
作者&投稿:苏齐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With the universe of blog, almost everybody has one. What's more, celebrities'blogs have been the main channel for communicating with fans. But, the "words war" in entertainment circle is now in the trend transferring from general media to internet! Han Han, Zheng Jun, Wang Shuo and other celebrity have quarreled with netizens on their own blogs.
In addition, Jin Sha, Jin Qiaoqiao, Zhou Jie, etc, are exposed to exaggerate themself on their blogs in hope of enhancing their previlige. The impact of blog could not be overlooked more and more!

Hello everyone,the city we are staying is Sichuan Suining.Suining has a long history also has beautiful scenery.The famous temple named Guang De Temple was founded the middle of the Tang Dynasty.Guang De Temple has a large of scope and in pinus,and it is suroundded by many brooks,looks like in a beautiful picture!Now have a good time!

Prime minister that thick eyebrows descend flicker to abstruse and persistence of vision, alight, sure -footed, unlike has more than 60 years old.

The delegates thronged forward surrounded the prime minister.

Prime minister affectionately and everybody handshake.

He said: to promote mandarin is an important political task, you want serious well.

To those of primary school children say: you should learn cultural knowledge of science, in future for the building our motherland prosperously.

Premier Zhou's penetrating and firm eyes shone under a thick pair of black eyebrows. He looked energetic with steady steps. He didn't seem like a man of 60 at all. We delegates went up and crowded aroung him. He shook hands and chatted with us amiably. He said, " it is an important political task to popularize mandarin, and you must do a good job on it." Then he said to the pupils around him, " You should study hard to acquire knowledge of liberal arts and sciences so that you shall be able to build our motherland into a more prosperous country.

Prime minister that thick eyebrows descend flicker to abstruse and persistence of vision, alight, sure -footed, unlike has more than 60 years old. The delegates thronged forward surrounded the prime minister. Prime minister affectionately and everybody handshake. He said: to promote mandarin is an important political task, you want serious well. To those of primary school children say: you should learn cultural knowledge of science, in future for the building our motherland prosperously.

Thick black eyebrows that the Prime Minister's determination under the deep and shining eyes, his voice, footed, not have been more than 60 years old. The deputies went to the Prime Minister on the owner surrounded. Prime Minister cordially shaking hands and chatting with everyone. He said: the promotion of Putonghua is an important political task, you should seriously do a good job. Students on the side says: You should study cultural and scientific knowledge, in the future to build our country more prosperous.

Prime minister that thick eyebrows descend flicker to abstruse and persistence of vision, alight, sure -footed, unlike has more than 60 years old. The delegates thronged forward surrounded the prime minister. Prime minister affectionately and everybody handshake. He said: to promote mandarin is an important political task, you want serious well. To those of primary school children say: you should learn cultural knowledge of science, in future for the building our motherland prosperously.

1.约翰是这两个男孩子中较聪明的那一个。John is the smarter one out of these two boys.2.路西是双胞胎中较高的那一个。Lucy is the taller twin.3.妈妈是父母中较忙的那一个。Mom is the busier one in comparison to dad.4.我几乎不能想起他的名字,是吗?I've almost forgotten his...

英译汉 一段话 急
全文意思是:每个人都知道他,他们称他为blindy.which是一个好名字,为一个瞎子,在这部分的县。和名字的轿车,他将自己的贸易是飞行员。旁边又是一个salloon ,也与赌博和饭厅,那是所谓的指数。这两种人的姓名,山区,他们大约有相同的一面,因为在其他除非你吃的好,飞行员可能。 blindy可能是...

今天能进入决赛,我很高兴。I'm overwhelmed to have entered the finals.在比赛前,我每天都会花上一点时间去背单词,所以能在复赛中取得不错的成绩。Before the competition, I tried to spend as much time as I have every single day to memorize the spelling of words, so that I can ...

翻译一段话 英译汉 感谢了!
德州返回的路上采的野花成了天然的花束,被摆在餐桌中央。新娘手持一束鲜花,披着Serendipity Bridal的蕾丝婚纱。古董店里买来的旧亚麻桌布与The Stationery Bakery的纸质工艺品合织成绵长而神圣的幕布。Catering with a Twist提供的美食堆叠在餐桌上,刚好构成了整场婚礼的风格。

英译汉 一段话的翻译

手工翻译。在我心中,父母与孩子之间的血缘关系当然是割舍不掉的。同时,还可以是师生的关系。父母是孩子最好的老师,我认为,父母同样也是孩子人生舞台背后的一面镜子,他们看得到孩子的美与丑,看得到孩子的长处和缺陷,在孩子成长过程中给与帮助和建议。In my opinion, the kin between the parents ...

My favorite animal is lion.The lion lives in the prairie and forest. They live gregarious life. They are very mighty and they like to eat little animals.The male lion has brown hair,it is very beautiful.I like the movie " Lion's King ", because the lions in the movie are...

但始终有部分发现根据现存科学知识无法解释 Some pictures of UFO are identified by experts as fraud, and some are believed to be ball lightning(球状闪电不知道是不是这样的). But there are still some of them which cannot be explained by the scientific knowledge now.人工翻译 ...

中译英 --- 请求帮忙翻译一段文字 多谢多谢!!!
①烟抽到剩1\/3时要丢掉,越后面有害物越多;throw it away when a cigarette has one third left,it has more harmful matter ;②湿烟不要抽,致癌机率加倍;don't smoke a wet cigarette,because it has double chance to get cancer;③不要抽了一半再接着抽,有害物质会充分燃烧;don't ...

现代汉译英口译教程中3. The Great Wall原文翻译

南郊区19799945169: 汉译英高手进把一段话翻译成英语,完整的,内容如下:"下周一康康的生日1月28日,我们要为他举行一次生日聚会.聚会前我们有许多事要做,星期日,我... -
愈裴止痛:[答案] Kangkang's birthday is Jan.28,next Monday and we will hold a bithday party for him.Before this party we have a lot of things to do,like going shopping for our parents on Sunday and buying some apples,...

南郊区19799945169: 汉译英.将下列的一段话翻译成英语:如果我成为一名医生,我会快乐吗?也许我将会成为一名医生.如果我成为一名医生,我将会快乐吗?我非常喜欢医生这... -
愈裴止痛:[答案] 如果我成为一名医生,我会快乐吗?If I become a doctor,I happy?也许我将会成为一名医生.Maybe I will become a doctor.如果我成为一名医生,我将会快乐吗?If I become a doctor,and I will be happy?我非常喜欢医生这个职业,因为它能帮助别人,...

南郊区19799945169: 英语翻译汉译英.根据汉语提示及提示词翻译句子1.我愿呆在家里而不愿去参考一个聚会.(would rather…than)2.他可能在跑着赶公共汽车.(might be)3.无论... -
愈裴止痛:[答案] I would rather stay at home than present a party.He might run to catch a bus.Whatever you do, you must not miss the musical concert.We donot put off making a plan.I study by working with group.

南郊区19799945169: 一段话的英语翻译【汉译英】 -
愈裴止痛: 我是一个文静的女孩,但和朋友在一起是我就变成了一个活泼的人. I am a gentle and quiet girl, but with friends is my becomes a lively.不过我兴趣爱好十分广泛. But my hobbies is very extensive.绘画、古筝、奥数、阅读、英语. Painting, ...

南郊区19799945169: 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译下列几个句子,汉译英1吸烟者应尽快把烟戒掉2我们为你做的越多,我们越高兴3我肯定你在那里能找到你想要的4如果我们很好地... -
愈裴止痛:[答案] 你好为你Smokers should give up smoking as soon as possible.The more we do for you, the happier we are.I am sure that you will find what you want there.The Internet can offer us a number of b...

南郊区19799945169: 汉译英【一段话】
愈裴止痛: I have a new house. My house have a living room, a dining-room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a study. There is a television in front of the living room, and a group of sofas at back. Dining-room and kitchen on the right of living room; ...

南郊区19799945169: 汉译英在线翻译句子:我来威海后交了一些好朋友. -
愈裴止痛:[答案] I have made some good friends after I came to WeiHai

南郊区19799945169: 汉译英,比较简短的一段话,求大虾帮忙翻译,不要在线直译的.拜谢~! 在线等! -
愈裴止痛: Hi,Dennis,1. Shawn and I are from a hunting company instead of Avaya HR department.2. It was Jae Choi(supposedly he will be the person you report to) who called you this morning. He gave me feedback through phone that he had a quite pleasent...

南郊区19799945169: 翻译一段句子 汉译英 谢谢
愈裴止痛: A heart beating heart ­ The flickering ­ mood Constitute a cannot guess I ­

南郊区19799945169: 求教各位英文达人,帮忙翻译一下以下的一段话,汉译英!请把此话译成英文“你好,我是中国人,我英语不怎么好 我看不懂你在说什么,你直接做就好了.” -
愈裴止痛:[答案] Hi!I am Chinese.My English is limited.I don't know what you are saying.Please just do it.

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