
作者&投稿:姬福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. ... ... Hiking around 2. ... ... The beauty of feeling
3. An hour 4. Go there by bus
5. Far away 6. Beijing Center

在第一大街左转 turn left at the first street
在公园左转 turn left at the park
享受宁静的街道 enjoy the quiet steet
散步穿过公园 walk through the park
一个带有趣花园的小房子 a little house with an interesting garden
花园之旅的开端 at the beginging of the garden trip
是一个好玩的地方 a funny place
我回家的路 my way home
从机场坐出租车 take a taxi at the airport
经过右边的银行 go straight when the bank is on your right
穿过 go through
在你的右边 on your right side
旅途愉快 Have a goog trip!

1.在饭馆吃饭 have a dining at the restaurant
2.大多数学生 most students
3.其他还有什么 anything else
4.多可惜 how pity it is
5.在10月1日早上 on the morning of October 1
6.计划参观苏州 plan to visit Suzhou
7.在2000年2月 in the February 2000
8.给我看另一双鞋 give me another shoes
9.帮助他人 help others
10.去青少年活动中心 go to the youth activity center
11.入党 join the party
12.向老师献花送卡present th flowers and cards to the teachers
13.一群青年 a group of young people
14.发展中国家 developing countries
15.全国各地 all over the country

答复共 1 条
1.have a meal in the restaurant
2.most students /most of the students
3.what else / anything else
4.What a pity
5.on the morning of October 1
6.plan to visit Suzhou
7.in February,2000
8.show me another pair of shoes
9.help others
10.go to the youth activity center
11.join the Party
12.send flowers and cards to the teacher
13.a group of young people / a crowd of young people
14.developing country
15.around the country / over the country / all over
the country / the whole country

1.Have a meal in the restaurant
2.Most students
3.I am other to still have what
4.Have another unfortunately
5.On the morning of October 1
6.Plan visit Suzhou
7.In February,2000
8.See another shoe to me
9.Help others
10.Go to teenager's activity center
11.Join political party
12.Dedicate a flower to send card toward the teacher
13.A group of youths
14.Developing country
15.The whole whole country



小伙子们,这就是我的建议,你们可以接受也可以拒绝”。2.he has been taken ill:他已经生气了 (take sth. ill:为某事生气.千万不要理解成"他已经生病了")例句:(he has been taken ill本身已经是一个很好的例句了,所以我就再举一个)You had better keep silent,he has been taken ill.你最...

1、一篇娱乐评论 a piece of entertainment review 2、别致的岩洞(洞穴)unique cave 3、乔装打扮成 be dressed as 4、她真是太勇敢了 She is extremely brave.

经常和别人打架 Often fight with other people 与别人相处融洽 Get along well with others 乱扔垃圾 Littering 爱护环境 take care of the environment 沉溺于电子游戏 indulging in computer games 积极参加各种活动 participate actively in various activities.

滥用药物 调整的重点 评估损害\/价值\/情况 取得成功\/目标 来\/去某人的拯救 作案\/自杀 翻阅字典 培养兴趣\/口味 拒绝邀请 制定一个计划\/政策 保卫自己的毕业论文 拓展知识 优先 破产 发动战争的 保持汽车 毫无意义 满足最后期限 储备航班\/表 提交申请 有机可乘 顾及 他们负责 ...

... 只能 11 be related to sth \/sb 增加的 12 talk sb into sth 与...有关 13 a most difficult task 说服某人做某事 14 meet with difficulties 最困难的任务 15 (There is) no doubt that ...是无疑的 如果还有疑问可以到爱词霸-在线翻译看看,蛮不错的 参考资料:爱词霸-在线翻译 ...

25.一个人 26.犯一个错误 27.不得不做(某事)28.包含图像和声音 29.例如 30.历史上的一个著名人物 31.例如,诸如 32.听他发言 33.更受欢迎 羽·陌尘同学,你这不是五十步笑百步吗?有些翻译……真的是看不下去。。不好意思,我实在忍不住就说了几句,绝不是在诋毁你。。当然我的翻译...

以……命名 ……的粉丝 继续做某事 取出某物 最好做某事 不是……而是 充满

1.light up 点燃 2.come into being 存在 3.send for 派遣 4.contribute to… 促成 5.consist of 包含 6.be made up of… 由...组成 7.make the most of 8.hold together 联系在一起 9.the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 10.in general 总而言之 11.catch a glimpse of 瞥见 12.keep in ...

2)创新型国家 an innovative country或a country featuring with innovation 3)自主创新,重点跨越,支撑发展,引导未来。independently innovate, overcome the key points, sustain the development, guide the future 4)锐意进取,开拓创新,扎实工作,为把我过国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设推向前进而...

1 come into one~s head 某人即将面临某事 2 pratice makes perfect 熟能生巧 3 attract one~s attention 吸引某人注意力 4 move on 行动中 5 peisist in 坚持...6 offer on sth 提供...7 once in a while 一旦...8 There is no need to do sth 没必要去做......

陆河县18392152790: 请帮我把以下词组译成英语,1放弃他 2不要放弃学英语 3在游泳队 4等一会 5人们真的会变 6开着灯睡觉 7通过电视看电影 8一直学习 9乘公交车去学校 10步... -
匡怎伊索:[答案] 1放弃他 give him up 2不要放弃学英语 don't give up to learn English 3在游泳队 xx is swimming 4等一会 wait for a while 5人们真的会变 people will really change 6开着灯睡觉 sleeping with lamp on 7通过电视看电影 watch movie on television 8一直学习 ...

陆河县18392152790: 请帮我翻译几个简单短语1.着火 2.关掉 3.颠倒 -
匡怎伊索:[答案] catch fire turn off turn…upside down

陆河县18392152790: 请帮我翻译几个短语1:店员把某物给某人.2:迟到3:教某人做
匡怎伊索: 1:店员把某物给某人. the shop assistant gives sth to sb 2:迟到…… be lat 3:教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth 4:工作服 work uniform /overall 5:在白天工作 work ...

陆河县18392152790: 请帮我英语翻译几个短语...拔河比赛..欢呼..把手举起来... -
匡怎伊索:[答案] tug-of-war 拔河比赛The sce of 【tug-of-war】 is just too funny for words.拔河比赛的场面真是太有趣了.欢呼 cheer……1.The retort raised a 【cheer 】in support of the speaker.发言人这一反驳博得了一片支持...

陆河县18392152790: 请帮我翻译下面几个词语,汉译英!1、猎奇心理2、好奇心理3、新闻侵权4、隐私权 -
匡怎伊索:[答案] 1 The mentality to seek novelty 2.The curiosity 3.The tortious news 4. The intimacy right

陆河县18392152790: 求英语高手.帮我翻译几个中文词组. -
匡怎伊索: 苍穹 welkin 火焰flame blaze flamboyance flare-up 黑色幽默black humor 寒冰cold ice

陆河县18392152790: 帮我翻译几个英语词组.
匡怎伊索: Be deeply touched,In between the rich and the poor is life,Japan scholarship,Continue to sightseeing,The result is true,

陆河县18392152790: 帮我翻译几个很简单的英语词组啊!!!!!!!!!!!! -
匡怎伊索: in front of the gate of our homebetween the American team and the Japanese oneat Room 208

陆河县18392152790: 请帮我翻译几个短语1.暴力、侵犯______(n)→______(adj)2.________(n)杀人者→(v)________消磨时间______ --
匡怎伊索:[答案] 1. violation (n.) -> violative (adj.) 2. killer (n.) -> kill time

陆河县18392152790: 帮我翻译几个英语词组 -
匡怎伊索: 1.hum song3.play ping-pong4.Majoring in music

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