
作者&投稿:汗定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语高手帮帮忙! 帮忙翻译一下, 满意有赏分.快!!!!~

There is a special group of people, they are called wizards. There is a world of magic, it is called the magic world. I believe the existence of magic, you believe that? Like Harry Potter said, the Hogwarts magic school can teach us many spells, such as "Wingardium Leviosa", makes things up. Also have a terrible spell, for example Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse. But the Hogwarts life is always interesting. There are three ways to contact the magic 1, dial 62442, the Ministry of magic number 2, standing in the toilet bowl to pull the keys 3, by luck. I wish you good luck, soon to become the wizard. 应该是这样吧。

“这是很容易的,”约翰回答。 “我在那里找了个活干。”
“不,我不知道,”约翰说,“但我德语倒是学会了不少” 大概意思是这个,至于具体的语言组织你自己修改下吧.

什么发生在美国的森林在最近350年? 在1620年,关于一半美国由森林盖。在1850年,三由森林报道。 今天森林几乎去。 但是许多树仍然是被削减的在美国。有很多沙子。 中国不想要复制美国的例子。因此中国修筑了横跨中国.这个时间,它的北部的新的长城是"伟大的绿色墙壁"树,成千上万树。 伟大的绿色墙壁是7,000公里长,和在400和1,700公里之间宽。伟大招呼墙壁从吹地球将停止风去。它从移动将停止沙子朝南部的富有的农田。它已经有沙子。 但是更多"伟大的绿色墙壁"不仅在中国.它们仍然必要和必须修造全世界。

"Maybe I have not talent , and I may be stupid, so that others are not sorecognized me , Whether there would be another day..." 虽然句子不是非常高级那种,但意思绝对没问题...祝你好运..

英语高手帮我翻译祝福语啊!要准确的!教师节即(急)用!高悬赏啊!_百度知 ...
1.One each one day raises descends, session of students walk pass through. What is invariable is your deep love with the bright smiling face, prays for heavenly blessing you, dear teacher!2.Will engrave the name is not necessarily immortal on the plank, engraves the name not ...

Music Education in January 2004 right foot in the "College English Curriculum Requirements (Trial)" proposed that in order to meet the needs of personnel training, English teaching goal is to develop students English language proficiency, especially in listening and speaking skills so that...

我之所以报考贵校原因有三点:1:我喜欢法律专业,希望将来能在法学领域有所作为。2:xx大学的法学教育在全国高校中是最好的,在这里我可以享受最优质的教育资源。3:xx城市的政治文化氛围很好,在xx城市,特别是在xx大学这样一个良好的学习环境里,更有利于我对法律知识的学习。There are three reasons...

恳请英语高手帮我 将下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。在线等 只要准确就...
mouth-muffle, effectively.6.Pressure vessel.1.Air compressor by national special equipment supervision regulation.2.The company has standardized management system.3.Employees in accordance with management system standard work. Effective.我是按照楼主给的顺序写的,希望楼主能看懂。望楼主采纳。

恳请英语高手帮我一下,将中文翻译成英文,只要准确、话语通顺 直接用软 ...
in the manual that trampling is forbidden, this is to prevent man-made damage to components.7、说明书中详细说明了多种安装方式,确保组件安装正确.In order to ensure proper installation, detailed instructions on various installation methods are included in the manual.【英语牛人团】...

英语的高手们 帮我翻译一下!!
一连数月,我每天都被你们制造的噪音骚扰,我认真地告诉你们,如果你们不停止这些噪音,我将会以法律的程序来解决我们之间的问题。你不要认为自己是外国人,就能在中国享有特权,就可以随意制造噪音来影响其他人的生活。如果你不认同我的说法,那么下次来敲你门的将会是警察了。英文翻译:In accordance ...

跪求英语高手帮忙翻译 把一下的中文翻译成英语... 谢绝在线翻译的,语 ...
现在自动售货机已经成为高校校园学生的不可缺少一部分,为此记者走访了具有研发、生产、销售、运营、租赁和售后服务广州富宏自动售货机公司,该公司为我们提供以下资料: 自动售货机(英文:Vending Machines)商业起源于20世纪的60年代,由美国的Mars家族发明。上世纪80年代,在美国、日本和整个欧洲,自动售...

门诊 section for outpatients; outpatient service 人性化 normal human feelings; reason 医疗 medical treatment 结构 structure; composition; construction; formation; constitution; fabric; form; systemation; mechanics; organization 组织 organization 经济 economy This project for the Urumqi ...

--- Is to translate the above, I would like to thank everyone, even if a small number of grammar errors can also understand!But strive for perfection!High reward, if the writing can be a good additional points!中文 > 英语 互换翻译 更好的翻 ...

和田县19264232948: 英语高手来啊,书面表达,好的有赏分!
但季瑞可: Our classroom looks dirty. My classmates and I are doing the cleaning to make it clean. Some are sweeping the floor and others are carrying water. Meanwhile, a small part of us are cleaning the blackboard and tidying the desks. Though it makes us feel tired, we still really enjoy the cleaning.

和田县19264232948: 英语翻译高手们帮我用英文翻译一下下面这段话,译得好有赏,先谢过了上帝请告诉我到底怎么了难道我的心真的在这样渐渐远去难道我真的可以放下她吗难... -
但季瑞可:[答案] God please tell I how exactly Difficult way my heart really of at this gradually far go to Difficult way can I really let go of her Difficult way I really can neglect and her whole feelings If isn't so Why did I didn't position consideration problem which stands at her ...

和田县19264232948: 求英语好并有文采的高手来帮我翻译首英文诗,要翻出诗的意境来,翻得好有不菲的额外悬赏哦!Dragon's DawnRoaring fills the air,reverberating through ... -
但季瑞可:[答案] 想起来也许太迟了给你翻的.= = whatever,百度hi 你了,有空去看看吧.

和田县19264232948: 英语高手帮帮忙啊!求下列英语全文翻译,好的赏 -
但季瑞可: 香港--亚洲艺术之都 香港一直被认为是金融贸易之都,但是现在它正在成为亚洲的艺术之都. 在2007年,香港继纽约和伦敦之后,成为了世界上第三大艺术品拍卖市场.从2008年起,它就一直成功的举办现代艺术展览会. 香港也吸引着很多大名鼎鼎的画廊,来与伦敦的泰特现代美术馆和纽约的现代艺术博物馆竞争. 不管如何,香港也在面临着很多挑战.它没有促进现代艺术发展的博物馆或者艺术教育基地.同时,它的艺术家圈子很小,并且费用很昂贵.艺术家们很难在这里找到便宜的画室. 对香港来说,要成为世界上一流的艺术之都还有很长的路要走.纯手打.不懂可追问哦.亲.望采纳.

和田县19264232948: 请英语高手帮我翻译一个英语短句,翻的好的话有高分加. -
但季瑞可: "Maybe I have not talent , and I may be stupid, so that others are not sorecognized me , Whether there would be another day..." 虽然句子不是非常高级那种,但意思绝对没问题...祝你好运..

和田县19264232948: 英语高手来帮我翻译几个句子,重赏!!!!!
但季瑞可: 1. My hometown is Harbin. The winter here is very pretty because it snows a lot.2. I have a very ordinary family with my parents and I.3. My high school is a vocational school.4. I have been liking this job since I was little, because I think it is a very nice job! *** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real.American.English.】

和田县19264232948: 【高分悬赏】求英语高手帮我翻译几句话~不要网络翻译机的那种,那些翻译来的都不正确,语法错的严重,请真正懂英语的人帮忙亲自翻译下,有高分酬谢... -
但季瑞可:[答案] 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without ... (光明的孩子拥有纯白的发和银色的眼,他们穿白色的衣,歌颂人间的万物.) 「The darkness of the people have jet black hair ...

和田县19264232948: 英语高手来帮我翻译成英语,非常感谢 -
但季瑞可: After examination, I would like to learn korean. Because I have some basic knowledge about japanese, it might be easier for me to learn korean.

和田县19264232948: 英语高手帮我翻译一下,翻得好追加奖励100分,不要翻译器,谢谢,越快越好............ -
但季瑞可: “我不可能离开音乐而生活!”十五岁的史蒂夫说.早晨一醒来,史蒂夫就把广播调到最喜欢的频道,边吃早餐边听摇滚音乐.出发前,他戴上自己的音乐播放器,上学的班车上听里面的音乐.“上星期,我在数学课上戴了耳机听音乐”,史蒂夫承认,“老师当时特别生气.她没收了我的耳机,我一个礼拜不能用.太可怕了!”在家,史蒂夫也是边听音乐边做功课——而且音量开得很大.“我妈妈总是嚷叫着要我调小音量”史蒂夫如是说,“她不理解音乐如何让我集中注意力,但它确实做到了.”史蒂夫还喜欢自己演奏音乐.“我正学着弹吉他.实际上,现在弹得还不好听,但我打定主意坚持练习!”

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