
作者&投稿:钮学 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Rectangular site from south to north door rammed earth station base, 77 meters north to south, from east to 22.4 m, and 8-meter-wide wall base connected to the left and right sides of the walls of the west side of 20 meters have a small station foundation, to walls and promenade will be three fused, form the door, Que modular structure, sites on the accumulation of 30 to 50 cm thick red scorched earth, ashes, Suiwa films, as well as stone column bases, masonry, pipes and other architectural relics.

Honorable judges, good monring, I wish i can obtain the order of merit in this test, so please ask all the questions, thanks.

In the classroom, I often ask some questions with highly logical, but he can often offer some reasonable answers quickly. At the same time, he often provides several different solutions to each homework, though he sometimes makes some kinds of mistakes, it is very essential to make some scientific research via these flexible methods thinking. In addition, no matter what he studys he also always hopes to resort to practice. For example, he is not satisfied with ordered experiment lessons and enters laboratory to make some electronic experiment content with those learning in classroom in his spare time.

In class I always have a strong some logic, and he is always quick to give a reasonable answer. At the same time, every time his work will always be answered in several ways, although sometimes there are mistakes, but flexible way of thinking on the future of scientific research is necessary. In addition, no matter what knowledge he learned always want to give the practice as soon as possible. For example, he did not meet the established experimental classes in regular school hours to do some electronic laboratory experiments on the lessons learned on the contents verified.

I often put forward some logical and very strong questions in the classroom, and he can always provide the rational answer fast. Meanwhile, he will always answer the homework with several kinds of methods each time, though there are some mistakes sometimes, but such flexible mode of thinking is very essential to the scientific research in the future. In addition, no matter learn what knowledge he always hopes for practice as soon as possible. For example he unsatisfied with experiment lesson that have, reach laboratory make some electronic experiment content learnt prove to lesson often in extracurriliar time.

I always ask some high logical question in class, and he always can give out reasonable answers quickly. In the meantime, he always likes to solve by several ways, though there are some errors, it’s a much necessary way to have nimble thought for future scientific research. Furthermore,
He would like to practice invariably whatever the knowledge he got. For instance, he doesn’t satisfy current experiment class, after class he often do the experiment in a laboratory to verify the knowledge which learned in class.


汉译英 一小小段 简单的文字 呵呵
Reading can we gain knowledge, enlarge eye shot, is a very important thing in life. I like reading, because it is a happy things. When I was illiterate little girl, my father like most read me Anderson fairy tale, for instance, the thumb girl "and" the pea on the princess...

3.Not the other half of 100 points, only five of the two people very much.(没有一百分的另一半,只有五十分的两个人。 )4. Indifference and sometimes are not heartless, just a tool to avoid being hurt.(冷漠有时候并不是无情, 只是一种避免被伤害的工具。)5.If we step between...

1.我谁也不模仿.我不去奴隶似的跟着别人走.我只要看上去就像我自己,非我莫属!I am nobody's mirror. I am no one's humble follower. I am myself, just look like myself.2.没有善良-- 一个人给予另一个人的真正发自肺腑的温暖--- 就不可能有精神的美!Without goodness, the warmest ...

我是一个文静的女孩,但和朋友在一起是我就变成了一个活泼的人。I am a gentle and quiet girl, but with friends is my becomes a lively.不过我兴趣爱好十分广泛。But my hobbies is very extensive.绘画、古筝、奥数、阅读、英语。Painting, guzheng, mathematical olympiad, reading, English.我...

1.我家有一张好大的床 There is a big bed in my house.2.我家有一部很好的电脑 There is a nice computer in my house.3.我家有一个很大的阳台 There is a big bancony in my house.4.我家有一副很大的古画 There is a big old picture in my house.5.我家有一间明亮的客厅 There ...

Prime minister that thick eyebrows descend flicker to abstruse and persistence of vision, alight, sure -footed, unlike has more than 60 years old.代表们拥上前去把总理团团围住。The delegates thronged forward surrounded the prime minister.总理亲切地和大家握手交谈。Prime minister ...

very good,不过我正在努力地学好英语. but I'm trying my best.很高兴可以认识你,I'm very glad to know you and 我希望我能有幸和你成为朋友.I hope that I'm lucky to make friends with you.我认为既然我们碰到,那就是一种缘分.I think it's fate that makes us meet each other ...

1.我希望拥有一般人没有但渴望的物品。I wish to have things, which people don't have but wish to have.2. 我非常在意别人对我的看法。I really care about how people see in me.3. 我偏向喜欢能使自己区别于他人的产品。I love products, which would separate me from other people.4....

自己翻译的~~~希望你满意~~~B:Then at least we can drink coke,that seems quite tasteful 那可乐总该可以喝吧,那个好像还不错啊,A:That`s just an excuse,it`s just like you to want to have a drink.you`d better not take too much for it contains little nutrition 借口,是你...

1、您好:Hello!2、感谢您在百忙之中回复我的邮件,我从新更新了一下订单。您帮忙计算一下总价,然后告诉我。Thank you for your busy schedule in reply to my email, I updated the order. Please help me calculate the total price and let me know.3、如果无误,我就给您打款了,请您在...

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