
作者&投稿:竹坚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

apagado =关
sintetico =合成的;人造的
delicado =娇嫩?易碎?
lana = 羊毛
lavado =洗涤
aclarado =冲洗
prelav =预洗
rapido = 快速
centrifuga = 离心?


funcion 1,2 =功能 1,2
velocidad =速度
retardo = 迟缓
Ecendido =点燃/开
Pausa =暂停


The company was awarded "China's auto production base of supplies," the title of the roof of the County of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other cities in the developed only a few hours by car, air, sea and land transportation is very convenient and beautiful environment, the company specializing in the production of sets of the steering wheel, car seat , Car mat and other auto-related products, advanced production equipment, lower prices and better quality, enjoy a good reputation in the local, welcomed the new and old customers patronage.


Mr Qaddafi was born in 1942 in SuErTe a nomadic tribes family. His parents are illiterate bedouin people. He has three sisters and family are living on rent camels. In 1951, Libya won independence, Mr Qaddafi also SuErTe in a primary school reading. Mr Qaddafi study very hard, ...

The 博 guest the newly arisen medium with a kind of commentary conduct and actions comment on a form, it with borrow to open sex,liberalism,characteristic with interaction etc. the characteristics be subjected to people's more and more concerns, inspecting aspect in the public opinion...

哪位好心的大哥大姐帮我翻译几段日语 谢谢
公司Cyberfront 12月10日在电影裕美国铁路管理模拟游戏,对Windows的“阿列车顺应9”开催的记者介绍。 “阿列车的9名”是在Shimyureshongemushirizu最新的开発Artdink。发行日期为2010年1月和29天预定,相应的操作系统是Windows XP\/Vista\/7。价格是一万二千三百九十〇日元。丰上映美国举行的第10期简报,它...


小狗狂叫 狗粪 用狗粪讨伐敌人(用最卑鄙的手段报仇)连狗都不闻

哪位英语好的大哥大姐 帮我翻译下这篇文章
On the middle school, or always playing, even more lessons. My level of football has been greatly improved.However, the high school, played football on a little, because the classes are full every day, so I had to give up my desire to play.In college now, although with a ...

...我是学跆拳道的,用着带口令的 哪位大哥大姐帮帮忙???
1、哈那 2、嘟儿 3、C 4、内 5、塔收 6、亚收 7、以故儿 8、亚得 9、阿虎儿 10、油 望采纳。

对很多人来说,坐在电视前观看新汶联博每天下午7点已经是他们生活的一部分。据中国中央电视台,国家`最有影响力的新闻节目将做出一些大的变化,明年。国际新闻和新闻有关的人`生活会占用更多空间。新闻的方式分布也会发生变化。更多消息将从眼睛正常的人。新汶联博首次播放1978。它`之一的国家` best-...

在线翻译:英语 谁能帮我翻一下 大哥大姐,帮帮英文盲谢谢 急急_百度知 ...
running and mountain climbing.I think doing sports is the best way of relaxation.As a newcomer,I would like to listen to others' opinions,which can help me to absorb more knowledge.And if I make a mistake,don't hesitate to inform me.I am hopeful to be friend with each of ...

德化县17134506287: 英语翻译请大哥大姐们帮我把下面几句话翻成英文1、 把烟吹走 2、那把刀从他手中落下.3、他掉进了湖里.4、我们不应该把今天的工作拖到明天.5、他把车停... -
奚狭法可:[答案] 1.Smoke blows away 2.The knife fell from his hands. 3.He fell into the lake. 4.We should not put off today's work until tomorrow 5.He parked inside of the gate

德化县17134506287: 入乡随俗各位大哥大姐请帮我用英语翻译一下下啦, -
奚狭法可:[答案] 入乡随俗 While in rome ,do as rome dose

德化县17134506287: 英语翻译请大哥大姐们帮我把下面几句话翻成英文1、今天下午我们将待在家里而不去看电影.2、她跟着音乐唱歌,并且手斯文地挥动着.3、她对孩子说话总是... -
奚狭法可:[答案] 1.This afternoon we will stay at home rather than see a film.2.She sang to the music,with her hand waving gently.3.She is always talking gently with children.4.The river even becomes dirty.5.Jason got...

德化县17134506287: 哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译下,急啊
奚狭法可: 1. You should have told me earlier 2. I would have lent him the money 3. will meet at the station at four this afternoon 4. won't come back late 5. To tell you the truth

德化县17134506287: 请各位大姐帮我用英语翻译下面东西急用,对了重谢!1,数字106英语怎麽说.2,108.364 3,0.975 4,2+3=5 5,10 - 7=3 6,5x4=20 嘛烦大哥大姐用英语帮我翻译 -
奚狭法可:[答案] 106 -one hundred and six 108.364-one hundred and eight point three six four 0.975 -zero point nine seven five 2+3=5 -two plus three is five / two and three is five 10-7=3 -ten minus seven is three 5x4=20 -five times four is twenty

德化县17134506287: 各位大哥大姐帮忙翻译下
奚狭法可: Sorry, I could really cannot perform had pledge, if there is an afterlife I certainly will still love you 望采纳

德化县17134506287: 英语翻译大哥大姐帮帮我把这段话{我很喜欢踢足球,虽然我踢足球的时间不是很长,但我很厉害.真的}翻译一下``谢谢```我真的很需要你们的帮助` -
奚狭法可:[答案] 上面的大哥,though和but是不能连在一起用的 看我的答案: I love playing football very much.Though I have been playing it for it not a very long time,I am good at it,really.

德化县17134506287: 英语翻译请各位大哥大姐帮帮忙帮我翻译为中文,意思要一样.用第三人称.我叫迈克.我上午9:00上数学课.我下午10:00上英语课.我下午3:00踢足球.我喜欢星期... -
奚狭法可:[答案] 用第三人称? Hello,he is Mike,he has Mathes lesson at nine a.m.and English lesson at ten p.m.He plays football at three p.m.He likes Tuesday.

德化县17134506287: 英语翻译哪位好心的大哥大姐帮我翻译一下!(1)小的时候就开始喜欢足球它让我心中有理想(2)给我的童年带来很大的乐趣 (3)因为踢足球我的身体现... -
奚狭法可:[答案] 1,When I was a kid,I used to play soccer which guide me to my dream2,It brought a lot of fun to my childhood3,To play soccer bring me a strong body.4,I met a lot of friends by playing soccer with them

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