
作者&投稿:杜敬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

好极了。你的书包里有什么? Good. What's in your schoolbag?


There is a pencil box in the schoolbag, pencil, eraser, there are a lot of books...


1) What do you have inside your bag? (较礼貌)
2) What is inside your bag?


1)What is that under the sofa/couch?
2) What is under the sofa/couch?

沙发 = sofa (中文化)or couch (西文化)

what's that under the sofa?
一般做这种题先要确定所要用的句型,像这道题,哪里有什么?可以首先确定用疑问词what,然后是沙发的下面,在。。。。下面有under,below等等,但在沙发下用below不合适,所以是what's that under the sofa?要多练练啊

1:What's in your school bag?
特殊疑问句,用What's 引导提问。
2:What's under the sofa?
特殊疑问句,用What's 引导提问。

Do you have any bags inside?
What is the sofa of the following?

What is under the sofa?

I spent an hour on my homework.我花费了一小时在作业上。③pay…for(只可用在花费金钱上)I paid 200 yuan for my bike.我为单车花了200元。对不起、第四个忘了……照题意来看应该是spend in doing sth advice about learning 意见、建议是advice。但匙特别的是advice不用复数。about是介词,...

what 's the population of world?the population of Bejing is about 13 million the population of Tianjin is less than that of Bejing.It is sure to have plenty of problems to set up a school.Bodychecking is unpolite act.it is easy to search that theif in this community.Except...

昨天刮的风把那个房子顶部吹掉了 The roof of that house was blown away yesterday.属于他的房间旧了 The house belonged to him is old.他不可能做这样的事(3种形式)It cannot be him.He cannot be the one.It is impossible that he did that.桌子上掉下来的钢笔是5块钱买的(2种形式)...

1两个铅笔盒 two pencil-boxes 2男医生们 The men doctors 3女教师们 The women-teachers 4一条裤子 a pair of trousers 5三副眼镜 three pairs of glasses 6五双鞋 five pairs of shoes 7一瓶牛奶 a bottle of milk 8两杯水 two glasses of water 9.一篮子的苹果 a basketful ...

1.他前天夜里给我打了4次电话,昨天下午打了2次.He phoned me 4 times the night before last and twice yesterday afternoon.2.你什么时候打开电视的?When did you turn \/ switch on the TV?3.她心中暗想:‘ 汤姆对伦敦不是很熟悉,因此昨天迷路了。’She thought to herself,"Tom isn't ...

1.I had a very busy but interesting weekend.2.Jenny likes reading, she finished a English book last night.3.Emma watches TV everyday,but she didn't watch it yesterday.4.what did they do on last staturday?They did homework and went shopping....

2something the matter 3traffic 4good 4leave 5distance 6outside 7cought 8Snowball (Fight)9foggy 10still 11receive 12体育活动室 13一只勇敢的蟋蟀 14打雪仗 15交通拥挤 16足球场外 17在...(方面)有问题 18剧团里演戏 19过去的目标 20收集硬币 21仰卧 22向...屈服 23游遍中国 24。。。(...

105.这道数学题对我来说太难了,我算不出来。This maths problem is too diffcult for me to work out.106.我妈妈决定帮助这个穷孩子。My mother decided to help this poor child.107.课下请不要玩粉笔。Please don’t play with chalk after lesson!哎 累死我拉 都可是我的心血啊 好好...

一些英语题:英汉互译 一共24道题
3. guest's room 4. hospitable 5. 他父亲的死亡 6. 代替, 而不是. . .7. income 8. agriculture 9. literature 10. 医学研究 11. 百万富翁 12. orangutan\/chimpanzee\/gorilla 13. 在左手边 14. 通过法令 15. export company 16. merchant 17. at the train station 18. 经营一家公司 ...

15.日语常常被认为比英语容易学,但事实并不是这样。(consider)Japanese is considered more easily study than English, but to tell the truth, it isn't like that.16.这个地区的经济发展很快,可是某些市民的素质还不尽如人意。(quality)Although the economy in this area is developing ...

庆城县15766743085: 一道英语作业题:汉译英:你的书包里面有什么?怎么翻译? -
银红来弗: 第一个是What"s in your backpack? 下一个是What"s under the sofa?

庆城县15766743085: 用英语写你的书包里面有什么物品要求不少于四句话. -
银红来弗: There many textbooks in my bag . There also a pencil case in it . In the pencil case are two boilpens , three pencils and an eraser . There is also a notebook . I always write down my diary on it . 祝学习进步,天天开心!

庆城县15766743085: 你的书包里有什么东西英语怎么写 -
银红来弗:[答案] What is(are) in your schoolbag? What are the things in your schoolbag? What do you have in your schoolbag?

庆城县15766743085: 它在你的书包里.英语怎么写 -
银红来弗: 它在你的书包里的英文:It's in your schoolbag. 一、it's 英 [ɪts] 美 [ɪts] it is 的常用口语形式;it has 的常用口语形式,尤用于 has 用作助动词时 二、schoolbag 英 [ˈskuːlˌbæg] 美 [ˈskulˌbæɡ] 书包 1、Put it in your schoolbag. 把它放在你...

庆城县15766743085: 它在你的书包里.英语怎么写 -
银红来弗:[答案] it's in your schoolbag. 【Me YC】的回答, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳】即可.

庆城县15766743085: 麻烦亲们帮我翻译:1.你书包里有什么? 2.这个书包是什么颜色的? 3.它是蓝白色的. 4.我们有 -
银红来弗: 翻译 1. What is your bag there?2. What color is this bag?3. It is blue and white.4. We have new classrooms.5. Let me clean the windows.6. We clean the classroom!

庆城县15766743085: 你书包里有什么的英文句子要怎么写还有是什么颜色的英文句子要怎么写 -
银红来弗:[答案] 1

庆城县15766743085: 你的书包里有什么?英语怎么写 -
银红来弗:[答案] What's in your schoolbag?

庆城县15766743085: 有谁能告诉我“你的书包里有什么?”怎么翻译 -
银红来弗: 好极了.你的书包里有什么? Good. What's in your schoolbag?希望采纳

庆城县15766743085: 写一写你书包里都有些什么用英语写最好还有翻译 -
银红来弗:[答案] pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 尺子 book 书(English book 英语书 Math book 数学书 Chinese book 语文书 Science book 科学书 ) notebook 笔记本 pencil case 铅笔盒 ball pen 圆珠笔 eraser 橡皮...

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