
作者&投稿:地婷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

spit 吐 swallow 咽 引申一下就是 endure or outlet(发泄)

Wait for confirmation of customer
Wait for advance payment
Leadtime is a week ==cycle is a week(回交期常用leadtime)
Mold testing needs 3days.

不可以饮用的水 undrinkable water
事实上 as a matter of fact
地下水 underground water
让水龙头一直开着 Let the tap on
例如 for instance; for example
一升的油 a liter of oil
每一次 every time
两倍 twice
冲厕所 flush the toilet
用过的水 used water
饮用水 drinking water
5 罐软饮料 5 cans of soft drinks
信不信由你 Believe it or not, it's up to you
花5分钟 It takes five minutes to...
咸的水 salty water
干净的水 clean water
缺乏 lack
处于水枯竭的危机中 in the danger of water shortage
采取措施 take measures
利用 make use of


As a matter of fact can not drink the water so that water taps have been open for example, a liter of oil every two Chong Cesuo drinking water used by soft drink cans 5 Believe it or not spend 5 minutes of the salty water to clean water at the lack of water Depletion of the crisis to take measures to use

不可以饮用的水 Can not water drinking
事实上 In fact
地下水 Groundwater
让水龙头一直开着 Let a faucet be always coming untied
例如 For example
一升的油 one litre of oil
每一次 every
两倍 two times
冲厕所 Rinse a toilet
用过的水 Water have used
饮用水 drinking water
5罐软饮料 5 jars soft drinks
信不信由你 Believe it or not
花5分钟 Spend 5 minutes
咸的水 salty water
干净的水 Clean water
缺乏 Be short of
处于水枯竭的危机中 Be in exhausted water crisis middle
采取措施 Adopt measure
利用 Make use of


undrinkable water
as a matter of fact
underground water
Let the tap on
for instance; for example
a liter of oil
every time
flush the toilet
used water
drinking water
5 cans of soft drinks
Believe it or not, it's up to you
It takes five minutes to...
salty water
clean water
in the danger of water shortage
take measures
make use of

翻译为I am no exception。在本句话中,我翻译为I,不例外可以翻译为no exception,在英语的翻译中加上系动词am,因此本句话的翻译就为I am no exception。在这个翻译中英语句式是主谓宾的结构。

1.历史上重要事件 history important events 2.最重要的事件之一 one of the most important thing 3.听到有关消息 hear about the news 4.要求某人做某事 ask sb to do sth 5.发生 take place 6.被~~破坏 broken 7.第一位中国宇航员 the first Chinese astronaut 8.一位民族英雄 a national ...

等我英语是wait for me,具体释义如下:读音:[weɪt fɔːr mi]表达意思:等我,等等我。固定搭配:Can wait for me 可以等我吗;not wait for me when 没有等我当 ; 不待我当。例句:1、Don't wait for me, please. That might be more convenient for both of us....

5.期待看到2008年的北京 6.如果你想要一会儿照片(in space是“片刻就, 一会儿就”的意思,pic是照片电影的意思。这句话似乎有语法错误)7.我现在要走了,保重,祝你有美好的一天。8.这个词组有错误,coz是cousin 的缩写,是堂兄弟姊妹, 表兄弟姊妹的意思。要翻译的话应该是:因为时间 9.My Englis...

中文翻译英语(词组) 急!!
2:i plan to do what I want to do我打算去做我想做的事.3:to hold an art exhibition举办美术展览 4:a part-time job一份兼职工作 5:save some money节省一些钱 6:travel globe\/ travel all over the world到全世界旅行 7:I'am not sure我还不确定 8:New Year's determination新年的...

"我征服"翻译成英文,可以翻译为"I conquer".将中文词语"我征服"翻译成英文为"I conquer"。"conquer"是一个动词,表示战胜、征服或克服困难或挑战。在翻译过程中,需要注意动词时态和语态的转换,以及动词宾语和介词的搭配,确保准确传达原意。可以使用在线词典和工具辅助翻译,并参考专业术语和习惯用语。...

8.给我看另一双鞋 give me another shoes 9.帮助他人 help others 10.去青少年活动中心 go to the youth activity center 11.入党 join the party 12.向老师献花送卡present th flowers and cards to the teachers 13.一群青年 a group of young people 14.发展中国家 developing countries 15....

a pair of一双,一副 go for a walk散步 at the moment目前 be different from于什么不同 on one's way home在某人回家的路上 at the end of在什么结束的时候,在什么尽头 be afraid of doing sth不敢做什么事 同时at the same time 值得;对..有好处be good for 后天the day after ...

I need some glue to fix the kite.4你想要写信给谁?Where is this letter going?5这是我的笔友,他来自日本 It is my pen friend from Japan.1纽约的天气 the weather of new york.2看京剧 watch beijing opera 3一些胶水 some glue 4写电子邮件 Writing messages 5去划船 go boating 6most...

帮我翻译几个英语短语 不一定要全都会
2 prefer sb. from doing sth.没用过这次词组,估计是偏爱某人做某事 3 continue to do sth.继续做某事(指继续做之前已经做到一半的事情,之前曾今停下来过)4 continue doing sth.继续做某事(指一直在做某事,中间没有间断过)5 would rather do sth. than do sth.比起某事(后面那个STH。)...

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译成英文 是3个词组 -
箕江复方: 宁愿….而不….是prefrer to..rather than do..变得紧张是get nervous

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译英语词组. -
箕江复方: 好几里 围绕着圈跑

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译一下英语词组...谢谢 -
箕江复方: right:好,正确.we:我们.are:是.nothing:没有什么.for: 为,为了;因为;给;对于;至于;适合于.US:我们,美国. 如果是一句话那意思是:对,我们是什么都没有.希望你采纳.

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译一下英语词组!!!
箕江复方: arrest one's doing sth ;发现某人做某事 keep sb from doing sth ;妨碍某人做某事 keep sb doing sth ;是某人做某事 come up to sb 赶上某人

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译英语词组............ -
箕江复方: spit 吐 swallow 咽 引申一下就是 endure or outlet(发泄)

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译成英文短语 -
箕江复方: 1 face to face3 addicted to5 each other7 online chatting9 a special language11 all sorts of/ all kind of13 put it in use of

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译几个英语词组 -
箕江复方: look on sb. as:看待 look on as:将某人(某物)看作他人(他事物) look back:回顾,追忆. look round:环顾,仔细察看 set down:记下 set about:着手,考试(做) set out:开始 set back:使受挫折

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译几个英语词组 -
箕江复方: 1.hum song3.play ping-pong4.Majoring in music

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译几个英语词组.
箕江复方: mess sth up -把什么事情搞糟了 mess sb up -和什么人搞砸了 mess around sth -和别人开玩笑 mess with sb -和别人开玩笑

龙陵县19464065227: 帮我翻译几个很简单的英语词组啊!!!!!!!!!!!! -
箕江复方: in front of the gate of our homebetween the American team and the Japanese oneat Room 208

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