
作者&投稿:博肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Agatha finally was found alive on Tuesday, December 14th, when she was reunited with her husband at a hotel in Harrogate, North Yorkshire , which was located around 50 kilometers away from her car.

Agatha finally was found alive on Tuesday, December 14th, when she was reunited with her husband at a hotel in Harrogate, North Yorkshire , which was located around 50 kilometers away from her car.



1.她不和父母住在一起 She doesn't live with her parents 2.Amy努力学习汉语。她想在中国工作 Amy worked hard on Chinese.She wanted to work in China.3.Simon家有四口人 There are four persons in Simon's family.4.他通常起床很早 He usually gets up early 5.你妈妈每天带狗散步吗?

1.这是一个书包。Das ist eine Schultasche.2.那是一本书。Da ist ein Buch.3.那是什么?Was ist das?4.那是一张报纸。Das ist eine Zeitung.5.那些是什么?Was sind das?6.那是些桌子和椅子。Das sind die Tisch und die Stuehle.7.那是谁?Wer ist das?8.那是李先生。Da ist ...

1.他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程(resolve,work on)HE RESOLVES TO WORK ON THIS COMPLICATED PROJECT.2.他们看见一位老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒。(knock on )They saw an old man was knocked on by a car came towards.3.他在荷叶中摇摇晃晃,摸索着寻找电灯开关。(grope)He staggered in the ...

A.1.她已经吃过午饭了。She has already had lunch.2.他还没喝咖啡呢。He hasn't drunk coffee yet.3.她们收拾好手提箱了吗?Have they already finished packing their suitcases?4.你做过什么?What have you done?5.你还有什么没做?What haven't you done yet?6.他离开了吗?还没有。H...

1.Education is not an end, but a means to an end.教育不是目的,但是是通向目的的工具 2.The revolution will take the form of armed struggle.革命将采取武装斗争的形式 3.Keith and I, we were so close, like brothers.肯思和我,我们是这么亲密,就象亲兄弟。4.I wrote a letter ...

请翻译以下句子,谢谢啦! 1 跟你谈话真是一件愉快的事。 2 你真好,来看...
1 跟你谈话真是一件愉快的事。It's a pleasant thing to talk with you.2 你真好,来看我。It's so nice of you to visit me.3 人们希望政府尽快采取措施制止环境污染的加剧。People hole that the government will take measures to prevent the fast degeneration of environment pollution.4人们...

1. In traditional education, teachers may feel that students are simply\/only students instead of persons of character.2. He always has a problem making choices.3. You'll get used to the life here soon.4. 到我大四时,我已经和系里的教授们关系非常密切。5. In order to pass the...


1. 我们都希望这次奥运会会办的非常成功。◆ We all hope that the Olympic Games will be a great success.2. 使我印象最深刻的是那个西方城市里有那么多传统的中国餐馆。◆ What impressed me most was that there were so many traditional Chinese restaurants in that western city.3. 石油...

1.The ancient Chinese regarded fleshiness as beauty.2.Though the scale of our school is not large enough,our inner is rich enough.3.Although Chinese football is not as excellent as England,there are still a lot of people who love football deeply like your English.4.We are very...

武陵区19832127645: 用英语翻译句子,谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: 1.直到孩子们睡着了,我们才离开 We didn't leave until the children fell asleep . 2.那是他十年前住的房子 That is the house he lived ten years ago. 3.大部分毛衣都是用羊毛制成的 Most sweaters are made from wool. 4.这个人一点也不诚实,因此他没有几个朋友 The man is not honest, so he did not have a few friends 5.听,一定有人在敲门 Listen, there must have someone are knocking the door

武陵区19832127645: 翻译句子谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: an orange

武陵区19832127645: 帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: Everyday I'm counting how many days I have left to spend with you, and I am worried that time is really passing by too quickly. I feel uneasy even if I am not with you for a day, even if it is for a day.

武陵区19832127645: 翻译英语句子,谢谢, -
莘胁奥迪: 1.There kids are all keen on swimming.2.In fact, he is qualified for this job.3.He's always willing to help while I'm in trouble.4.Please help me bring the package back if you are convenient.5.In general, the younger you are, the more quickly you can adapt to the new enviroment.

武陵区19832127645: 用英语翻译句子,谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: 1.He advised us to move to Tianjin. 2.Mr Lee has lived in Australia since 2000. 3.Could you answer the question I asked just now? 4.It is the biggest boat I have ever seen. 5.Don't forget to tidy up your clothes.

武陵区19832127645: 翻译句子,谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: (1)商店里人很多,很拥挤,物品价格狠昂贵 There are many people in the store. It is crowded. Goods in it are very expensive. (2)妈妈帮我买了一套衣服作为礼物送给我,这使我感到狠快乐! My mom bought me a suit as a gift, which made me feel happy.

武陵区19832127645: 翻译一个英语句子,谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: The climate characteristics of yueyang is climate characteristics are: warm and cold long period is short, the four seasons, abundant precipitation. Good climate condition is beneficial to the development of efficient agriculture.

武陵区19832127645: 用英语翻译中文句子,谢谢 -
莘胁奥迪: 1. I am willing to give up everything and anything for you.2. I've lost my love.

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