焉.” 译文:我对听到的流言极其恐怖和惊诧,就和河流...

海门市15112313216: 英文翻译一句谢谢.他们当时告诉我,我讲在这里平均每天挣300元,但结果却是大相径庭. -
称具奥维:[答案] I was then informed (by them )that i could earn 300 yuan each day on average,but the fact swerved to the opposite.

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