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嫦娥奔月(chang'e Flying to the Moon)是中国古代的美丽传说。嫦娥是英雄人物后羿的妻子。在中国,嫦娥意味着月亮。源自对嫦娥的联想,中华民族对月亮有着特殊的情感,这甚至影响了中国的方方面面。了解嫦娥的遭遇后,人们在月下设香案(incense burner table),祈求嫦娥幸运、平安。因此,中秋节拜月亮的习俗在民间非常流行。后来人们还创作了其他与月亮有关的传说,如吴刚伐树、玉兔捣药。另外人们也喜欢在月饼上刻上这些故事的有趣图案。

The legend Chang'e Flying to the Moon is a beautiful tale of ancient China.Chang'e was the wife of the legendary hero Hou Yi. In China, Chang'e means the moon, and the Chinese nation has always had special emotion towards the moon derived from the associations of Chang'e, which has even influenced the nation in all aspects. When getting to know what happened to Chang'e, common people of that time put their incense burner tables under the moon and prayed for luck and safety to the kind lady. So, the custom of worshiping the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival is quite popular among folks. Later, other legends about the moon, such as Wu Gang Chopping Trees and Moon Rabbit Grinding Medicine,were created. In addition, people also like to make interesting patterns of these tales on moon cakes.


1、源自:可用be derived from表达,其中derive意为“起源”,和orginate同义。

2、影响了中国的方方面面:即“在各方面都影响了中国”,可译为has even influenced the nation in all aspects。

3、拜月亮:即“崇拜月亮”,译为worshiping the moon。

4、吴刚伐树:可译为Wu Gang Chopping Trees。

5、玉兔捣药:可译为Moon Rabbit Grinding Medicine。

Chang E rushes the month to hand down, ancient times time had a year, the space appeared ten sun, straight roasted the earth to brave the smoke, the sea water to dry out, the common people shortly were unable to live again. This matter has alarmed the hero which a name is Hou Yi, he mounts the Kunlun Mountains summit, transports the full supernatural power, pulls open the god bow, gas shoots the next nine unnecessary sun. Hou Yi establishes the unparalleled marvelous ability, receives common people's respect and the love, many people of integrity come in admiration of somebody's fame 投师 the scholarship. Deceitful was cunning, plan loose Mongolia also did not mix. Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful good wife, the name has been called Chang E. Hou Yi besides passes on technique the hunting, all day long with wife in same place, the people all envy this to a perfect match affectionate couples. One day, visits friends Hou Yi to Kunlun Mountain asks to say that, the chance encounter from this the process queen mother of the west, then obtains package of not dead medicines to the grandmother. It is said, under the clothing this medicine, can instantly ascend to heaven becomes an immortal. However, Hou Yi does not give up abandons the wife, has temporarily to give not the dead medicine Chang E to collect. Chang E enters medicine Tibet the dressing table in hundred valuable chest, but unexpectedly is seen by loose Mongolia. After three days, Hou Yi leads the numerous people to egress the hunting, has ulterior motives loose Mongolia disguised to fall ill, has remained down. After waits Hou Yi to lead the numerous people to walk soon, loose Mongolia grasps the treasured sword to intrude 内宅 the rear court, intimidates Chang E to hand over not the dead medicine. Chang E knew oneself is not the loose Mongolia's match, critical time she takes the bull by the horns, turns around to turn on hundred valuable chest, put out not dead medicine to swallow. Chang E swallows down the medicine, the body flutters immediately to the ground, runs out the window, flies to the space. Because Chang E is worrying the husband, then flies falls to leaves on the world recent moon to become an immortal. Evening, Hou Yi got the home, the maidservants to complain tearfully the matter which the daytime occurred. Hou Yi both startled and gets angry, pulls out the sword to kill the evil person, loose Mongolia early ran away. Was mad Hou Yi beats the breast and stamps the feet wah wah greatly shouts. Is deeply grieved Hou Yi, looks up to the nighttime sky summon to love wife's name. By now he surprisedly discovered that, today moon especially bright is bright, moreover has the form which rocks to resemble Chang E. Likes the Hou Yi hurried faction person in back garden which to Chang E, displays the incense table, puts honey food fresh fruit which she usually most likes eating, remote offers a sacrifice to in the moon is being attached to own Chang E. The blank space common people after learned by hearsay Chang E rushes the news which the month becomes an immortal, decorates the incense table in abundance under the month, propitiously implores to good Chang E to be safe. From this time on, the Midautumn Festival 拜月 custom spread in the folk. Chang E rushed the month story by the bright manner and the gorgeous color eulogy, has praised beautifully, compared with the ancient literature concerned Chang E's record, obviously the people rushed the month story to Chang E to do have very processed, decorate, cause the beautiful image and the month with are beautiful, cause it to conform to the people to the beautiful pursue. Spreads "Chang E with the modern age to rush really broadly the month" different, "On the Entire Classical Chinese literature" edited "Spirit Constitution" to record "Chang E melted the toad" the story: "Chang E, Yi Qiye, steals grandmother not dead medicine clothing it, rushes the month. Toward, will occupy to has yellow. Has yellow occupies it: Said: ' Lucky, handsome will turn over to the younger sister, alone will head west, meets the day 晦 awn, will not do be startled does not do fear, latter also greatly prosperous.' Chang E then holds the body to the month, is the toad." After Chang E turns the toad, is punished all day long in the moon pounds not the dead medicine, the lonely impoverished life, Li Shangyin once has been having the poem to sigh Chang E: "Chang E should the regret steal the efficacious medicine, 碧海青天 every night heart."

Chang E rushes the month to hand down, ancient times time had a year, the space appeared ten sun, straight roasted the earth to brave the smoke, the sea water to dry out, the common people shortly were unable to live again. This matter has alarmed the hero which a name is Hou Yi, he mounts the Kunlun Mountains summit, transports the full supernatural power, pulls open the god bow, gas shoots the next nine unnecessary sun. Hou Yi establishes the unparalleled marvelous ability, receives common people's respect and the love, many people of integrity come in admiration of somebody's fame 投师 the scholarship. Deceitful was cunning, plan loose Mongolia also did not mix. Soon, Hou Yi married a beautiful good wife, the name has been called Chang E. Hou Yi besides passes on technique the hunting, all day long with wife in same place, the people all envy this to a perfect match affectionate couples. One day, visits friends Hou Yi to Kunlun Mountain asks to say that, the chance encounter from this the process queen mother of the west, then obtains package of not dead medicines to the grandmother. It is said, under the clothing this medicine, can instantly ascend to heaven becomes an immortal. However, Hou Yi does not give up abandons the wife, has temporarily to give not the dead medicine Chang E to collect. Chang E enters medicine Tibet the dressing table in hundred valuable chest, but unexpectedly is seen by loose Mongolia. After three days, Hou Yi leads the numerous people to egress the hunting, has ulterior motives loose Mongolia disguised to fall ill, has remained down. After waits Hou Yi to lead the numerous people to walk soon, loose Mongolia grasps the treasured sword to intrude 内宅 the rear court, intimidates Chang E to hand over not the dead medicine. Chang E knew oneself is not the loose Mongolia's match, critical time she takes the bull by the horns, turns around to turn on hundred valuable chest, put out not dead medicine to swallow. Chang E swallows down the medicine, the body flutters immediately to the ground, runs out the window, flies to the space. Because Chang E is worrying the husband, then flies falls to leaves on the world recent moon to become an immortal. Evening, Hou Yi got the home, the maidservants to complain tearfully the matter which the daytime occurred. Hou Yi both startled and gets angry, pulls out the sword to kill the evil person, loose Mongolia early ran away. Was mad Hou Yi beats the breast and stamps the feet wah wah greatly shouts. Is deeply grieved Hou Yi, looks up to the nighttime sky summon to love wife's name. By now he surprisedly discovered that, today moon especially bright is bright, moreover has the form which rocks to resemble Chang E. Likes the Hou Yi hurried faction person in back garden which to Chang E, displays the incense table, puts honey food fresh fruit which she usually most likes eating, remote offers a sacrifice to in the moon is being attached to own Chang E. The blank space common people after learned by hearsay Chang E rushes the news which the month becomes an immortal, decorates the incense table in abundance under the month, propitiously implores to good Chang E to be safe. From this time on, the Midautumn Festival 拜月 custom spread in the folk. Chang E rushed the month story by the bright manner and the gorgeous color eulogy, has praised beautifully, compared with the ancient literature concerned Chang E's record, obviously the people rushed the month story to Chang E to do have very processed, decorate, cause the beautiful image and the month with are beautiful, cause it to conform to the people to the beautiful pursue. Spreads "Chang E with the modern age to rush really broadly the month" different, "On the Entire Classical Chinese literature" edited "Spirit Constitution" to record "Chang E melted the toad" the story: "Chang E, Yi Qiye, steals grandmother not dead medicine clothing it, rushes the month. Toward, will occupy to has yellow. Has yellow occupies it: Said: ' Lucky, handsome will turn over to the younger sister, alone will head west, meets the day 晦 awn, will not do be startled does not do fear, latter also greatly prosperous.' Chang E then holds the body to the month, is the toad." After Chang E turns the toad, is punished all day long in the moon pounds not the dead medicine, the lonely impoverished life, Li Shangyin once has been having the poem to sigh Chang E: "Chang E should the regret steal the efficacious medicine, 碧海青天 every night heart."

《嫦娥奔月》的故事英文版如下:英文:Legend has it that in ancient times,there was a year when ten suns appeared in the sky,causing the Earth to crack,the seas to dry up,and people to lose hope for survival.The hero Hou Yi was determined to save the people.He ascended to t...

Chang\\'e, in order to protect the people from being harmed by misfortune, took the elixir and rushed to the moon to ascend to the sky.嫦娥为了保护老百姓不被逢蒙所害,吃了仙药,奔月升天到了月亮上。

范文:Legend has it that Chang'e was Yi's wife. She shot nine suns to benefit the people. An old Taoist admired him and gave him a package of elixirs for immortality.He gave them to Chang'e for safekeeping. Disciple Yi coveted the elixir of immortality. Chang E swallowed t...

Once upon a time,a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. 。One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother。Hou Yi obtained not dead Dan. Was known by loose Mongolia that loose Mongolia robs, Chang E from, does not have no recourse swallows down th...

he became hunting again.She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi,immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents 中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把...

关于嫦娥奔月的英语故事:嫦娥奔月 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for Chinese people all over the world to come together, eat special cakes and gaze at the full moon。 中秋节是一个全世界的华人和家人聚在一起吃月饼、赏月亮的节日。 Though a happy occasion, there's a heartbreaking story ...

当日正是八月十五,月亮又大又亮,因不舍后羿,嫦娥就停在了离地球最近的月亮,从此长居广寒宫。后羿回家后心痛不止,于是每年八月十五便摆下宴席对着月亮与嫦娥团聚。英文版:Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met ...

cents.翻译 很久很久以前,有一个男人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥。有一天,他开始打猎。遇到了王母娘娘,首先寻求不朽,剂量不朽,我们马上就能不朽。当何鸿燊不情愿的时候,妻子把不朽的东西放在他的枕头下。三天后。他又开始打猎了。她并没有趁后羿不朽吞到肚子里,马上飞到月亮上成仙。



张家川回族自治县13818104568: 嫦娥奔月的英语故事短一些 -
驹庾香连: Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was ...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 中秋传说之一——嫦娥奔月(英语、短一点) -
驹庾香连:[答案] Once upon a time,a man named Hou Yi,he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e.One day,he became hunting,met the Queen ... 中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 150字左右嫦娥奔月故事,英文版 -
驹庾香连: 嫦娥奔月 The story should begin with Houyi shooting down the suns. Long long time ago, Houyi and Changer were known as a happy couple in heaven and were deeply in love with each other. After Houyi shooting down the suns, the Jade Emperor ...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 帮忙写个英语作文,嫦娥奔月的故事.30词左右 -
驹庾香连:[答案] Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met ... When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting ...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 求一篇英文作文《嫦娥奔月》求一篇关于嫦娥奔月的故事 叙事篇. -
驹庾香连:[答案] Chang'e's husband was a great hero in their tribe,and he got a present from the angel from the heaven.The present were two pills which were long life drug.Chang'e's husband planed to share these two p...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 嫦娥奔月的英语短文50词 -
驹庾香连:[答案] Once upon a HouYi time,a man named Hou Yi,he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e.One day,he became hunting,met the Queen Mother,the first to seek immortality,the dose of immortality,we will be able to ...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 嫦娥奔月的故事用英语讲的 -
驹庾香连: Legend, in ancient time have a year, heaven appeared ten the sun, the earth smoking hot straight, the water of the sea is dried up, and the common people see can no longer life.It moved a hero named houyi, he boarded the kunlun peak, the full ...

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 嫦娥奔月的神话故事(必须是英文版的)(短一点) -
驹庾香连: Once lived a couple happily. But the woman wanted to be God. So she ate two tablets and flew up to the moon und lived there alone forever.

张家川回族自治县13818104568: 求嫦娥奔月的英语作文.急.传说嫦娥偷吃了家中贮藏的不死之药后飞到了天上,由于牵挂她的丈夫后羿,她留在了离地球最近的月球上,嫦娥奔月的故事代表... -
驹庾香连:[答案] Chang E rushes the month to hand down,ancient times time had a year,the space appeared ten sun,straight roasted the earth to brave the smoke,the sea water to dry out,the common people shortly were una...

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