
作者&投稿:许亮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我必须认真对待这场篮球比赛 (take...seriously)

he saw,whatever,let it be

China has a long history of five thousand years, he has a long history of civilization has nurtured a great country, forming a world-famous Chinese culture. Since the Confucius Xingtan lectures, education, "72-yin," three thousand disciples public, peaches and plums all over the world, thousands of years to form a unique system of education and culture, China is still affecting the community. Li Geng Shiba scholars "Chinese" as an interpretation of the concept of culture. By contrast, the United States, the first in the world today developed countries, with strong economic strength, openness and cultural structure, in less than 300 years of development history, becoming the world's most competitive countries in the world. China and the United States in the 21st century are the most representative of the country's eastern and western cultures in the world on the path of development, there are too many differences.

China has a long history of five thousand years.The long history and civilization nurtured China making her a famous country with Chinese culture.Dating back to the Confucius Xingtan lectures,the unique system of education and culture which includs "72XIAN""three thousand students all over the world" infulences Chinese society very much.Li zehou one scholars of Chinese describs the word "chinese" as a kind of culture.By contrast,the United States, the first in the world which has powerful economic,openness and various culture develops to be one of the most affective and competitive countries in the world.China and the United States ,the representations of East and West culture have too many differences on the way of development.应该比较合适,你仔细看看。请多指教!!!

China has a long history of more than 5,000 years. The long river of civilization has nurtured the big country and formed the well-known Chinese culture. Since Confucius gave lectures in Xingtai and cultivated 3,000 pupils including the 72 with virtue, his pupils were scattered throughout the nation, and for tens of hundreds of years, special education system and culture has come into being and influenced the Chinese society ever since. The scholar Li Zehou even interprets the word "China" within a cultural concept. In contrast, the United States, the most developed country in the modern world, with a mighty economic strenghth and open and compatible culture, has developed into one of the most competitive and influential country in the world in less than 300 years. China and the United States, as the top representative nations for oriental and occidental cultures respectively in the 21th century, differs so much in their development roads which has influenced the world.

China has had five thousand age-old history many years , river inoculation of the civilization going back to ancient times has put up a great country , has formed the China culture being famed the world over. Self Confucius apricot altar gives lectures , baby-raising "seventy-two three thousand virtuous " masses disciples , peaches and plums are all over in the world, system and culture having almost formed proper education during the past 1000, society who is affecting so far still China. Scholar Li Ze Hou is that one word annotation is a culture concept more with "China". By comparison, structure has the tremendous economic strength in USA , the first advanced Great Power of the world in the nowadays, opens compatible culture, become the effect world in the history less than 300 years,most one of utensil competition country. The countries being the culture representing a thing have most respectively in 21 centuries China and USA,have very much difference on the road affecting development of the world.

【死に体の】应该是【死にたいの】 ,发音相同 。想死(找死)啊!【バカじゃないの】你傻呀!【うすのろばかまぬけ!】sb、没种的(等最差的骂人话)

10.在天津有一个国际盲童学校 There's an international school for blind children in Taijing.11.你能从办公室拿点粉笔来吗 Can you fetch some chalk from the office?12.我的妹妹是个漂亮女孩,她在人民医院工作 My younger sister is a beautiful girl. She works in the people's hospital....

高手来翻译几个小成语: 小试牛刀、再接再励、更进一步、大显身手...
小试牛刀:比喻有大本领的人,先在小事情上略展才能。也比喻有能力的人刚开始工作就表现出彩 。try one's hand at 。display only a small part of one's talent 。make a casual demonstration of one's capability 。show sth. of one's ability再接再厉:指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一...

China has a long history of five thousand years, he has a long history of civilization has nurtured a great country, forming a world-famous Chinese culture. Since the Confucius Xingtan lectures, education, "72-yin," three thousand disciples public, peaches and plums all over the ...

nttthuyen=阮氏青玄=Nguyen thi thanh huyen! (用国语发音:ou-in, ti, can, hui-in )

还有一件事,我注意到有一些差异存在于文化与语言之间,我也不例外,但是我不高兴被称作‘先生’,我的名字很清楚的表明我是一个女的。如果你不确定的话,你可以直接写我的名字好了。还有请不要每次信上的结尾都写上,“请你尽快回信,请快些回信”来催促我。 it is SO RUDE。。。这个客人很精明...

【日语高手来】【手翻】求翻译这篇日语歌词,求手翻大神啊!在线翻译粘 ...
そこらの着ぐるみの风船と私 【那个布偶装的气球和我】放课後の游歩道いつもよりちょっと回り道 【放学回家的路 比平时稍稍绕了弯路】笑い合えたことや不満感じたこと 【一起欢笑 或者感到不满】着ぐるみにもらった风船の中に诘め込む 【从布偶装中获得 填补在气球中】どうもお疲れ...

今日 皆さまと、この场でお会いできて、诚にうれしいかぎりでございます。わたくしが皆さまに申し上げたいのは、三つのはなしだけなんです。まず、この何年间、ずっと、さくら日本语社を见守ってくださった方々に、心から感谢の気持ちを申し上げます。そして、私どもの管理と教员...

掌握这五点,向翻译高手进阶 在翻译的世界里,提升自我需要注重细节与技巧的掌握。让我们一起探索如何成为翻译高手的五点关键。首先,明确翻译的目标与目的。许多人热衷于将现代语言翻译成古文,这并非不可行,但要根据所翻译的内容来决定。翻译歌词的目的是让中国听众理解,译者应作为演员与观众之间的桥梁...

1. 李世民畏魏征 文言文翻译 高手来鹞竟死怀中 选自[文成公主传奇] 第九回 射牦牛大宴报聘使 拒请婚迁怒吐谷浑(2) 翻译:然而,别看魏征状貌不逾中人,却有胆有略,善回人主之意。魏征是一片赤胆忠心,况且总是言之在理,因而,大都是太宗皇帝“霁威”改容,瞿然向魏征赔不是:“吾已悔之。” 一次,...

新沂市17239421723: 高手来 英语翻译 -
聂斌布累: 楼主,您好 Please treat me ,if I go to your countryside 谢谢采纳!

新沂市17239421723: 英语翻译高手来看看这个翻译! -
聂斌布累:[答案] 让我不去想(我想得到的东西), 或者还有种意思是:超然物外

新沂市17239421723: 英语翻译高手来 -
聂斌布累: 她是借来欣赏的轮廓 She is an outline to admire. 她是负担不起的风景 She is an unbearable scenery. 她是无法证明的未来 She is an unidentifiable future.

新沂市17239421723: 英语高手来翻译!
聂斌布累: 1 新加坡是一个适合旅游的地方 Singapore is a place for tourism 2 在巴黎有许多美景 There are many beautiful scenery in Paris 3 请把这个句子翻译成英语 Please put this sentence translated into English 4 这个城市的交通便利 The city's transport ...

新沂市17239421723: 英语翻译高手来
聂斌布累: He is riched for imagination, and he can come up with new ideas.

新沂市17239421723: 英语翻译,高手来 -
聂斌布累: 个人认为还是用so比较好些,并且是用强调句更能突出主人公的激动与开心,所以认为如果是从句则应翻译为:So happy am I, so lucy am I that…… 如果是主句则应翻译为:the happy me, the fortunate me…… 希望我的回答对你有帮助.

新沂市17239421723: 英语翻译"英语高手来 -
聂斌布累: 不管你去哪儿,不管不做什么,我都会在这儿等你.自己译的,大概意思是这样

新沂市17239421723: 英语高手来,翻译句子 -
聂斌布累: 为你解答.① 李医生告诉吉尔把头向后仰.Dr Li (told) jill (to) (hold)her head (up).② 胖婶是一个对烹饪感兴趣的美国人. Fat Aunt is an American who (is) (interested) (in) cooking.

新沂市17239421723: 英语翻译,高手来.,
聂斌布累: 标准翻译:我(省略的主语)已经成功地实现一个梦想了,我开始准备去实现其他梦想或事业.set out to do (开始着手于..)

新沂市17239421723: 翻译英文,高手来!
聂斌布累: 如果直译的话,是“我相信'从此以后过上幸福快乐的生活'”.这是童话的代称,所以这句英文的正确翻译是“我相信童话”

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