
作者&投稿:禄刷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁能帮我翻译成英语 拜托!!!~

hi, MR./mISS. .. my name is ...., i was born in june,i'm 15 years old.I 'm from ...Middle School. There are four people in my family. I love painting, sometimes i like reading books quietly, and i like listening to music when i'm tired. i love making friends because i feel very happy with my friends.

How to make a balance between study and enternment after getting through a tough high school life and entering a university where various unexpected enticement comes suddenly?

Having surved from a tough life in high shcool and facing various enticement / temptation in university, how can we make a blance between study and enternment?


6.如果你想要一会儿照片(in space是“片刻就, 一会儿就”的意思,pic是照片电影的意思。这句话似乎有语法错误)
8.这个词组有错误,coz是cousin 的缩写,是堂兄弟姊妹, 表兄弟姊妹的意思。
9.My English is not very good,can I talk with you in Chinese if I don't know how to say it in English?

1 Just I'm new at Chinese
2 He stopped walking for a moment,took off his coat,and put it back on backwards.
3 Only to turn his head around the right way.
4 I went out in my boots.
5 wanna see beijing in 2008
6 if you want in space some pic
7 I go now take care and have nice day
8 coz time
9 我的英语不是很好,不会的句子我可以用中文跟你讲吗?
I am not so good at English, can speak Chinese when something difficult met?

5.想要在 2008 年见到 beijing
8.cousin 的缩写 cousin:堂兄弟姊妹
9.My English isn't very good, can't of sentence can I use Chinese to speak with you?
10.Where are you now?
11.建议使用金山词霸 注册就能在线翻译

1 我刚开始学中文/我刚来中国
2 他走着走着停下来,脱下衣服,搭在肩上(后背)
3 没想到让他走上了正轨
4 我穿上靴子出门
5 想2008年来北京
6 如果你想要在网络空间上放照片
7 要走了,保重,祝愉快
8 因为时间问题
9 My English is not fluent,Can I speak Chinese in the sentence I can't express in English?

补充:Where are you now?


希望你能和中国的高考学生一起加油,取得明天的胜利。期待你的来华。 I hope you can speak out ”Come on“ with the students who are taking the College Entrance Examination in order to win the victory of tomorrow。I am looking forward to Your coming to China。希望对你有所帮助。

学英语是大多数中国学生非常困难的事情.怎样做一个学好英语的人? 就成了现在非常热门的话题.Studying English is a very difficult for most of Chinese student. Hence how to be an excellent English learner has become a hot topic nowadays.怎样成为一个会学英语的人?我觉得最重要的是学习环境...

也可以翻译成 不要触了霉头!be aware of dogs 当心狗!kill the fatted calf 把养肥的小牛杀了---人们这成语来说设盛宴热情招待回家的游子或来访的宾友 as close as an oyster 守口如瓶 to keep one's head above water 免遭灭顶之 all at sea 在大海上, 迷茫, 弄错 sow dragon's teeth...

In the "stage speed rhythm," a book, Guriev further explained: "The rhythm of the word to mean a degree program, meaning the activities of symmetry. Rhythm reflects the concept of natural phenomena and life inherent in the phenomenon of a fragmented quality. example, daylight and ...

嗯,很喜欢的westlife的一首歌,所以即使累点也要好好翻译的 uptown girl 乖乖女(上流社会的女孩)she's been living in her uptown world 她一直呆在她的象牙塔里 i bet she never had a back street guy 我打赌她从没与贫穷小子交往过 i bet her mama never told her why 我打赌她妈妈从...

我知道我曾誓言 照顾你,保护你,和你一起一辈子…,但我身处两难…。现在,或许最好的办法就是离开你…我已经不指望别人能理解,更不奢望得到原谅…。但我真的希望有一天你能够理解…希望有一天你会原谅…。我全心全意爱着你…,直到永远…。我帮你翻译的口语一点,顺口点 有感情点 句子顺序变一点...

1.I wanna see you in the flesh, not your photo.2.How can I convince you of the importance of health?3.Scores of famous persons will be present at the exhibition in Beijing.4. He attepted to walk out of the shodow of the story.5.I have the belief of that where there...

在流行中的 2、用法 9世纪前进入英语,直接源自古英语的onbutan,译为在……之外。在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加表示时间的词,如不可说about starting at once。It is about six o'clock now.现在是六点钟左右。

网络利弊 two sides of internet;航空发展 aviation development;传媒发展的利弊 two sides of media development;技能 skill 学历 education degree; 工作阅历 working experience 工作加班 work overtime; 应试教育 examination-oriented education 英语学习 English study; 创新思维 innovation thinking 考试作弊...

帮我把中文翻译成英语 急!
1尖子生 top student 2从。。。接某人 pick up someone at 3照顾 take care of 4 回到 get back(home)6发脾气 gets into a temper(blow one's stack)7给某人打电话 call somebody 8负责 be responsible for 9 熬夜 sit up late 1 处理 handle (deal with)2 去到 get to(reach)3 ...

涪城区15629531660: 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译成英文啊 -
堂奔复方:[答案] Water originally without sorrow,because of the breeze wrinkly side,the green mountain is originally not old,is snow-white head.

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译成英文 -
堂奔复方: Honey, I hope you can stay with me all the time, but you do not give me this opportunity

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译英文
堂奔复方: 1 This is my mother give me the modelcar 2 Ouch so cool 3can I play it 4 No,no,I want paly with myself 5Jaky give yourfriend car to paly.Be kind! 6 Ok 7Think you

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译成英语? -
堂奔复方: He is China's famous basketball players. He was born on September 12, 1980. From Shanghai. Standing 226 cm. He is the NBA Houston Rockets (Houston Rockets) center. His number is on the 11th. He and the Chinese Men's Basketball Team ...

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译成英语啊?
堂奔复方: Tomorrow is my birthday, will you come to my birthday would you? The meetings begin at 6:30; My family, friends and classmates would come, and you can see them; If you come, please call me, I hope you can come.

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我英文翻译
堂奔复方: '我的偶像是崔始源,他是来自韩国的偶像团体S-M的成员之一'谁能帮我把这句话翻译英文 谢谢咯的英文是:'My hero is Choi origin, he is the idol groups from SM South Korean member of the' Thank you, slightly 我的偶像是崔始源,他是来自...

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译一下啊!!(英文) -
堂奔复方: Thank you for trusting me despite of my young age. (如果是求职,建议就只要Thank you for trusting me. 如果你不怕麻烦,一定坚持按字面翻译,就是Thank you for trusting me wh...

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译成英文,谢谢啦~ -
堂奔复方: With the increasingly wide use of the network , the information can flow fast and the resources can be integrated in large quantities. The increasing development of e-commerce makes Internet marketing a hot topic.And it affects our real life, makes ...

涪城区15629531660: 英语翻译谁能帮我用英文翻译一下“傻人有傻福”? -
堂奔复方:[答案] Fortune Fools have fortune. God sends fortune to fools. 这句谚语根据主语的不同有不同的翻译方法...以上提供两种~

涪城区15629531660: 谁能帮我翻译这个英文是什么意思(giee,
堂奔复方: 第一个是GIEE,Geographical Information Based and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol的缩写,基于地理位置信息的能量高效的路由协议.第二个不是单词吧,你打错了吧. [赠人玫瑰 手留余香 若您觉得可以 请您点“对我有用”]

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