
作者&投稿:商婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My guandfather never watched TV. 我的祖父从来都不看电视。
He thought that people spent too much time watching it.他认为人们花太多的时间在看电视上了。
Some of his friends often talked about sports shows,the movies and plays.他的一些朋友经常谈论一些体育节目电影和戏剧.
My grandfather said to himself,"They never read any books or go out in the evening."我的祖父就对自己说,“他们从来都不读书或者晚上的时候出去散步。”
SO he didn't buy a TV.所以一直他都没有买台电视机。
TWOyears ago,my grandfather was 60 years old.两年前,我的祖父已经60岁了。
He stopped working in the hospital.他直到进了医院才停止工作的。
My father bought him a TV.我父亲给他买了一台电视机。
He began to watch all the news.He knows much more about the world now.他开始看所有的新闻,现在对世界上的事也了解更多了。
And he reads more books,too.而且他读的书也更多了。
Now,my grandfather will get very angry if you trouble him when he is watching TV.现在,如果你在他看电视的时候打扰他,我祖父会非常的生气。
I can't know that one can change his idea when he is 60. 我从来都不知道一个人会在60岁的时候还会改变他的想法.

制造一辆车需要原材料,同时驱动一辆车需要能源,能源是昂贵和短缺的,燃烧能源会导致污染和全球温室效应,汽车引擎所需的动力来自于燃烧石油,汽车引擎的能源使用效率不是很有效,石油燃烧产生的能量只有百分之二十用于驱动汽车,其他以热能散发掉 或者被用来汽车的照明灯和空调



1. It is a wast of money. 〔除了“wast”应该拼“waste”,其他没错〕
2.I do not agree. 〔用“I disagree”也可以,意思一样〕
3. I do not agree to destroy the old tepmle. 〔应该是:I do not agree on destroying the old temple.〕
4.I do agree on it. 〔直接用“I agree”也可以或者“this would be good”(这样很好)〕

The old temple should be developed into a tourism site, in order to promote local economic growth.
I suggest we build a new factory soon to speed the development of our village.

帮看看这四句话 对吗 谢谢
1. It is a wast of money. 对
2.I do not agree. 对
3. I do not agree to destroy the old tepmle. ->temple
4.I do not agree on it.不对。
agree on 是好几方就某个问题达成一致意见。
[改正]直接说I do not agree.就好了

1. should develop the ancient temple the scenic site, leads this village economic development by this. 2. I suggested that constructs a new factory as soon as possible, enables our village to develop fast.

‘翻译一下’就是简单转述对方所说的外语是什么意思。例如:Please interpret the comments of our foreign guest. 请把外宾的话翻译一下.Would you mind translating for me? 请你帮我翻译一下好 ?Will you please interpret for me? 请你为我口译一下好吗 ?

actress n. 女演员; 女表演者 add :1. 加,增,添,追加,附加;获得 2. 增加 3. 又说;补充说 4. 作加法 5. 加算,累积 n.1. 加法 adult :n.1. 成人,大人 2. 长成体 adj.1. 成年的 2. 成熟的;理智的 3. 成人的;儿童不宜的 4. 成熟的 advertisement ...



给我翻译一下 英文
a friend indeed.直译:在你需要帮助时的朋友才是真正的朋友。意译:患难见真情。A good beginning makes a good ending.直译:好的开始造就好的结局。意译:好的开始是成功的一半。The first step is always the hardest.直译:第一步往往是最困难的。意译:万事开头难。通常我们都是用意译的。

翻译:两种说法语法都正确,但是第一个听起来不那么礼貌。That is because it is a very direct question.翻译:那是因为第一种问法太直接。It is not enough to just ask a question correctly.翻译:只是正确地提问还不够。We also need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help.翻译...


这个很简单。sports意思是运动 下面的单词new fashion的意思是新时尚,新款式的意思。希望对你有帮助!

i am writing to inquire about your request.我想问一下你的要求。i am writing to invite you to a party this friday.我想邀请你这个星期五去参加一个聚会。i am writing to express my qratitude for all of the help you provided.对于你的提供的帮助,我表示深切的感激。(qratitude有拼写...


屯溪区17357427302: 帮用英语翻译一下.
杜季多潘: hi! my name is lihua. i saw your notice on the internet, i have understood your dream. i want to be your true friend. i am a high school student as well. i am interested in canada culture as well. i believe we can help each other in study, i am waiting for ...

屯溪区17357427302: 帮用英文翻译一下, -
杜季多潘: Dear, I'm by your side

屯溪区17357427302: 帮翻译一下英文,谢谢!!
杜季多潘: 意思是;1永远地,永恒地.2总是,老是.

屯溪区17357427302: 帮翻译一下、急用
杜季多潘: 1我在浴室 2我在卧室 3我在图书馆前 4我在厨房 5我在理发店 6我在理发店的椅子上、、 7当不明飞行物<飞碟>降落时你正在干什么? 8那个外星人查看了一下博物馆的班次{应该是visited你打错了吧?] 9那个外星人买了一个纪念品 10一个不明飞行物在街中央降落 11那个外星人进入了一个商店 12一个外星人从不明飞行物中走了出来 13当不明飞行物降落的时候那个男孩正在街上走 14这句你打错了吧?? 15当外星人出来的时候那个女孩正在购物 16那个女孩正在购物的时候,那个外星人出来了

屯溪区17357427302: 英语翻译 帮一下
杜季多潘: good good study day day up是中式说法 正确的说法应该是study hard and make progress every day.

屯溪区17357427302: 帮翻译一下中文 -
杜季多潘: 一些人不需要邮箱来传递信件,他们用瓶子来替代.在这里就有两个关于人们用瓶子来传递信件的故事,两个都是真实的故事.

屯溪区17357427302: 英文帮翻译一下
杜季多潘: I wish with the lapse of time,my character,words and deeds will not be changed.. 希望随着时间的改变;我的原则、言行、品质、都不会改变.

屯溪区17357427302: 帮用英语翻译一下…
杜季多潘: Hello. Mr. Li, my name is Li Hua, is a K office assistant prime minister. Come to see you today to ask you to come to my company business. 9:00 tomorrow morning I will personally come to pick you up, afternoon will arrange you to visit my office a newly built production line. We look forward to your arrival

屯溪区17357427302: 帮翻译一下(日语),谢谢. -
杜季多潘: 那里是一个非常美丽的地方,还有最大的牧马场.そちらは 那里とても 很绮丽(な) 美丽的地方 地方ですね 是呢そして 然后;而且一番 最大きい 大的马の牧场が 牧马场あります 有

屯溪区17357427302: 帮个忙,翻译一下
杜季多潘: 1.当他走进房间时,那个曾经打他的人显得很凶 The man who hit him seems terrible when he came into the room. 2.这是一个我终身难忘的时刻 This is a moment that i will never forget in my life. 3.我曾经去过那个开满鲜花的地方 I have ever been to...

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