
作者&投稿:邱柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.My spoken English was poor.My solution to it is practise again and again.
2.Strengths:convenient\efficient Weaknesses:sometimes it could be deceptious(骗人的)
3.Probably it's because the world changing so fast that the elder generation sometimes can't catch the trend
6.Sacrifice is greater than just simply give,because if you sacrifice,it means you forget about yourself

We have to admit,though we are not willing to, that there is no perfect life in this world.As to me,my life could be improved in many ways.I would always dream for a house for myself,to be frankly I don't enjoy myself living in the dormitory with others.Also I want a better place in the company and I want to earn more.But you know life is not what you imagine but is a matter of fact.Our expectations may not come true in our life.Or we may never have a day that our dreams shine in our life.But just remeber the true meaning of life is nothing about asking but about living.Just let it be,maybe it is the best way we deal with our life.

Yes,I do. No,I don't.
你可以回答 It's very spring fresh.这个意思是非常清新,就是空气好。
你也可以说 It's awful。 很糟。
那么回答是Yes,it can。是的,它影响我们的生活。

1. Do you like your neighborhood?
Yes, I like it. The situation is tranquil and people are nice there.

2. What's the air quality in your place?
It's not so satifying. Many cars cross by all the day. And you can even find construction going on late at night.

3. Can weather influence our life?
Of course, it can. And in fact, it can influence our life seriously if we do not protect our living envrionment effectively.

1 Yes, I like.(No, I don't.)
2 It is fresh.(It is dirty.)
3 Yes, it can.

1 Yes, I like.(No, I don't.)
2 It is fresh.(It is dirty.)
3 Yes, it can.

回答很简单。Yes,I do. No,I don't.就是如果你喜欢你住所周围环境就是Yes.反之则No.懂了吗?第二句问的是你所在的地方空气质量如何?你可以回答 It's very spring fresh.这个意思是非常清新,就是空气好。你也可以说 It's awful。 很糟。第三句意思是空气影响我们的生活吗?那么回答是Yes,i...

1:How can we effectively deal with life in danger?2:What is your role players? What are they?3:有些人说:“你做什么,你多大程度的定义,你同意吗?你认为哪个更重要,言语或行为是正当的吗?4:Do you have any questions?——Tee-hee!

11.A --感谢你的帮助。--我的荣幸!12.A must be 表示肯定的推测!13.C -- 她是谁?14. A 如果她想要保持苗条,她就必须要 改变 一下日常饮食!15.B --Marilyn,我想我要离开了。---欧~ 那么早啊?16.D 主谓一致,Two thousand dollars( 两千美元,作为一个整体)做主语,谓...

It depands.Can you give more backgrouds?

Are you go back shenyang? 这句有误 可以说,Are you back to Shenyang?我和朋友爬山这句语法也不对, was和climb都是动词。且climb mountain是指高难度的登山,一般我们所谓的爬山就是走走"楼梯"那种,所以可以这么说:Yea, I had a wonderful holiday. I went hiking on a mountain with my ...

1.What do you do ?这是特殊疑问句 疑问代词what 作宾语 第一个do是助动词 构成疑问句 因为主语非单三 故 用do 第二个do 是 代动词 代表一切行为动词 是动词原形 本句 是对 谓语部分 提问的 特殊 疑问句 注意 不仅仅是提问宾语2.How many lessons do you have every day?不可以说成How ...

B:啊,你喜欢演奏?你能演奏什麼乐器?A:我懂弹琴和小提琴,我还想学更多的乐器.B:这样嘛,想多学一点总是好事.A:谢谢.啊,B.我可以和你一起做运动吗?B:当然好啊!那麼你下次也可以教我音乐!A:一定!好吧,我们走吧!自己想到什麼就写什麼的,有点无聊的感觉...不知道够不够长,希望帮到你 ...

1. It all depends!Although there are still many millionaires or billionaires don’t care the poor at all nationwide or worldwide,we can still happily detect that thre are some exceptions ,such as Bill Gates,Buffett,Yaoming,Lilianjie.2 In my opinion ,both technical support and...

英语高手帮帮忙 帮我回答一下这两个问题啊??、
参考译文:1.What do you think has led to deterioration in security in our society?你认为是什么导致我们的社会安全恶化了呢?2.What can be done to better the situation?怎么做才能改善这种形势?

回答:Because my foundation is still fairly weak, and if I don’t enhance myself by further studying now, I must lag behind the society in later work.3.What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?回答:I'm longing for doing ...

黑龙江省17329111091: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
謇鱼牛黄:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

黑龙江省17329111091: 急!请英语高手帮忙解答一下一个英语问题,在线等,非常感谢!不知道这个题是让干什么,请英语高手帮忙解答一下,并且翻译成中文,谢谢!Task:Study ... -
謇鱼牛黄:[答案] 是让修改病句1.We thought she was a very charming,intelligent,and capable young woman.2.Looked out of the window,the grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.3.when the teacher was entering the cl...

黑龙江省17329111091: 请英语高手.谢谢回答
謇鱼牛黄: A different attitude was adopted by them.这是你只要将后面的不同的态度放在前面,对采取这个态度的人放在后面,看到was adopted这个就是被动的形式,就是be done的形式,我帮你找了不同时态的,你自己慢慢参详咯1: am, are ,is +done 一...

黑龙江省17329111091: 我要回复一封英文面试E - mail我是英文盲,请英语高手帮忙!大概意思是:非常感谢在百忙之中阅读我的简历,我将按您通知的时间来贵公司面试,再次感谢~ -
謇鱼牛黄:[答案] Thank you very much for your taking time to read my biographical notes,I'll go to your company according to the time given.Thanks a lot

黑龙江省17329111091: 英语高手请进谢谢大家!救救我吧!帮助我也提高自己!先谢过各位高手了~~~~ 用英语回答下面问题.1. Please talk about the importance of time.What's ... -
謇鱼牛黄:[答案] 1.time is life .it is valuable ,so we must follow it,and make full use of it2.because food is becoming a big problem.it is about our health.we eat more vegetables and fruit than meat.we eat more than ...

黑龙江省17329111091: 求各位英语高手帮忙解答一下,谢谢 -
謇鱼牛黄: 1... my smoking here2 ... worth reading3 ... is used to sleeping4 ... cleaning5 ... Getting up early6 ... being punished

黑龙江省17329111091: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢~~~~~~~~~~ -
謇鱼牛黄: Dear valuable customer Regarding the product ***,PO ***, sorry to tell you that please change your order to 37 barrels (7030 KG) because of the following reasons:●2 barrels are deformation and shortage of paint from our vendor, this will affect ...

黑龙江省17329111091: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢! -
謇鱼牛黄: 这个句子翻译为:经理有权在90天以后以立即以书面形式通知雇主终止这项协议.upon应为90天后 介词 prep. 1.在...之上,在...上面 He laid a hand upon my shoulder. 他把一只手放在我肩上. 2.在...后立即3.根据;依靠 We acted upon his instructions. 我们根据他的指示办事. 4.接近5.对着,向6.(走)上...,(爬)上...He climbed upon his horse. 他爬上马背. 7.在做...之中8.关于

黑龙江省17329111091: 请英语高手帮忙翻译2句话,谢谢 -
謇鱼牛黄: I have no choice but found my own business! I have no choice but work heart and soul !

黑龙江省17329111091: 急急请英语高手帮忙翻译一句话,谢谢谢... -
謇鱼牛黄: Today, the sky is very clear and blue, but the sun is too glare.翻译过来就是,今天天空很干净,蔚蓝,但是太阳太刺眼,这样应该更符合你想表达的意思.

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