
作者&投稿:于贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. same
2. said
3. bad
4. so
5. thinking
6. to
7. unmindfully
8. fall
9. down
10. poored

doesn't like




86 named
87 fourteenth
88 spare
89 love
90 gift




1.What our teacher cares most about is the score of the students.

2.If I had a lot of money,I'd give it to charity.

3.Dale 宁愿步行回家,也不愿做车。
Dale would rather walk home than take a bus.

I am gald to introduce my friend to all of you.

You'd better ask the teacher for sugessions/advice.

6.I would rather do sports than watch TV at home(改为同义句)
I prefer to do sports rather than watch TV at home.

7.Please tell him to wait for me after school.(改为否定句)
Pease tell him not to wait for me after school

We really don't konw what will do next.
( do)-(happen )

Diana is an outgoing girl.She has a circle very good friends in her class,

Can you think up the solution of this problem.
( up)-(over )

What did you do if you won the lottery?
(did )-(would )

Wherever we go , we must be careful of safe
( safe)-(safety )

1.What our teacher cares most about is the score of the students.

2.If I had a lot of money,I'd give it to charity.

3.Dale 宁愿步行回家,也不愿做车。
Dale would rather walk home than take a bus.

I am gald to introduce my friend to all of you.

You'd better ask the teacher for advice.

6.I would rather do sports than watch TV at home(改为同义句)
I prefer to do sports rather than watch TV at home.

7.Please tell him to wait for me after school.(改为否定句)
Pease tell him not to wait for me after school

We really don't konw what will do next.
( do)-(happen )

Diana is an outgoing girl.She has a circle very good friends in her class,

Can you think up the solution of this problem.
( up)-(over )

What did you do if you won the lottery?
(did )-(will )

Wherever we go , we must be careful of safe
( safe)-(safty )

1.What our teacher cares most about is the score of the students.

2.If I had a lot of money,I'd give it to charities

3.Dale 宁愿步行回家,也不愿做车。
Dale would rather walk home than take a bus.

I am gald to introduce my friend to all of you.

You'd better asked the teacher for advice.

6.I would rather do sports than watch TV at home(改为同义句)
I prefer doing sports to watching TV at home

7.Please tell him to wait for me after school.(改为否定句)
Pease tell him not to wait for me after school

We really don't konw what will do next.
(what will )-(what to )

Diana is an outgoing girl.She has a circle very good friends in her class,
( friends)-( friend)

Can you think up the solution of this problem.
(think up )-( find out)

What did you do if you won the lottery?
(won )-(would win )

Wherever we go , we must be careful of safe
(safe )-( safety)

1.What our teacher cares most about is the study of the students.

2.If I had a lot of money,I'd give it to charity.

3.Dale 宁愿步行回家,也不愿做车。
Dale would rather walk home than take a bus.

I am gald to introduce my friend to all of you.

You'd better ask the teacher for sugessions/advice.

6.I would rather do sports than watch TV at home(改为同义句)
I prefer to do sports rather than watch TV at home.

7.Please tell him to wait for me after school.(改为否定句)
Pease tell him not to wait for me after school

We really don't konw what will do next.
( do)-(happen )

Diana is an outgoing girl.She has a circle very good friends in her class,

Can you think up the solution of this problem.
( think)-(put )

What did you do if you won the lottery?
(did )-(would )

Wherever we go , we must be careful of safe
( safe)-(safety )

答:大多数问题不错,尽管多了点。第三个问题,关于taste的过去式和过去分词的问题,差了点。不会查词典吗?a little和a little of的区别:答:看似一个低级问题,实则不然。明眼一看,一个比另一个多了一个of,还区分不出吗?问题是:两个后面都可以跟名词,这时候,有什么区别呢?这样问,就...

第二个是him,介词后跟宾语 其他两个都是对的。定语用来限定、修饰名词或代词的,定语是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语或句子 名词、代词、数词、副词、介词短语以及动词不定式(短语)、分词和定语从句等都可用作定语。例子:1.形容词作定语:The little boy needs a blue pen.(little修饰...

初三英语问题,望高手解答,都有答案要解释!100分好的追加100 24.Theboymusthavestayeduplatelastnight,___?A.mustn’theB.hasn’theC.didn’theD.musthe25.—Excuseme,CanI___yourpen?—Sorry.Ihave___ittoBob.A.borrow;lentB.borrow;... 24. The boy must have stayed up late last night, ___?

有桨却无法致岸,有情却无法会面,不正如“溯游从之,宛在水中央”及“盈盈一水间,脉脉不得语”的痛楚吗?缠绵悱恻的相思愁苦满溢诗里行间,令人不忍触摸。“蓓蕾一般默默地等待 ”,“默默”一词使“蓓蕾”这个意象更加形象突出,等待的热切和希望的深切之情溢于纸上;“夕阳一般遥遥地注目”,...

英语初三问题 虚拟语气 if you listen to me ,you ___have some candies...
选A 1. 当if后面接一般现在时的动词时,表示对将来的一种推测.if sb do sth sb will\/shall do sth.If you go with me, you shall be rewarded.2. 当if后面接一般过去时的动词时,则是一种虚拟语气.if sb did sth sb would\/should do sth.If I didn't make that mistake, I would't ...

(本题考查同学们的语言运用能力。这是一道开放性题目,回答时只要结合文章内容,提出问题并组织答案,且语言表达流畅即可,答案不唯一。) 22.思路点拨:这是一个审题难度较小、写作范围非常宽广的题目。在人生行进的路上,有成功,有失败,有经验,有教训,有喜悦,有忧伤。我们遇到的或是经历的事,有的一闪而过,如过眼...

neither ...nor... 意为不……也不……(1)neither可与of构成短语,做主语时,谓语动词用单数,如 Neither of the two boys is a student.这两个男孩都不是学生。(2)neither做定语,与单数名词连用,如 We saw neither side could win.我们知道双方都不能赢 但是neither...nor...可与复数...

你好,同学 1. 答案确实是填you 即:Who will teach you oral English?翻译:谁要教你们英语口语?解析:为什么用you,不用your? 因为teach 后面可以接双宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语。而本句中oral English 是直接宾语,而you是间接宾语,即teach sb. sth 教某人某物,固定用法。如果用your的话,...

(3)卒中往往语,皆指目陈胜。 9.陈胜为什么认为当时的情形有利于起义?他又是如何造势的?(4分) (二)阅读下面的文言文,回答问题。(8分) 谢深甫,字子肃,台州临海人。少颖悟,刻志为学,积数年①少寐,夕则置瓶水加足于上,以警困怠。父景之识为远器,临终语其妻曰:“是儿当大吾门②,善训迪之。”母攻苦守...

定语从句表示对前面主句的补充说明,比如说,这个句子:there are many people there who speak Chinese.那么there are many people there 就是主句,speak Chinese就是从句,那么这就是一个由who引导的定语从句,简单的说who后面的句子是没有主语的,所以对主句的一个补充说明。就这个句子而言,“那有...

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腾冲县15877037535: 英语问题初三
栋庄鱼肝: 1. n 字母N 2.seven letters 7个 3.a driver 司机 4.the hand of clock 表的指针 5.snowman 雪人

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语问题
栋庄鱼肝: 这个问题问得很有意义哦, \(^o^)/ 首先 so 和such 都代表 如此,多么的意思 so 后面跟的是形容词 such 后面跟的是名词 而题目往往用形容词加名词来混乱你,我们就以你的题目为例 hot weather ,hot 用于形容天气whether,所以重点是weather ...

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语小问题~~ -
栋庄鱼肝: she has accepted college educationwho works as a doctor

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语的问题
栋庄鱼肝: everyone 一般作主语; 例如: 1)Everyone wants to attend the concert. 每个人都想参加音乐会. 2)Everyone may make mistakes at times. 每个人不时都会犯错误. every one一般作宾语; please say hello to every one for me.有些英语问题是没有答案的, 只能记住它!

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语问题
栋庄鱼肝: 1、如果用were written,那这句话就有两个动词了,一个是look,一个是written,一句话中出现两个动词,是不符合语法的; 2、用worry肯定是错的,因为主语是everyone,是单数,所以用worry肯定是错的,要用的话也用worries,当然用worried也是可以的.不知道这句话前后有没有语境,如果是表示过去时,那当然是用worried.

腾冲县15877037535: ·初三英语问题,急!!! -
栋庄鱼肝: 大师来了,不急.has had .说话者是在现在的时间,而事故刚发生的,已经是过去了,与现在相对而言,是过去成时.过去式和过去完成时的区别就在于后者与现在有相对和相关.说别人的故事时如...

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语问题
栋庄鱼肝: 宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者.宾语由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任.当然,也可以由一个句子来充当,称之为宾语从句,所以一个句子中不一定只有一个宾语. 英语的及物动词后必须有宾语.宾语一般放及...

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语问题
栋庄鱼肝: 1、B.与短语deal with连用的疑问词,只能是how. 2、goes on 3、broke off 1、应该选C.what与do with连用. 2、可用lasts for

腾冲县15877037535: 初三英语问题
栋庄鱼肝: 一 1 Can not help but to do something 2 Family Qiu 3 Come out from ...4 Must do something 5 Seek to find 6 So far 7 Thanks, as 8 Expect (hope) to do something 9 To overthrow and dismantle 10 Hill made ... 二 1 10 feet long 2 Opposed to doing ...

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