
作者&投稿:束睿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Due to the Chinese New Year Holiday, many of the factory's workers(employees) are going home, and since many of the workers(employees) are from places really far, such as Sichuan and Hunan, they could only come back at about March. Therefore, we could only guarantee that all workers(employees) will be back and the factory will be operating normally by April. For the COC Audit to be more complete, we would like to ask for the audit to take place at April 23rd. Thank you.
我目前吧“审核”二字翻译为“Audit”, 意思也对,但如果你有专业的词,请拿来替代
workers -- 工人
employees -- 员工



Considering that from April 1st to April 15th, there will be a non-notified audit happening in the factory, we would ask that the COC Audit to take place after April 15th, in order to avoid the two audits happening at the same time.


A mathematical method of analyzing game-playing strategies, game theory is catching on with corporate planners, enabling them to test their moves against the possible responses of their competitors.

Its origins trace as far back as The Art of War, the unlikely management best-seller penned 2,500 years ago by the Chinese general Sun Tzu.

Mathematicians John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern adapted the method for economics in the 1940s, and game theory entered the academic mainstream in the 1970s, when economists like Thomas Schelling and Robert Aumann used it to study adverse selection and problems of asymmetric information. (Schelling and Aumann won Nobel prizes in 2005 for their work.)

Game theory can take many forms, but most companies use a simplified version that focuses executives on the mind-set of the competition.

"The formal stuff quickly becomes very technical and less useful," says Louis Thomas, a professor at the Wharton School of Business who teaches game theory. "It's a matter of peeling it back to its bare essentials."

One popular way to teach the theory hinges on a situation called the "prisoner's dilemma," where the fate of two detainees depends on whether each snitches or stays silent about an alleged crime.

An annual salary of USD100000 will be offered. At the beginning,we'll give you a one-month professional training,which's free of charge.Besides,as long as you are able to boost our business,an increase of your salary will be a certain.You can also enjoy a lot welfare from the company,such as one month holiday for every year.Considering the inconvienence of working aboard,we have prepeared an apartment for you. From the first day of your work, you may use a car supplied by the club.


We pay great attention to staff's health. Psychological and physical check will be conducted on a regular basis. Our club was named the best club of USA these two years.As a staff here,everyone is talents who's been selected strickly .Here,you can not only develop your ability,but also learn a lot. In a word, our company is your best choice!

Our company can offer you every year salary of $100,000. If you are we employed, we will start on you free professional intensive training. If you need the club's performance, we will increase the amount of your salary. There are many benefits, the company will have a one month to vacation. Considering your work abroad may have a lot of inconvenience, we have been there for you ready an apartment. Before you start to work that day, you can use the club offers you car.


曾参说:“和小孩怎么可以这样随便开玩笑呢,小孩子不懂事,他们跟着父母学,聆听父母的教诲。现在你欺骗他,就是教孩子学着骗人呀!做母亲的骗儿子,儿子也就不相信他的母亲,这不是教育孩子的好办法啊!”说完,曾参就把猪杀了煮给孩子吃。 。。。【说明】曾参用自己的行动教育孩子要言而有信,...

帮我翻译一下这篇短文 翻译器爬开
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营山县13666903852: !!英文好的进!!帮忙翻译7句英文/中文…要自己翻出来的…不要借助工具… -
照厚金迪: 1.He isn't keen on cartoons.2.Could you please turn up the radio?3.Hurry up,or we will miss the first bus.4.We are all looking forward to the 2012 Olympic Games in London.5.We haven't decided what to do next.6.就是怀特先生在负责这个项目.7.一度被认为不可能的现在成真了.

营山县13666903852: 希望英语好的人帮我翻译一段话,我们论文要的,不要网上查的,要自已翻译的噢,请帮个忙啦 -
照厚金迪: Leonardo Da Vinci, a giant in the Italian Renaissance, is a distinguished painter as well as a sculptor and architector in human history, possessing the characteristics of both as a outstanding artist and natural scientist. He left footprint in every ...

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照厚金迪: 绝对不是网上的软件翻译 As the foundation of the school teaching and scientific research base in all industries natural walk the major national most front row, were actively high school campus network construction and improvement. Each school ...

营山县13666903852: 英语好的请帮我翻译一下
照厚金迪: 好像都不对哦.呵呵.有的中间出问题了. 第一个所有回答都可以的. He is glad to introduce Tom to everyone. 第二题考到的是,be good at ...擅长做某事...和 be an expert in sth./doing sth..在某方面是个专家...翻译过来应该是, He is not good at ...

营山县13666903852: 请英语好的好心人帮我翻译一下吧,急急急!不要用金山或google,那个翻的用不成啦!谢啦I don't need to be anything other Than a prison guard's son I don'... -
照厚金迪:[答案] I don't need to be anything other 我不需要成为别的什么Than a prison guard's son 情愿做狱警的儿子I don't need to be anything other 我不需要成为别的什么Than a specialist's son 情愿做专家的儿子I don't ha...

营山县13666903852: 谁的英语好,帮我翻译一篇文章,需要详细的翻译,谢谢了,急求呀!!!(分为几个部分) -
照厚金迪: 翻译:下面的笔记的目...

营山县13666903852: 请英语好的兄弟姐妹们帮我翻译下句子!! -
照厚金迪: 1.May I beg your pardon?2.I enjoy English very much because I think it is that interesting.3.Just like it,soso.4.I don't think I could reply because for my poor English.

营山县13666903852: 英语翻译我也会翻,但是怕翻出来的有漏洞额,会的帮我翻译让我参考一下,不一定要完全按我这个中文翻哦,只要意思相近就可以了哦!比如也可以按"我... -
照厚金迪:[答案] To shorten the distance between us,I've been trying.

营山县13666903852: 请英语好的同学帮我翻译下论文摘要 我们老师说不能同百度翻译什么的、要自己翻译 求帮忙 -
照厚金迪: Twenty-first Century, is the development of "green economy" advocate times and take the road of sustainable...

营山县13666903852: 请英语好的帮我翻译一下
照厚金迪: you are better in english than me!你写的全部是错的

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