
作者&投稿:帛贺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In order to improve the color watermark image of transparency and robustness of this article fully integrated human visual masking properties, gives the location of the digital watermark embedded in the adaptive method (that is, select the method of wavelet coefficients). Concrete steps are as follows:

(1) Wavelet coefficients calculated brightness of the F-F, which said the F-level wavelet decomposition, F, said high-frequency sub-band direction; F said that the location of the wavelet coefficients.

(2) Select an important factor for visual watermark embedding. F brightness factor for keywords, all sub-band of wavelet coefficients in descending order of selection before the F-wavelet coefficients as a digital watermark embedding location.

Adaptive quantization intervals of 2.5 to determine.

Can not be perceived requirements of digital watermarking is an essential characteristics of the algorithm must therefore Watermark and the sensitivity of the human eye to adapt. Use of the human visual system to determine the characteristics of the embedded watermark strength can ensure the invisible watermark on the basis of effectively improve its robustness. In order to quantify the adaptive modulation carrier in the image, we choose according to the wavelet-coefficient d and the average variance to determine the quantitative s interval. Has been set up to choose the wavelet coefficients of the right to set the value, of which F and F, respectively for the F and F weighing parameters. To derive the maximum value of F and F minimum F, can be the use of F-wavelet coefficients quantify the interval F, where F for the alternative set the number of wavelet coefficients, F and F are the user to set the maximum and minimum Quantify the interval. F and F mean variance was used to adjust the spacing to allow quantification of the embedded watermark to better adapt to the carrier in the image. F parameters used to control the context of the quantitative weight, F used to quantify the weight of the control structure.


PingMei six ore, pingdingshan city in henan province PingMei territory for one of jianling group new mines.


Field geological condition is simpler, mining coal occurrence stability, two 1 ° Angle is about 15 coal, coal seam average thickness 4.05 m. The mine's production capacity of 0.6 Mt/a, service of schooling for 35 years.


According to the actual situation of this field, determine the pioneering way for the mine shaft mining type, single levels expanding longwall mining to prepare, mining process, the method, the coal mine work system for class 3, class preparation.


Mining area for the development of environmental protection of the mine has an important influence, so this ore connecting with the practice to take effective measures to protect the environment.

She has already had lunch.
He hasn't drunk coffee yet.
Have they already finished packing their suitcases?
What have you done?
What haven't you done yet?
Has he left?
Not yet.
When will he leave?
Tomorrow afternoon.
Has she left?
Yes, she has.
When did she leave?
Yesterday morning.
Are you going to take a holiday?
Do you often take a holiday?
Did you take a holiday last year?
Have you ever taken a holiday?
Are you taking a holiday now?
come:( came );( come ) have:( had);( had ) pack:( packed);( packed ) leave:( left );( left )
go:( went );( gone ) do:( did);( done ) know:( knew );( known ) stay:( stayed );( stayed )

A. she already had lunch.
2. He hasn't drink coffee.
3 they packed suitcase?
4 what you've done?
5. What have you didn't do?
6 he left? Not yet.
7. When he go? Tomorrow afternoon.
8 she go? Walk.
9 when she go? Yesterday morning.
You must go on vacation?
11 you often holiday?
12 you last vacation?
13 your holiday?
14 you are on vacation?
come:( came );( come ) have:( had );( had ) pack:( packed );( packed ) leave:( left );( left )
go:( went );( gone ) do:( did );( done ) know:( knew );( know ) stay:( stayed );( stayed )

she has eaten lunch.
he has not drunk coffee

1.She has already had lunch.
2.She hasn't had coffee.
3.Have they clean up the suitcase well?
4.What did you do?
5.It was what you hadn't do.
6.Has he left?No,he hasn't.
7.When does he leave ? Tomorrow afternoon.
8.Did he leave ? Yes.
9.When did he leave ? The last morning.
10.Do you want to go on holiday ?
11.Do you often go on holiday ?
12.Did you go on holiday last year ?
13.Have you ever gone on holiday ?
14.Are you going on holiday ?

1.她已经吃过午饭了。She has already had lunch.
2.他还没喝咖啡呢。 He hasn't had coffee yet.
3.她们收拾好手提箱了吗?Have they packed their luggage yet?
4.你做过什么? What have you done?
5.你还有什么没做? What haven't you done yet?
6.他离开了吗?还没有。Has he left? No, not yet.
7.他什么时候走?明天下午。What time did he leave? Tomorrow afternoon.
8.她走了吗?走了。 Has she left? Yes, she has left.
9.她什么时候走的?昨天上午。 When did she leave? Yesterday morning.
10.你要去度假吗?Are you going on vocation?
11.你经常度假吗? Do you always go on vocation?
12.你去年度假了吗?Did you go on vocation last year?
13.你度过假吗?Have you ever gone on vocation?
14.你正在度假吗?Are you on vocation?

come:( came );( come )
have:( had );( had )
pack:( packed );( packed )
leave:(left );( left )
go:( went );( gone )
do:( did );( done )
know:( knew );( known )
stay:( stayed );( stayed )

1.she have already had lunch。2.He hasn't drink coffee. 3. they packed suitcase? 4.What you have done 5.What do you have?. 6.He left? Not yet. 7.When he went? Tomorrow afternoon. 8.She was gone? yes. 9.When she go? Yesterday morning. 10.You want to go on vacation? 11.Do you often vacation? 12.You were vacation last year? 13.You had been vacation 14.Are you go on vacation? B.came came had had packed packed left left went gone did done knew known stayed stayed

英语高手来 速度点
1 your fathers grow how? He is of medium height, a little bit fat, grow beautiful book short hair of a head of brown 2 You of the pen pal grow how? He wears an eyes, a little bit short, the hair is short to keep and the have a little of gold yellow is introverted...

First, the main use of parentheses �1, for unimportant, insignificant words.2, separated by descriptive, explanatory, and illustrative, for example, of words and phrases to make sentences more visible, and understandable.3. Indicate year of birth and death of people.4. ...

走了很长路后,老人一定很累了。After a long walk, the old man must be very tired.饭前你必须洗手。这对你的健康有好处。You must have your hands washed before eating. It's good for your health.这本书一定是Lucy的。瞧!她的名字在书的封面上。This book must be Lucy's. Look!

1. One of the most amazing status in global economy is the recovery of Japanese economy, one thing should be mentioned specially is the recovery of its economy adapt to the domestic demand more and more, which due to business investment and consumer expenditure.2. This vicegerent ...

2.我想介绍我的朋友JANE给你认识 I would like to introduce my friend Jane to you.3.恐怕我得走了.I'm afraid I must go now.4.我该走了。I should go now.5.-谢谢你为我做的一切。-你这样说真客气。Thank you for all you have done for me.Don't be so polite.6.三年来你干的...

Some people, you think you can meet.There are some things that you thought I could have continued.Then, perhaps, the moment you turn around.Some people, you never see him again.When the sun goes down, and rose up, everything has changed, believe it never go back....

1.假如你想成为一名好医生,你必须有极强的责任感。If you want to be a good doctor,you must have a strong sense of responsibilty.2.如果你想学好外语,你就必须培养语言感。If you want to learn foreign languages well, you must foster a strong language sense.--- 1.开始我是一名教师...

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英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子吧 急用 谢谢
下面是意译:1. I enjoy chatting with people who are out-going. It's much more pleasant. It's more constraining talking with stuck-up people.2. I have never been absent, except when I was so sick I needed to stay home or go to a clinic.3. I am engrossed when the ...

01.为了照顾他残疾的妹妹,他终身未娶。(single,in order to)In order to look after his disabled siester,he is single all his life.02.他给我写了封信,问我新工作做得怎么样。(get along with)He worte to me to ask how I get along with my new job.03.过去的30年发生了巨大...

南乐县15158153348: 英文高手帮帮忙,翻译几个简单的句子,谢谢.1.the human spirit is strong .It seems to run forever on nothing but a faint hope.2.Wgen they covered with wooden... -
逮力清蒙:[答案] 1 人类的精神是强大的,哪怕只有一点希望似乎就能永远流传下去. 2 当他们用木板封住他那7平方英尺的小室的窗户,又关掉灯时,他不知道自己是否会挺过这一关.

南乐县15158153348: 英语高手进,帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢! -
逮力清蒙: write the beginning letters and colour the sounds 写出首字母并且修饰它的声音 colour在这里作动词 vt.1. 涂颜色于,着色[O8] Tom coloured the picture red.汤姆将画涂成红色.The little girl was colouring pictures with crayons.这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色.2. 渲染;文饰;影响 Prejudice coloured his views.偏见影响了他的看法.

南乐县15158153348: 英语高手来翻译,谢谢~~~? -
逮力清蒙: You shouldn't be surprised, she can never replace my smile.

南乐县15158153348: 英语句子翻译,高手进来帮帮忙,谢谢! -
逮力清蒙: 第一句:举例,自从2002以来,有座新的火车站开始投入运营.第二句:这些年“星光之城”改变了很多,我很想去那看看,亲自感受一下它的改变.

南乐县15158153348: 商务英语句子翻译,高人进.谢谢各位了 -
逮力清蒙: (1) We regret to inform you that your quotation is too high to coincide with the current market condition(2)In consideration on our long business relationship,we'll allow you a discount of 5% if your order is more than 100 items for one time.(3) , I hope...

南乐县15158153348: 翻译一些英语句子,高手来! -
逮力清蒙: is sure tobe sure ..... fromare sure to is sure of .... at the partybe sure to ... this thing

南乐县15158153348: 英文高手帮忙翻译一句句子 谢谢
逮力清蒙: 你好!我的译句如下:I wonder if it is right or wrong to have met you, but I know I have been joyful.

南乐县15158153348: 英语句子翻译~请高手帮忙~谢谢!!! -
逮力清蒙: 为避免节食造成的营养不良,美国的食品产业已经生产出了一系列营养食物.

南乐县15158153348: 英语高手帮忙翻译5个句子,谢谢
逮力清蒙: 1 He talked in class. He should have listened to the teacher carefully, 2 The ground is wet. It must have rained last night. 3 You should have got up earlier. If so, you would not be late. 4 You shouldn;t have talked in class 5 It can't have been Li Ping, She...

南乐县15158153348: 请英语高手高手翻一下面的句子,谢谢!要人工翻译汉译英 1.你从什么时候开始学的汉语,多长时间了? 2.汉语老师都教你什么了? 3.你每天都上汉语课吗?... -
逮力清蒙:[答案] When have you started learning Chinese, and how long have you been learning it? What has your Chinese teacher taught you? Do you have Chinese lessons every day? How long do you think it will take you to master your Chinese? Are you interested in ...

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